The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 947: Only You Can Do I

Chapter 947: Only You Can Do I

Hexi pursed and said after her mood was stabilized, “But don’t forget, the premise of this bet is that it will only be my turn if Lu Zhixi can’t cure it. If she is cured, then I’m considered lost.”

After all, there was still a first come first serve. Lu Zhixi came to the city lord’s mansion earlier than she did, and she had been treating Zhuge Xiaotian long ago. Hexi came later, so she should let Lu Zhixi finish her treatment first.

And this was one of the reasons why the odds of the bet was extremely biased toward Lu Zhixi.

Nangong Yu didn’t say anything like he believed in her as before. Instead, he squinted and smiled lightly, “The premise of the bet is indeed like this, but I bet she can’t cure it.”

“Huh?” Hexi looked up at Nangong Yu in astonishment, and she seemed to perceive something different from his expression, “What do you mean by this? Did you do something?”

“Little girl, I trust you so much, but you are suspicious of me!” Nangong Yu smiled and scratched the tip of her nose, and he said in annoyance, “I didn’t do anything; I just learned about the symptoms of the city lord’s son in advance.”

Hexi was startled. The illness of the city lord’s son?

In fact, these 2 days, I have thought about understanding the illness first, but since Lu Zhixi said that she will treat the young city lord 2 days later, I have never left this Lanxiang Courtyard.

Immediately, in the early morning, Ren Xueling and Li Zhenyu also ran over, seeming to ridicule and warn her not to leave the yard for help for these 2 days, otherwise it would be considered cheating.

Hexi had always been confident in her medical skills. With her current level, the results would still be the same without seeing the situation of the city lord’s son in advance.

So since Lu Zhixi didn’t go out and there were warnings from Ren Xueling and Li Zhenyu, she stayed in this yard too; she didn’t try to find a way to know about the illness of the city lord’s son.

Now that Hexi heard Nangong Yu’s words, she couldn’t help showing a look of surprise.

Is the illness of this city lord’s son really so strange? Nangong Yu is so sure that Lu Zhixi can’t treat it? What kind of illness could it be?

Hexi couldn’t help but ask her doubts, “What kind of illness makes you conclude that Lu Zhixi can’t cure it? Didn’t you say that you don’t know Lu Zhixi? How can you determine that?”

Nangong Yu shook his head and said, “I don’t know how high Lu Zhixi’s medical skills are. I can only be sure that there has never been such a patient in the history of Miluo Continent. Or in other words, no one in this entire continent can treat the disease of the young city lord.”

As he said, he looked down at Hexi with deep trust in his eyes and an inexplicable meaning, “Xi’er, if anyone on this continent can cure this strange disease, I think it’s you.”

Hexi’s heart jumped, and she looked straight at Nangong Yu’s eyes.

What does Nangong Yu mean? Did he discover that I’m not from this world?

She gave a low cough and diverted the subject, “What illness is this?”

Nangong Yu squinted, suddenly stretched out her hand to hug her tightly into his arms, and slowly said, “Xi’er, have you ever heard of a monster that comes out at night and likes to suck human blood like a bat?”

Hexi raised her head abruptly. This time, her face really showed a shocked expression, “Are you talking about a vampire?!”

TL: Vampire? If that’s the case, can it be cured?

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