Martial God Asura

Chapter 5454 – Emergence of the Demon

Chapter 5454: Emergence of the Demon

“What’s happening, World Spiritist Painter?” 

Both Long Suqing and Long Kuitian questioned the World Spiritist Painter. Anxiety could be heard in their voices. 

Instead of answering the question, the World Spiritist Painter replied, “Milord, you need to take young master Long Chengyu and young miss Long Muxi out of here right now!”

Those words alerted the crowd to how dangerous of a situation they were in.


The shaking suddenly intensified as the sealed All Lives Are Equal Palace shattered into pieces like a fallen mirror. The black aura furiously gushed out. 

Everything had happened so fast that by the time the crowd registered the situation, the black aura had already enveloped the sky. 

The billowing black aura was frightening as it was, but even more so were the eight blood-red eyes hidden within it that gazed upon the world like a demon god. A monster of incomparable proportions was hiding inside the black aura.  

To be more accurate, the black aura was being released by the monster itself. It was just that the monster was so big that it covered the sky. Even the sharp eyes of a cultivator were unable to see its full form. 

A chill ran down everyone’s spines, including Long Suqing and Long Kuitian. They could sense an incredibly violent aura mixed with extremely devastating power from the monster. 

“W-what’s that?”

Many were shocked out of their wits. Some even burst into tears or screamed in panic. It was not that they were cowardly but that the monster was simply too terrifying. It instilled fear from the very depths of their hearts.

From the moment the monster appeared, the crowd knew that they were doomed. 

“Hahaha, I succeeded! I actually succeeded!” 

Jia Lingyi suddenly burst into laughter. Her face, which was previously scrunched in pain, now revealed endless glee and arrogance. 

The crowd turned their attention to her.

“Chu Feng, are you surprised? You must have thought that victory was yours now that you have the Totem Dragon Clan on your side. Too bad you were wrong. The person who is going to win today is me, Jia Lingyi!”

Jia Lingyi pointed her finger at the monster in the sky as she turned toward the World Spiritist Painter and ordered, “World Spiritist Painter, tell them what that monster is.”

The World Spiritist Painter quietly glared at Jia Lingyi, choosing not to heed her order. He was certain now that she was an accomplice to the culprit who freed the monster from its seal.

Jia Lingyi smirked. She cast a sweeping glance across the crowd before her gaze finally fell on Chu Feng. “Chu Feng, do you want to know what that is?”

“What is it?” Chu Feng asked.

“That is the true master of the All Lives Are Equal Palace. It’s made out of the malevolent intent of countless deceased beings. You should be able to sense how powerful it is. My true purpose here isn’t just to bring you down but to release this monster too. Not even Long Kui and Long Suqing can save you anymore. All of you… are going to die!” Jia Lingyi spat gleefully.

There was not a single person who doubted her words. 

Even Long Kui and Long Suqing had lost hope upon sensing the monster’s strength. The only thought in their minds was how they could flee from here.

Only one person remained calm in this situation, and he was none other than Chu Feng.

“Jia Lingyi, does that monster heed your orders?” Chu Feng asked.

“You’re doubting me? Very well, I’ll satisfy your curiosity then!” 

Jia Lingyi reached into her robe. 

Long Kui, Long Suqing, and the World Spiritist Painter instinctively tried to stop her, but before they could make a move, the black aura suddenly billowed. 


An oppressive might from the sky held them in place. 

They could only watch helplessly as Jia Lingyi pulled out a dark purple token from her robe. The token emanated an energy that resonated with the black aura in the sky. 

With this token in hand, Jia Lingyi first looked at the bound Long Kui and Long Suqing before finally turning her sights to Long Muxi. “Long Muxi, you think that you’re above everyone else because of your high birth. You thought nothing of me and my Pill Dao Immortal Sect. You must have chosen to help Chu Feng because you thought crushing me is as easy as trampling on an ant. You have severely underestimated me and the Pill Dao Immortal Sect. You, your younger brother, and your aunt could have continued living your lofty lives, but all of you are going to die today because you insisted on helping Chu Feng. Remember this as you breathe your last: You’re the one who brought this upon the others!”

