Monster Integration

3379 Fourth Test

It took me a while to calm myself and think rationally.

The increase had been immense, more than I had thought. I have become powerful enough that now I wouldn’t need to fear people of Leila’s level.

It will be hard to defeat them, but they wouldn’t be able to beat me either.

It feels amazing to have such strength and I would have been ecstatic about it if I hadn’t seen the whole city getting massacred by the cult. 

It is keeping me grounded and focused on my next target, which will give me a fighting chance against the cultist.

I entered my core and appeared in front of a large glass ball of golden-brown liquid with a hint of purple and green. Before my breakthrough, it was only 5% empty.

Now it is 13%, 8% more. It is clear that I had used the energy contained in the glass ball.

It is the reason why I have gotten the strength above my estimate.

I looked at it for a moment before finally turning to my core. 

There is no change in its size, but the energies have become even denser, and the quality of the soul had increased further. It will help a lot in growing the plants.

The space inside also becomes stronger; I would now be able to bring more Grimms in the core to harvest.

I looked at all the changes in my core before walking toward the library in a purposeful step. I decided to do one thing after I reached the peak of Primary III.

Now that I had reached it; it is time to do it and I am feeling kind of excited about it. I reached the library and pushed open the door before entering inside.

There I saw three of my clones working on the Sovereign Inheritance, while two are studying things related to that.

“Overseer, I am ready for a test of 4th level,” I said and immediately the beautiful woman appeared in front of me.

“Are you sure? This will be your last chance,” she asked, looking into my eyes directly. 

“Yes,” I replied.

This is my last chance; I failed in the first two. If I failed this chance too, then I will never be able to try again and a hundred years later, the library will leave.

“Since you decided, here is the test.” She said and waved her hand.

Immediately, I found myself in a huge place, and in front of me is a big white stele. It is five stories tall and has densely packed black runes covering it.

Currently, the runes are blurry, they will become visible the moment the test begins.

“The rules are the same as before. You have nine hours to solver it,” she informed. Immediately, the runes become clear as a giant clock appeared above me.

I focused on the stele, studying the formation.

I have to solve it on my own. I couldn’t take help from my clones, nor I could use any books or tools. 

I could use some methods, which I already started using.

For an hour and seventeen minutes, I didn’t move from my spot before flying close to the stele and starting with the formation.

The test is difficult as the last time, but this time, I have more confidence in my abilities. As for whether I would be able to solve it or not, I don’t know.

I thought I would have the confidence after my preparations, but after seeing the formation, that disappeared.

Now, I planned to give my all and focused my everything on it. Forgetting anything else.

Hours passed and I have nothing on my mind other than the formation in front of me. Every minute, I would flash around the stele, moving the runes, breaking the formation layer by layer.

It is quite frustrating, but one wouldn’t see the frustration on my face and instead, they would see the smile.

Yes, I am smiling because I am having fun.

I love breaking formations, especially the ones with a time limit. They make them push myself, and this challenge is extra special as I couldn’t take help from my clones.

A few more hours passed, and I once again stopped. 

I am not staring at it, for more than fifteen minutes with a frown on my face. The smile had vanished minutes ago and now I was looking at the problem I had faced since starting.

It is not a complex problem. I have a couple of ways to solve it and that is the problem.

Anyway, what I chose will take me in different directions. If I chose wrong, it might take several days for me to solve it and I don’t have that kind of time.

I only have two hours at most.

It is why I am feeling a slight panic, but I am keeping it controlled. Panicking wouldn’t help, the answer would.

A little over ten minutes passed when suddenly a big smile appeared on my face and immediately hundreds of strings shot through me and begin to move runes very fast.

An hour passed and my strings are still moving the runes around while my eyes study the formation.

I am very close to solving the formation and I hope to do it before the time runs out.

A few more minutes passed when I suddenly stopped, but it is for several seconds before I moved the runes with my really fast for three and a half minutes before suddenly stopping.


A moment later, I buzzed, rang out, and runes begin to move and soon, a list appeared in front of me, consisting of three privileges.

“Congratulation; you have completed the fourth challenge,” said the overseer.

“Thank you,” I said with a smile before turning to the stele.

I could now take the books out and even give limited access to the library to the people. It is the third privilege that caught my eye.

The request.

“What is the request?” I asked her. 

“It is a special privilege. You could use it for things like getting the books from the fifth level or asking for an extra chance for the next challenge,” she explained. 

Immediately, tens of things came into my mind, but I calmed myself down and turned to the overseer.

“Can I ask for anything?” I asked her. “Within a limit,” she replied, but it didn’t curtail my excitement.

There are many things I wanted to ask for her, but I calmed myself down. I planned to make the request later, after thinking about it with a calm mind.

I had just thought that when an idea came to mind and I opened my mouth, as I know, it is the thing I want.

It might not be within a level, but if she agreed to my request, it would help me tremendously.

“I want you to teach me ancient runes,” I said, and for a moment later, her expression froze before a surprise appeared on her face.

She opened her mouth and, seeing her expression, I know she is not going to accept it.

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