Monster Integration

3399 Method

“This little pain is not enough to turn me into a vegetable,” said a clear, crisp voice, with a hint of anger.

The voice came so suddenly that I got shocked by it before I controlled myself and blushed. It seemed like I had got so frustrated with repeated tries and thought out loud.

“My apologies. It was not an intention to say those words,” I apologized, but there was no reply.

“Who are you?” she asked after a couple of seconds of silence.

“I am Oro. I have seen three peak Sovereigns, burying you in a death coffin and leaving. I brought you out after they left,” I replied.

“Bastards!” she cursed loudly, with deep bubbling anger, which I could feel clearly, but a moment later, all the anger disappeared.

“So, you are saying you rescued me and had a code ready to break the death coffin?” she asked, clearly not believing me, which surprised me.

Most people in conditions wouldn’t be able to think rationally and believe whatever the person is saying.

“You might not believe me, but I am quite a code breaker,” I replied. 

“You would need to bring out the code in the coffin, before breaking it. The code isn’t easy, it takes weeks to solve even for the best runemaster of Sovereign Grade,” she said, and I felt her focus on me getting heavy.

Clearly, she is not believing me, and she is wise to do that.

“Yes, it is hard, and I needed to use precious single-use artifacts for that,”

“I hope you will reimburse me for that,” I replied.

“As if I could. They have filled my body with asaeran substance, found the ruin that Ishban control.”

“Seeing how they operate against people like me. I shouldn’t have over three days to live,” she said, and sighed.

“How far are you from the closest city or do you have something that will allow intercontinental messaging?” she asked.

“The closest city is three days away, but I could reach the people in a day, but don’t have any hope. They are unlikely to listen since they are at war with another city,”

“As for intercontinental messaging artifact; I heard only primes have such a thing,” I replied.


Except for the audible sigh, there was no answer from her.

“Even if you reach the closest city; they won’t be able to contact the headquarters before it is too late,”

“It seemed like. I will be paying for my mistakes earlier than I had expected,” she said to herself.

“Thank you, Oro. I will die in peace knowing the last words I spoke wouldn’t be with betrayers. I will mention you in my last message to the alkaz.”

“They might even give you a chance to join their ranks. Seeing you are able to break the death coffin and contacted my soul, despite the influence of asaeran in me,” she said.

“I have no interest in alkaz and there is another reason I contacted you,” I said to her.

Immediately, I felt her guard up. I could feel, if she wished, she could break the connection.

She is likely suspecting I was Ishban and contacted her for information. It was quite a known strategy among the Grimms. They would use traitors to play rescuers to get information from us.

“What reason?” she asked, in a clear, alert voice.

“To heal you,” I said, and for a moment, there was a stark silence.


She started to laugh, and it was loud, with her sound coming from all directions. To be honest, I wanted to close my eyes, but I was in her soul, and I couldn’t do anything that bears it.

“Do you even understand what you said, little Sovereign?” she asked.

“The traitors have filled my veins and covered my heart with a substance known as asaeran. It is a very dangerous thing, once triggered, will vaporize anything five miles.”

“It is extremely hard to deal with it. A few had been able to survive it and 80% of those who survived had been healed by a Prime healer,” she said, focusing on me with all her soul.

“Yes, I know, but I had healed myself from such substance a few months ago.” “It was hard, to be honest, with a very small chance of success,” I replied.

“Do you even know asaeran is?” she asked back instead.

“It is a substance, from the wonder of the power of grand art and law. It is made of 82% of grand arts power of earth element, 14% of fire law and 4% other things,” I replied.

“It is accurate information on its structure,” she said, with her voice filled with hesitation.

“It is your choice if you want me to heal you or not,” I said.

I want to heal her as a responsibility to my profession, but I am not going to force her or could force her. Her healing couldn’t be done without her permission.

She would need to be an active participant in it.

“How are you planning on healing me?” she asked after a moment of silence.

“I pla…”

I begin to explain to her in great detail. Though I had omitted a huge amount of information. There is no need for her to know about it.

She only needs to know about the main points and things she will have to do.

“It is a variation of the Veil-Saradon method,” she said, after listening to my explanation.

“Correct,” I confirmed. 

Though I am a little surprised she knew about the method of healing. It is not common. I have not seen a book related to it, in all stores I had visited.

“It had a less than 1% of chance of survival,” she said. 

“From what I can see; your chances of success would be around 10%, due to your level and the synergy, your constitution has with the substance.”

“Though I would be grateful if you could provide me with the information on your inheritance,” I spoke.

“I do not need secret information, just a general one,” I clarified.

“My inheritance is named Golden Earth. It is an inheri…” she begins to explain to surprise me because that inheritance had rung a bell and inside my core, my clone had taken out a tome about it.

I had detailed information about this inheritance. 


It is a regret what happened to that realm. At least, the hosts of the inheritance, still harness its source energy.

“Thank you for the information,” I said as she finished with the explanation.

“So, do you want me to heal you?” I asked.

“Though I do not think a Sovereign like could succeed or even have required resources to even attempt it. It is still better than waiting for the death.” She said giving me permission.

“I will try my hardest. If I am able to save you, I hope you will reimburse me.”

“I will be using very precious resources,” I said to her, to which she laughed.

“I will owe you the greatest favor and will pay you ten times what you had spent,” she promised.

“I hope you remember that,” I said.

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