Chapter 6368 Lucky Infiltration
The Dark Zephyr incurred damage!
His Saint Kingdom, his azure energy shield and his resonance-empowered archemetal exterior failed to resist the unnaturally effective penetration of the thrown Saint Piercer. Fortunately, the ace light skirmisher still managed to move aside just enough to incur a relatively small cut to the side of his torso, but the outcome could have been worse.
That did not change the fact that the Arena Lord managed to score 'first blood"!
Tusa and his battle partner did not take this setback well. They may have been fighting against worse odds, but they placed so much faith in their evasion ability that they took this incident as a major failing!
The damage to the Dark Zephyr was slight, but the minute drop in performance created a much stronger sense of urgency in Tusa.
If the Arena Lord was able to strike at his ace mech with the Saint Piercer once, then the powerful alien could do so again!
This stimulated Tusa's sense of danger and honed his willpower even further. His control over the tier 3 Destroyer spear increased by a small measure.
He even felt as if he was getting more in sync with the weapon. The two both felt aggrieved at the Arena Lord and wanted to do nothing more than to destroy the greater phase lord!
The power of Blackwing flowed casier through the tier 3 Destroyer spear. Its decreased volatility along with Tusa's greater focus made it seem as if the weapon was about to burst with shadowy power! "THE ARENA LORD'S SPATIAL BARRIER IS ALMOST GONE." The Dark Zephyr spoke to his battle partner. "ONCE THAT HAPPENS, WE CAN BEGIN THE TRUE FIGHT. WE CANNOT STICK TO EVASION. IF WE WANT TO DEFEAT THIS GREATER PHASE LORD, WE WILL NEED TO GO ON THE OFFENSIVE. GET READY TO MAKE USE OF OUR ULTIMATE ABILITY" won't
Saint Tusa's expression grew strained. "Are you sure it will work? I am afraid... be able to pass through all of the way. The Arena Lord's true body is so thick and solid that our Dark Wind Passage will deplete rapidly." "THEN DO NOT TRY ANYTHING FANCY, WAIT FOR AN OPENING AND AIM FOR A LIMB. IF WE CAN SEVER ONE OF HIS LEGS, WE CAN STRIKE A BLOW AGAINST HIS CONFIDENT EGO AND MAKE HIM FIGHT MORE CAUTIOUSLY. HOPEFULLY, THAT WILL GIVE US MORE OPPORTUNITIES."
In the absence of any other alternatives, Tusa decided to adopt this plan. "Let's try, then. Maybe my new spear can help us pierce further. This Destroyer spear is so powerful that should be able to cut through the alien's flesh even if we have shifted to another dimension or phase."
Tusa had never tested it out in reality, but he had a hunch that he might be able to strengthen the Dark Wind Passage Ultimate Ability if he merged it with this deadly spear!
As the Dark Zephyr continued to circle around the Arena Lord of Ya'gwasa, hardly anyone noticed that the Doomspreader Torpedo Launcher had flung a very special payload into open space.
The playfully named Lucky Delivery System was finally being put to use!
As a large and obvious torpedo, the native aliens quickly detected its presence. They already attempted to fire their weapons at the torpedo if they could help it, but the azure energy shield surrounding its shape prevented the attacks from producing any immediate results. "Meow!"
The gem cat stuffed inside the well-protected cage still felt worried, though!
Even though his successive meals had strengthened him to an amazing degree, he was still not capable of contending against ship-grade firepower!
The torpedo did not shake whenever it got struck by a potent attack, but its energy levels constantly fluctuated. Lucky was able to detect these fluctuations and grew more and more worried when the activity grew more volatile.
Lucky did not want to end up getting tossed into deep space, especially while incurring significant damage to his archemetal body!
If the Bluejay Fleet lost the battle to the point where the survivors had to flee in a hurry, then there was a good chance that Lucky would get left behind!
Worse yet, he may end up floating away in a random direction that made it difficult for the gem cat to alter his course and reverse his ballistic course!
The gem cat therefore had plenty of incentives to fight for the Bluejay Fleet and help it defeat the cosmopolitan and native alien fleet.
The cat continued to huddle in his protected cage as the torpedo traversed across the battlefield.
Ves had neglected to provide too many accommodations to Lucky, so the cat did not have a detailed picture of what was taking place outside.
He did not even know where the torpedo was taking him! There were huge differences between trying to infiltrate a human warship and an alien warship.
At one point, the torpedo finally collided against the hull of its target!
This time, the azure energy shield was unable to dissipate the violent impact in its entirety, so Lucky's body smacked against the side of his cage! "Meow meow meow!"
The gem cat hissed in frustration. He definitely intended to pay Ves back for all of this discomfort!
The cat did not forget his mission, though. He had already altered his mechanical body parameters to reduce all of its emissions before phasing through the side of the torpedo. Once Lucky managed to phase out of the crashed torpedo and enter the starship, he immediately concluded that he had been delivered aboard a cosmopolitan warship!
This puzzled the gem cat. He thought that Ves or whoever was in charge of controlling the Doomspreader Torpedo Launcher would send him to an archeship instead. The torpedo began to transmit a subtle data signal that Lucky managed to pick up and decrypt.
The cat received his mission. His primary objective was not to sabotage and disable the enemy warship.
He instead had to invade the human vessel's data room and steal as much relevant. intelligence of the cosmopolitans as he could!
The cat needed to retrieve any information regarding the identity of hidden cosmopolitans, their list of informers, how they managed to organize this ambush beneath the noses of human civilization and more.
