I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot

Chapter 1276: 18.114 First Grey Star - Cthulhu

Chapter 1276: 18.114 First Grey Star - Cthulhu

A struggle between two enormous marine creatures began with the unexpected appearance of the Moray Eel God. One is an evil deity born to destroy all in its path, and the other is a sea god with the blessings of heaven. Despite the fact that they are polar opposites, the two are solely related to each other.

There are explosions and massive weights dropping, and the place is filled with the sound of gruff roars, old language, and obscenities.

Everything is forgotten by the two fated adversaries, save for one another. As a result, everyone decided to observe the fight between the two enormous creatures. A number of these two's minions also surfaced during the battle, along with the previous seahorse and some enormous venomous jellyfish. The people who looked acceptable and those who looked awful were divided equally in the group.

The Moray Eel God is the acceptable side, and the Evil Octopus God is the source of the ugly and menacing-looking ones.

It is like watching a movie when they fight. This gave the human hunters, who had just finished fighting, a chance to rest. Hei and Guang began tending to the injured, while Su Jin worriedly remained by Lu Ming's side. Lu Ming had entered a profound state of meditation.

Su Jin tried to wake his lover up, but it was of no use. "A'Ming. A'Ming...!"

"Don't wake him up. He is meditating. His original abilities have returned to him, and it would take a long time for him to fully control them. Your situation is not much different from his either, Xiao Jin," Ji Yoonjun said.

Su Jin looked confused and asked, "His previous strength. Does senior mean that ability?"

"Hm. It's not only that. His memories should have returned as well. It's most likely one of the Lords who helped him remember. He is the Lu Ming you have always known," Ji Yoonjun said.

After treating a few more patients, Doctor Hei leaned over to relax. He only feels at ease around Ji Yoonjun, who is aware of all of his talents and secrets. He heard their chat, of course.

"You two are talking in riddles again."

"It wouldn't matter much if you didn't listen," Ji Yoonjun said.

Su Jin added, "Don't be a gossiper, Doctor Hei. Also, stay away from Senior!"

"Darling, that's impossible. Your senior and I had already exchanged secrets together. There is nothing we know about each other~" Doctor Hei said with a teasing tone, clearly playing around with the naive young man.

Su Jin looked at him as if he were a liar and turned his head to look at Ji Yoonjun, as if asking him if the words of this man were true.

"He only knows what you know. But he isn't an outsider but an enlightened one, a special existence like the protagonists, yet he didn't get unique blessings from this world's heaven," Ji Yoonjun said.

The other hunters did not question some of the strange things Ji Yoonjun had just mentioned; their forefathers had long yearned to tell them to be quiet, obey commands, and never inquire into matters not related to training. They acted as though they were not permitted to hear certain questions.

Leica approached the rest of them and said, "We didn't know when those two would finish fighting. A'Shang and I decided to erect a barrier in this place. The training will resume when everything is over. For now, you are free to do anything as long as you don't go too far. Also, don't approach the bed where the two lords are sleeping."

Everyone is aware that they will be spending some time here. Since Leica was taken away, they had been hunting constantly, and their instructor was not in the best of moods at the moment. As a result of being pushed to the brink, their bodies gained strength. Their muscles were strained, and the pain rendered them numb.

Their bodies would experience exhaustion the minute they relaxed, leading to temporary paralysis. There were six hunters resting and twitching on the ground. When Dr. Guang sees them in this state, he assists in massaging their limbs to reduce the pressure on their bodies.

Su Jin was instructed to meditate in the same manner as Lu Ming, his sweetheart. It can be said that Lu Ming and Su Jin, the pair, underwent significant transformations during their training. They all appear more mature than they did previously, notably Lu Ming, who has developed tranquility and dexterity in place of her previous wild aura.

Lu Shang observed the conflict from a distance, clearly preparing to step in once the Moray Eel God's side was defeated. They are still tied as of right now. He watched his sweetie come toward him and grinned.

He asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry. The Lord just asks for help to repair something. As you know, he can only destroy things but not repair anything. That other person can't do it as well. His aura is like Xia Jieye from before, completely leaning to the dark attributes, so he can't repair anything as well."

Leica subtly conveyed to his sweetheart that Lord Chaos had abducted him because he required assistance in mending the earth. Lord Hei's alter ego is called Lord Chaos. He can only murder and destroy things like an executioner because his ability is the same as the original. He cannot attempt to fix a world with worlds. Instead, destroying it is an easy task.

(Leica) Yun Ming is a warden in the Nether System in addition to being the previous God of Fate. They have the same three options for employment in Vearth as in the God System: mediator, repairer, and executioner. Chief Warden Lou is an executioner. Yun Ming is a repairer. They are not only coworkers but also romantic partners.

Even if Lord Chaos is merely Lord Hei's alter ego, Lu Shang saw that he is particularly nice to Yun Ming and the kids. All in all, this is just Lord Hei's regular behavior.

Leica asked, "Lord Chaos wouldn't harm me, but you should stay away from his thoughts. His hatred towards the Lord God is still there. The only reason he is calmer in this world is because..."

