Martial God Asura

Chapter 5090: The Awakened God

Chapter 5090: The Awakened God

While Chu Feng was saving the crowd with the Asura World Spirit Army, a huge incident broke out in the Monstrous Spirit Clan.

All Monstrous Spirit Clansmen were gathered in front of the stone sculpture they had worshiped for tens of thousands of years now with complicated looks in their eyes. More specifically, they were staring at the pendant worn by the stone sculpture.

They noticed that there was some kind of fluid contained inside the pendant, filling it to the brim. On top of that, the pendant was glowing as brightly as the sun.

The Monstrous Spirit Clansmen had no idea what was going on, but they had a feeling that this was an omen that something huge was going to happen.



Cracks started appearing on the stone sculpture.

“Lord Clan Chief, what’s going on?”

The Monstrous Spirit Clansmen turned to the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief in panic. The Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief quickly stepped forward and attempted to stop the stone sculpture from cracking open.


However, before the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief could get close to the stone sculpture, a powerful surge of energy suddenly burst out of the stone sculpture. It sent the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief flying into the crowd, knocking down those who were in her path.

By the time she managed to curb the force, she realized that all of the clansmen whom she had knocked down had all lost their lives. She herself had also suffered severe muscle tears and bone fractures.

“Lord Clan Chief!!”

The Monstrous Spirit Clansmen quickly rushed forward to treat the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief, but it only made them tear up out of nervousness. The injuries of the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief were so severe that it was impossible to heal her up.

“T-that is…”

One of the clansmen looked at the sculpture and gasped in horror. The crowd quickly followed suit, and their faces swiftly paled too.

The sculpture had completely crumbled, and a figure now stood in its place. It was an average-looking middle-aged man with an appearance identical to the stone sculpture, just that he was made out of flesh and blood.

That alerted the Monstrous Spirit Clansmen to a possibility so frightening that all of them found themselves at a loss for words.

The middle-aged man stretched his body a little before finally reaching for the pendant hanging around his neck. Then, his lips curled into a smile.

“It’s indeed that brat? I haven’t waited in vain,” the middle-aged man said.

Despite his appearance, his voice was hoarse like an old man.

“Milord, i-is it you? Did you come back to life?” the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief asked feebly.

The current situation was inconceivable to her, but she couldn’t think of any other possibility here.

“I have never died. I have been here all along,” the middle-aged man replied.

“Milord, if you have been here all along, why didn’t you say a word over all of these years? Were you bound by the stone sculpture?” the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief asked concernedly.

“You must be joking. Did you think that the poison concocted by your Monstrous Spirit Clan could curb me? I petrified myself of my own will,” the middle-aged man replied.

“You petrified yourself? W-why?”

The Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief and the others couldn’t understand why the middle-aged man would do such a thing.

“Since I have time to spare, I’ll at least fulfill your curiosity before sending you on your way.”

The middle-aged man first looked at the sky before he sat down on the floor and looked at the Monstrous Spirit Clansmen.

“It was under the guidance of a master that I came here back then. The master told me to look for the Monstrous Spirit Clan and await the arrival of a junior who would aid me in mastering my divine skill. Everything that I did back then was in accordance with the master’s instructions, including constructing the puppet army for you.

“The master calculated two possibilities for me. If the Monstrous Spirit Clan was thankful for my help and welcomed me with the utmost cordiality, I would be able to meet that junior much earlier, and the Monstrous Spirit Clan would achieve an unprecedented level of prosperity. But obviously, your Monstrous Spirit Clan was too foolish to enjoy such a blessing,” the middle-aged man sneered.

The Monstrous Spirit Clansmen showed looks of guilt. They knew that they had done the middle-aged man injustice back then.

“That master told me that if the Monstrous Spirit Clan knows not of gratitude and allows greed to get the better of them, I might not be able to meet the junior. Fortunately, he imparted me with an alternative method should such a situation occur. He told me to turn into a stone sculpture, and that would aid me in staying safe and recuperating from my injuries. Most important of all, I’d eventually meet the junior, though it would take much longer.

“I didn’t think it would take that long, but I wouldn’t have recovered if not for that. After all, I nearly died back then.”

A deep smile formed on the middle-aged man’s lips.

“I’m glad that my patience paid off.”

He lifted his pendant up to examine it once more. He was delighted by the changes that had happened with the pendant.

“Milord, is the person you’re waiting for Chu Feng?” the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief asked.

“Chu Feng? I won’t know until I meet him in person, but I reckon… it should be him?” the middle-aged man replied.

“Milord, you mentioned that he can help you master your divine skill, but Chu Feng is only a Martial Exalted level cultivator. How would he be able to help you?” the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief asked.

“How else? By taking his talent and life, of course,” the middle-aged man replied.

The faces of the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief and the others paled.

Even though they had worshiped this middle-aged man for many years, they also thought that Chu Feng was a decent person too. They couldn’t bear the thought of him being sacrificed by the middle-aged man as fodder for the latter’s divine skill.

That being said, none of them voiced their opposition toward the middle-aged man’s decision. It went without saying that the middle-aged man was more important to them than Chu Feng. After all, they had worshiped this middle-aged man for countless years, and their reverence toward him was unshakable.

“It’s about time. I need to go now.”

The middle-aged man rose to his feet, but as he did so, he casually waved his hand toward the Monstrous Spirit Clansmen.




Countless dull thuds echoed.

The Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief stared at the sight before her in utmost shock. She was still alive, but she was completely covered in blood. Not only so, but a massive puddle of blood had also formed around her.

It was the blood of her clansmen.

With just a single strike from the middle-aged man, all Monstrous Spirit Clansmen, with the exception of her, had all been reduced to blood water.

“Milord, i-is this your doing?”

The Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief looked at the middle-aged man with a look of disbelief. It was a redundant question since she had witnessed it with her own eyes, but she was unable to accept it.

“Who else could it be other than me?” the middle-aged man replied nonchalantly.

“Milord, you… But why?! Since you were conscious all this while, you should have known how much we worship you. Even if our ancestors have done your injustice, none of us here have shown the slightest disrespect toward you!” the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief exclaimed in despair.

The Monstrous Spirit Clan revered the middle-aged man as their god, but their god had now massacred them all.

“You’re right. It’s your ancestors who deserve to die. But I can’t exact vengeance on them now that they are all already dead, so I can only vent my anger on their descendants. You shouldn’t be blaming me for this. You should be blaming your ancestors for their greed instead.”

The middle-aged man waved his hand once more, and the Monstrous Spirit Clan’s Clan Chief was reduced to a puddle of blood too.

With that, the Monstrous Spirit Clan had gone completely extinct.

Despite having reduced so many beautiful ladies into a massive puddle of blood, the middle-aged man didn’t look fazed in the least. Instead, his attention was on the pendant around his neck.

“Chu Feng, is it? The time is ripe. You’re next.”

With those words, the middle-aged man disappeared into thin air.

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