Monster Integration

3388 Rescue

The moment I killed the Seal Beastman, a couple of soul senses focused on me; several were Earth Sovereigns.

Thankfully, all of them are busy fighting. 

Though I did see one Peak Sovereign coming toward me and I moved toward him while killing every pirate on the way.

There was no anger appeared on his face, except for one time. When I killed a man covered in rocks, it was not natural. He had done it artificially to store more power.

It was his racial abilities; many races have such abilities.

Like the Aqua Rock Stoneskin man coming toward him. They are a water elemental race, it is hard for them to practice other elements, but their water element is strong.

This one used the special property of his race differently. He grew a special magical alga on him. If I am right about it, this one provides him with healing energies in exchange for his power and deals with magical energies coming at him.

Not many people use such things are those plants are delicate and expensive to care for.  If you have those things, you shouldn’t fight people like me. 

Finally, he reached me and attacked me directly with his saber. Immediately, I moved my halberd to defend against him.


Our weapons clashed, and immediately he shook and took a step back before his eyes widened.


My halberd pierced through his chest, and immediately he disappeared into my storage.  Being a Peak Sovereign doesn’t mean they will be able to fight against me. 

I could kill average Peak Sovereigns within seconds.

This one was average and on top of it, that algae. It is what killed him, I sent something through my attack, which turned the healing energy it released into a powerful poison.

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm

As he died, I moved ahead, toward the wild ocean, killing anything that came in my way.  I planned to remain close to the water and away from any Earth Sovereign.

I am preparing for my escape; I don’t want to escape, but looking at the direction things are going, I might need to.

The Mid-Earth Sovereign, the bony old man, is fighting against the Peak Earth Sovereign Merman.  He is struggling against him; he is only defending and already got some injuries.

I don’t think he is going to last much longer, with no help and there isn’t any help coming. Seeing every Sovereign is busy fighting.

Everybody seemed to understand what was happening and moving to the sea to fight and pirates were letting them and why wouldn’t they? It is their home field, with more than half of them is water elemental.

The rest seemed to have learned to fight in the water, seeing how efficiently they were fighting against the passengers.

A few seconds passed, and I killed some more before I sensed another Peak Sovereign coming at me.

Less than a tee seconds later, she was standing in front of me. She is a merman, but of which race I couldn’t recognize. Though looking at her features, I could say she is a mixed race.

She had a starfish-like face and jell like body, with webbed hands. 

“You will fetch a huge price,” she said excitedly. Looking at me like I am a thing and not a person. “You will have to capture me first,” I replied calmly.

“Oh, that will not be a problem,” she said with a big smile and attacked me with her black trident, which had a dense smoke coming out of it.


Her trident clashed against my halberd, creating a powerful shockwave that crushed a huge wave of water coming to envelop us.

Nobody gained an upper hand, but the black smoke covered me before entering inside my armor, seeing that her eyes twinkled, and she had launched another attack.


I defended, and she launched another attack and then another. She begins to launch them one after another. 

I am fighting, but not with full power or focus. The merman woman is more powerful than my last opponent, but I could kill her, but I do not plan to till I see where this battle would go.

She is my shield against other Peak Sovereigns and Earth Sovereigns. If things go south, I could escape.

She will chase me, and that will keep other Peak Sovereigns or even Earth Sovereigns away. 

Looking at how things are going. I might need to run away. Thankfully, I have brought a detailed map of the bold sea. Traveling through it is going to be extremely dangerous, but I might need to take that decision.

It will be much better to get captured by these bandits and sold to dark organizations as a slave or resource furnace.

A minute passed since we have started fighting against the pirates and the pirates are gaining the edge, despite us having a greater number and more powerhouses.

It is all about the morale, which is low and getting lower by the second.

Our leader, the bony old man, is losing against the blue merman. His body had been covered in injuries and looking at his state, I don’t think he will be able to survive even for a minute.

“Human, you should surrender. If you do, I will sell you to the merciful people,” said the woman.

“Defeat me, then we will talk,” I said, and she grinned with her little teeth and intensified her attacks even further. I could defend against them easily, but acted like I was struggling.

Rip Rip!

Giving her many close hits and even some flesh wounds, where she poured a large amount of poison into my body to be activated later.

I let her do that and acted all panicky while readying myself to escape at any moment. As I might need to do it every moment.

Others also seemed to be making the same preparations.

Those who weren’t closest to water had moved closer to it, including Sovereigns, pushing us further away from the ship, for which I am grateful.


A few more seconds passed when the blue merman have a huge injury to the bony old man and launched a second attack to finish him off.

He is dead without a doubt and realizing that I harnessed more power and runes changed in my armor, for me to me to swim more efficiently.

The moment he died, I will escape like the rest and hope. In this case, I will be able to save my life from the pirates, who without a doubt will chase us.


The trident of the merman had reached the boney man and even he saw his death and when something happened, that surprised everyone.

Two people appeared beside them and stopped the attack before it could kill the boney old man.

I am shocked, not because they saved him, but because these people who saved him were my neighbors. The ones whom I had invited into my suit for dinner yesterday.

Who, I thought, were Peak Sovereigns, despite showing the power of mid-Sovereign. 

I had not expected them to be Earth-Sovereign. Though it is my fault, I was being polite and didn’t snoop on them, even a little.

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