Monster Integration

Chapter 343 Combat Score

I was a little shocked by his revelation, I thought all the people that had comprehended the Rule power and are below Captain stage came from republic but look like we are not the only lucky ones who got the chance of their life, there are other people also.

"When did you came to the Fort Cavendish?" I asked feeling curious, "Oh, we have come six months ago." replied the handsome boy.

"How rude of us, we sat on your table and hadn't introduced ourselves!" said the girl who was petting Ashlyn a few seconds ago.

"I am Ruby and this fellow here is Seth, and we are from Ardeia." said Ruby as she introduced herself, "We are neighbors then!" I said with a laugh as republic and Ardeia are the neighboring countries.

"You guys from castellan are really lucky to comprehend Rule from Awakening Ground, here everyone has to pay a shitload of Merit points if they want to comprehend Rule power," Ruby said as he looked around the bar where many people looking at us with envious gazes.

"You can comprehend Rule power here?" I asked in surprise, I had guessed in the place like Grimm Battlefield there would be facilities that help people comprehend the Rule but I did not expect it to have it in the Fort Cavendish as it just outpost of Grimm Battlefield 11, not one of the important battlefronts and there is no mention of it in the introductory document that provided to us by Fort Cavendish.

"Yeah, Fort Cavendish has a Rule palace but it cost one shitload of Merit points if one has to do that."

"We were quite lucky to get a chance to comprehend Rule power without paying anything, these people have to work hard for at least a year before they could amass enough Merit points to enter the Rule palace," said Seth as he looked at the people sitting on the bar.

I could only nod to that, I don't know how much merit point needed to enter Rule palace of Fort Cavendish but it is huge to make Captain evolver work hard for a year to amass them.

"Have you guys joined the Guild?" I asked the question that I had been wanting to ask for quite a while.

Hearing my question, their faces lit up like a lightbulb and look of pride had appeared on their faces.

"Of course we joined the guild, we joined the very week we landed in the fort Cavendish," said Seth laughingly.

"If you don't mind me asking, which one is it?" I asked, before coming to the bar, I had read about all the A, B and S Class guilds of fort Cavendish.

"It's Black Thunder." both of them said in unison and looked of pride couldn't be more apparent on their faces.

As they said the name of their guild, I started to remember details of the guild that I read less than an hour ago.

"Our guild is A-Class guild and counted in top 10 A class guilds in the Cavendish City and our guild is also an official subsidiary of Raging Thunder, the S Class guild in the Fort Cavendish." informed set in a sort of bragging voice.

His voice is also pitched louder as if he wanted to let the whole bar know that he was from Black Thunder.

His loud voice got intended effect and many people in the bar looked at him enviously, a trace of lodging could be seen in their eyes as they looked at black lightning bolt badge on Seth and Ruby's chest.

I have noticed many people wearing badges in their chests, these batches seem to be a representation of their guilds.

"Micheal, seeing how we hit it off, I can refer you to my Guild but to get in you will have to have combat score of 1000 at least."

Combat Score, this is a special term of Grimm Battlefield which is used to measure combat power. I did not understand this term properly when I read it the first time in the introductory document but after talking with Seth, I understood it properly.

In the Grimm Battlefield, one's level is not the correct way to measure combat power as most of the people here have Rule power, so they have combat score which shows the real power of one.

It may not be a perfect way to measure up but it is way more accurate than the conventional method.

"So, Micheal when do you plan to measure your combat score?" Asked Seth, "Tomorrow." I replied straightforwardly.

There is no going ahead without measuring up the combat score, it is a must for joining the guilds as every guild demand certain combat score to become their member.

"Do you guys know the combat score requirement of Guilds?" I asked, "Of course, we know," said Seth, excited to share his knowledge.

"To join a C Class guild, you won't even have to submit your Combat score to them, they will take you in knowing enough that you have Rule power," Seth said.

"As for B Class guides they require a combat score of 500 or above, it goes higher depending upon how powerful that guild is."

"A Class Guild will require minimum Combat score of 1000 but that is for normal people as some A-Class guilds will make a compromise for people like us who had comprehended Rule power at such young age."

"If you want to join our Guild Black Thunder, you will at least need more than 1300 points, their requirement could be lessened 10 to 20 points if you have a recommendation, if you manage to get recommendation from high-level member of Guild them a requirement could be lessened to 100 points maximum," Seth said.

"What about the requirement of S Class Guild?" I asked when he didn't say anything about it.

"Hehehe S Class guild." Seth laughed weirdly.

"Everyone who was able to enter the S Class guild are demons, there is no requirement to join the S Class Guild but if one wants to join it then one will need to have combat score 4000 at least and that is just to apply in it and most of the people who apply to them got rejected."

"As I've said, S class guilds do not accept normal people, they only accept demons or those who have potential to become one," Seth said with a mirthless laugh.

Combat Score of 4000, I don't have any idea how much that is but seeing how handsome the face of Seth contorted into something ugly, it really must be huge and all that huge score is enough to make an application and not acceptable, that is really tells something.

I couldn't help but wonder what my combat score would be.

"If you guys don't mind, can you tell me what was your combat score when you first joined the guild?"

I did not ask what their current Combat Score is that would be too much, I am only asking their Combat Score which they used to apply for their guild.

They both stood silent for a while, seeing their silence I was prepared to apologize as it may seem too much but before I could speak, Seth replied for my question.

"When I first time measured my Combat Score it was 1368, Ruby's was little higher than me, hers was 1452," replied Seth with the same prideful smile as he was proud of his score.

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