"Because the young master and the little princess are with us in this world. After all, for Lord Hei, aside from Milord, the next priority is children and family," Lu Shang said. "You are still tired. Sleep for a while as well."

He asked his partner to use his thigh as a pillow as he sat down on the ground and patted it. Leica grinned at his lover's thoughtful assessment. It is exhausting to repair a hole in the world, especially with a human body. After accepting the offer, he dropped to the ground. There is soft moss growing all over the place. It feels like you are resting on a plush carpet.

The Moray Eel God is facing the Evil Octopus God, not far from the ocean's center. The Moray Eel God's surroundings were charged with a golden radiance that scorched the dark aura that surrounded its opponent's tentacles. Their subordinates, who were battling for their own lives, radiated the same hue as their adversaries.

The entire Anairam Trench Center region is destroyed, even affecting the core region itself, which is currently experiencing whirlpools and earthquakes. These natural calamities claimed the lives of some marine life.

The Moray Eel God spoke, {The Ocean Pearl shall never fall in your hands. You just wanted to destroy this world, and as a guardian, I will not allow you to do so!!}

{Foolish Slave of the Heavens! This world is already on the brink of its own destruction. Once the door to hell opens, every living thing on this earth shall die! Don't doubt that those outsiders will help you. They never cared about this world at all!} The evil octopus God retorted.

{They do not need to help. The beloved sons of this world are enough to protect the world. Didn't you get hurt by one of them?}

The God of Moray Eels jeered. He had witnessed Lu Ming's most recent attack. The latter believed it had no effect on the Evil Octopus God, but upon closer inspection, two of his large tentacles are spreading a thin line that shows no healing wound.


The Evil Octopus God screamed, {It's not too late to kill them now!}

With a motion, he tells his goons to swim back to where the humans are and forget about their opponents. Around the Ocean Pearl, another barrier had been built, and several humans were sleeping inside of it. The hunters were all on guard when they noticed large, hideous marine animals like monk fish, viper fish, and goblin sharks, among others.

Su Jin awakened from his meditative state and took control of all the water surrounding them. All of the approaching sea monsters are caught in a bubble that glows gold.

Su Jin controlled the water elements and commanded, "Shrink!"

The golden water bubble contracts beneath everyone's gaze, squashing whatever is inside of it. Anything inside those bubbles could be crushed by the water pressure. The water became scarlet as all of the Evil Octopus God's servants burst into a mince of flesh and blood in a matter of minutes.

Doctor Guang commented, "Since Xiao Jin can control water at this level, this strength is already in Joker-class hunters!"

"He is a chosen one. Like Lu Ming, he is also one." Doctor Hei said. He is only an enlightened person. He knew some knowledge beyond this world and the truth of this world, but he didn't receive as many blessings as this young couple did.

"Their responsibilities would be bigger when we left this place," Doctor Hei asked.

Mo Yuhan asked, "Can I also get as strong as them in the future?" Seeing his friend get stronger and leaving him behind made him sad.

Ji Yoonjun glanced at Mo Yuhan and said, "Your opportunity might be stronger than theirs; after all, you are the brother of Lord Mo."

Mo Yuhan was stunned at first, but when he saw the quiet sleeping couple on the bed that looked completely out of place, his lips twitched in disbelief.

"Where did they get the bed from?" he asked, shocked.

Doctor Guang retorted, "I don't think that's the right question to ask. Sigh~ I don't understand why you guys are too relaxed. There is still one huge creature in sight, and it looks extremely angry."

"What's the use of it being angry? It can only die if it comes here. Xiao Ming is about to wake up," Doctor Hei said.

Meanwhile, the Evil Octopus God finally lost it when he saw that all of his minions had perished. He had awoken the wicked blood in his body and had ceased holding back. This makes the sea's corrosion more lethal and accelerates its spread. The Moray Eel God was not the only one who sensed danger after viewing this.

He was aware that not even his apostles could be impacted by the terrible thing's dark aura.

The Moray Eel God commanded, {Take away the humans in vicinity. This is the death aura; it can corrupt all living beings, turning them into demons.}

As anticipated, a brief struggle ensued when the black aura ensnared a school of fish that was swimming in the region. Eventually, these common fish transformed into fierce, carnivorous fish that had an innate ability to devour anything that caught their eye. It even showed no fear in the face of a godlike creature such as the Moray Eel God.

{Kill it! Don't you get bitten! You'll get corrupted!!}

{Ah! Agh! Master, save us!}

{No. No. I don't believe this!!}

These corrupted marine monsters bit the marine horse and sea pig, the two weakest apostles of the Moray Eel God. Even the divine aura they carried hardly kept them safe from the darkness, as the death aura quickly permeated throughout their bodies. While the sea pig was devoured until nothing remained of him—not even the bones were spared—the sea horse apostle transformed into a monster.

The Evil Octopus God laughed while emitting an evil aura. {Die. Everything in this sea that cannot be transformed by me can only be eaten. I am the rightful ruler of the sea, God Cthulhu!}

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