Long Muxi hung her head in shame. She knew that Jia Lingyi was intentionally spiting her, but she had to admit that there was some truth in what the latter said. She was not afraid of death, but she hated how she had dragged others down with her.

“Chengyu, aunt, Elder Tian, Elder Painter, my deepest apologies… I dragged you all into this,” Long Muxi apologized.

“What are you saying, Muxi?” Long Suqing and Long Kui didn’t blame her in the least.

Long Chengyu burst into laughter and said, “Big sister, we are Totem Dragon Clansmen! How can you allow that woman’s words to shake you? Does our death change the fact that she’s an ant? Of course not. She’s still an ant no matter what she does.”

He then turned to Jia Lingyi and said, “Jia Lingyi, stop prattling your head off and get along with it. Your Pill Dao Immortal Sect is going to pay the price anyway if we die here. I’m just going off a step earlier than you.”

The crowd was impressed by Long Chengyu’s words. He wasn’t just putting on a brave front here. He was truly not afraid of death at all.

“Long Chengyu, I didn’t think that you would have such spunk in you. Let’s see if you can retain that attitude even after your death!” 

Murderous intent flashed across Jia Lingyi’s eyes as she pointed the token at Long Chengyu and the others.


The black aura in the sky receded as a colossal black claw emerged. Even the slightest movement from this colossal black claw was able to raise the wildest winds; the sheer destructive prowess it harnessed was unimaginable. 

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Cries of agony echoed as fresh blood rained on the ground. Tens of thousands of people were instantaneously torn to shreds. 

Despite being the one who ordered the monster’s attack, Jia Lingyi’s eyes widened in shock. The crowd also revealed looks of confusion. Their reactions were understandable, for the tens of thousands of casualties were all from the Pill Dao Immortal Sect. 

But how could this be? If Jia Lingyi was in control of the monster, why would the monster kill those from the Pill Dao Immortal Sect?

“What are you doing, Jia Lingyi? Are you finally repenting for your evil deeds?” 

Long Chengyu burst into laughter. He was already prepared for death, but who could have thought that Jia Lingyi would commit such a grave mistake?

Jia Lingyi gritted her teeth in anger. She pointed the token she was tightly clasping in her hand at Long Chengyu and the others once more.

The colossal claw swiped down from the sky once more. 


Another tens of thousands of people collapsed to the ground. Once again, they were all from the Pill Dao Immortal Sect. 

“Milord, spare us! Spare us!”

The survivors of the Pill Dao Immortal Sect looked at Jia Lingyi pleadingly. Some of them even kneeled down and begged Jia Lingyi to spare them.

Jia Lingyi felt indignant too. She examined the token in her hand while murmuring in confusion, “Why did this happen?”

She didn’t dare to carelessly invoke the token anymore.

Long Chengyu retracted his smile to assess the terrifying monster in the sky. He, Long Muxi, and the others had noticed that something was off about the situation. Jia Lingyi could have made a mistake once, but it was far too much of a coincidence for the same thing to happen twice. 

While the crowd was trying to figure out what was happening, the black aura in the sky finally receded, revealing the true form of the monster in the sky. The monster began to contract till it was only around a hundred meters in height. 

The crowd was finally able to see the monster’s true form. It resembled a panther, but it had eight long claws reminiscent of snakes. It had three antlers on its head and eight blood-red eyes. Even when it had contracted to only a hundred meters in height, it still felt as intimidating as a demon from hell. 

No one dared to look at it, fearing that they would be next after the casualties from the Pill Dao Immortal Sect. 

The monster descended from the sky and landed in front of Chu Feng. What it did next baffled the crowd.

The terrifying existence that instilled despair even in a Nine Flags Dragon Warrior actually kneeled down in front of Chu Feng. It was submitting to him!

The crowd was both astounded and shocked. Jia Lingyi’s eyes were practically bulging out of disbelief. 

Chu Feng chuckled softly before saying, “Jia Lingyi, do you finally know who’s the one who let it out?”

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