Monster Integration

3412 Pass

“So, how is he?” asked the middle-aged beastman sitting in a metal chair. “He has deep healing knowledge; seemed to know about everything.”

“He is also smug, looking down on all healers. Especially when he asked the question and nobody seemed to know the answer,” replied a woman with marble black skin.

“Do you think he will be able to help us?” asked the middle-aged man. “I don’t know, sky lord,” she replied with a shake of her head.

“We shouldn’t waste any time on a grade 4 healer. We should focus on getting a Grade 6 healer from Anaeb; I am sure they will know, what is wrong with our little flower,” said a human woman, who looked to be in her mid-thirties.

“I am trying love, but people from Prime are not easy,” said the middle-aged man, while massaging his head.

In the past three years, they had called all types of healers. Including the lone Grade 6 healer of their organization has and two Grade 6, from their allies, but they have failed to find the treatment.

It could be said they have become desperate, that they have now started to look at Grade 4 or anyone who seemed to give them a little hope.

He has the power to crush the city, but he never felt so helpless as he is right now.

“Keep your eyes on him,” he said to the woman and slumped back in his chair. 

If not for responsibilities, he would have gone to Anaeb himself, but he couldn’t as long as that gate is in his city.

“I am not going to tell you the answer, Masd. It is you for you to find out,” I said to the man.

“I am not asking you for an answer, Brock. I will find that on my own,” he refuted, to which I smiled, before waving at him and walking away.

It was a productive discussion and the question I asked was quite tricky. I wonder whether anyone will be able to find an answer, including the ones who snooping on our discussion.

I will know it in any week, or I will reveal it myself.

I pushed the thought of the question and walked toward my destination. It is not my house, but a place I planned to visit. Since the first day, I have come to this city.

Taking a teleportation formation would be much easier.

I walked while watching the lovely city; people are the street, laughing, smiling or just walking.

I smiled, seeing them, and wish I had been in the company of a certain woman. 

I miss her desperately, but I am not going to see her soon.

It had been more than two years since we left our world, and I couldn’t help but wonder whether my child had been born yet.

It is likely, even Marina had said, that it will take at least a decade for that to happen, but she said those words when she was a Primary II.

I am sure she wouldn’t be at that level now and that changes things. It could expedite her pregnancy or slow it down, nothing could be said.

A little more than an hour passed, and I pushed those thoughts away and focused on the task head.

I once again appeared in front of the marble gate and the pillars around it.

Even at this time, there are lines in front of each one of those pillars. I looked around before appearing in front of a pillar with the shortest line.

Everyone needs to line up, even the governor of the city will have to line up. These are the rules set by the people who have placed these pillars and even the Governor wouldn’t dare to breach them.

There are six people in front of me; they would need half an hour to an hour.

I didn’t mind. I simply stood in line, enjoying the night.

I wanted to snoop on the conversation with people around me, but I couldn’t do it around the pillar. Though, that didn’t stop me from listening to the conversation about the couple in front of me with good old ears.

They are arguing about the silly thing, but are quite mad at each other.

The conversation had stopped being about the silly thing, and now it is all about winning the argument.

The argument continued until it was the woman’s turn to try. Where they stopped arguing and the man wished good luck to his girlfriend.

Seven minutes later, the woman put her hand down in disappointment. Her eyes are even teary. The man hugged her and whispered something in her ears, before putting his hand on the pillar.

Six minutes later, he also put his hand down in disappointment.

It is not easy to pass the test within. If it had been, thousands would have passed it, instead of a little over a hundred.

I placed my hand on it and a moment later; I felt myself getting pulled and found myself floating in space with thousands of icons around me.

These are the subjects. There are thousands of them. I only need to choose one.

I choose runes, of course.


The icon lit up, and a formation appeared in front of me, with ten hours as the timer.

I studied it for more than fifteen minutes, before started to solve it. Here, there were no restrictions on using the clones, but I didn’t.

I want to solve it on my own.

The formation is good, but not difficult. It is easier than what I had faced in the last test of the library.

So, it was no surprise that I was able to solve it, within two hours and seventeen minutes.


It buzzed, and I find myself out with everyone staring at me. 

The people behind me, even had a shock in their eyes. I smiled at them, before turning to my wrist, where the pass had imprinted itself.

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