More importantly than that, Lucky also needed to find information regarding the Saint Piercer weapons that vexed red humanity!
There were rumors that the native aliens only managed to develop the Saint Piercers in cooperation with the Cosmopolitan Movement.
The Saint Piercer spear that was currently in the hands of the Arena Lord of Ya'gwasa may have originated from one of the cells that were currently in the fight!
This may have been the only way for the radical cosmopolitans to persuade such a formidable greater phase lord to take part in this dangerous gambit.
Whatever the case, any information about how the Saint Piercers were made was crucial to red humanity and perhaps the Larkinson Clan as well.
Lucky grew more serious and made sure to remain phased through the bulkheads of the human warship.
The gem cat was not familiar with the layout of this particular vessel, but most human vessels adopted the same naval architectural design principles.
For example, the ship that appeared to be the size of a heavy cruiser possessed a horizontal layout as opposed to a vertical one liked by the major alien races.
The warship also appeared to be highly automated, which made sense as the cosmopolitans were too much of a fringe group to attract a large amount of hardcore supporters.
This made life easier for Lucky. His combined ECM and other stealth capabilities had grown quite a lot since last time.
The cat also had the misfortune of being forcefed alloys infused with Solus Gas. Those alloys left a foul taste in his mouth, but it had triggered a substantial upgrade to his archemetal body that naturally reduced its emissions, similar to the Dark Zephyr! Therefore, all of the advanced detection methods and monitoring systems that constantly checked the interior of the human vessel for intruders had no idea that a cat was lurking towards the center of the hull!
Everything important about a ship was typically placed deep inside the citadel of the ship.
Lucky managed to cross from the outer sections of the human warship and smoothly infiltrate the citadel without tripping any of the alarms that were highly sensitive towards intrusions.
This was quite an accomplishment as the stuff inside the citadel was so sensitive that its walls were constantly being watched.
It was here that Lucky started to detect the presence of more personnel. The cosmopolitan spacers all looked concerned. Their fleet was not doing well, and they had already lost plenty of ships during this fight.
However, the cosmopolitans also retained a sense of fanaticism. Each of them felt confident that the greater phase lords that they managed to invite to this star system at great cost would deliver them victory in the end!
Even if their ship and everyon aboard her got blown to pieces, the sacrifice was worth it as long as the Cosmopolitan Movement managed to preserve its footing among red humanity!
Lucky wanted to jump out and claw their necks out, but he restrained this stupid impulse and continued to sneak towards the compartments that were better guarded.
The cat passed by azure energy shield generators, smaller power reactors, life support systems and even a command center where cosmopolitan officers frantically tried to direct the dwindling number of ships that were still persisting on the battlefield. None of the cosmopolitan officers noticed the undetectable passage of a black archemetal cat phasing through the deck where they stood.
Lucky guessed he was getting closer. An important chamber such as a command center was usually located close to a data room in order to minimize data leaks. With his sharp senses, he was able to detect where most of the data transmissions were passing through.
The cat managed to find the data room.
Unfortunately, as soon as he took a peek inside, he noticed that the hardware was completely different from what he was accustomed to. Instead of being greeted by rows and rows of processor banks and memory banks, he was instead greeted by a forest of white crystals!
The crystals all lit up in different patterns as they processed, retrieved or transmitted data to other sections of the ship.
What surprised Lucky the most was the large oval crystal floating in the center.
Even though no cables or other parts connected it to the rest of the data room, the crystal generated a strange and unusual energy field that instantly put Lucky on guard! The cat quickly tried to look up similar crystals in his extensive materials database. He soon managed to find a match that was so astonishing that he had to suppress his desire to jump and meow in surprise!
A Mentalist Crystal!
The cosmopolitans were actually using a Mentalist Crystal to enhance the performance of their data room!
Even Lucky knew that this was an extravagant use of such a strategic material! The gem cat began to feel mixed. He normally possessed a lot of appetite for rare and precious materials, but why did it have to be a crystal?!
Even if he was technically able to ingest crystalline materials, to an existence like Lucky, this was nothing different from eating his own body waste!
Lucky struggled to balance his desires.
Eventually, his greed to evolve his body eventually managed to vanquish his disgust towards eating a large crystal.
In the face of a huge opportunity to improve his cognitive performance, Lucky was more than willing to cat the most disgusting materials in the universe!
The gem cat had slowly snuck closer while still making sure he remained phased through the deck.
Once he came close enough to pull off his heist, Lucky carefully examined the entire data room and confirmed that there was nothing that could hinder his attempt.
He moved into action!
Just as his body leapt out of the deck and soared towards the mysterious floating
Mentalist Crystal, the gem cat suddenly got struck by an electrical attack that shocked him and blasted him off-course! "MEOW!"
A net appeared out of nowhere and tried to catch Lucky's body. However, the gem cat recovered quickly enough to blast away and avoid getting entangled! Before he could phase back into the deck, a large amount of azure energy shields came online, preventing Lucky from departing the data room with ease! "Well, well, well. What do we have here? An intruder has arrived."
An armored figure appeared in view. The suited human had deactivated the stealth system that was apparently sophisticated enough to fool Lucky's passive sensors!
The guard that had been watching over the data room looked quite different from other armored soldiers. He not only held another net, but also held a javelin!
The emblem on the chestplate of his armor made his allegiance clear.
He was a Hunter, a member of the Hunting Association!
Lucky had no idea why a Hunter was guarding this data room of all places, but he could not afford to get trapped in this place!
He needed to get out! "Meow!"
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