Monster Integration

3370 Ishban

Nero is seeing a blue dome covering the city and the energy emitting from it.

I am scared.

The energies coming from it are the Earth Sovereign level, and not a normal Earth Sovereign level either, but strong Earth Sovereign. It is not something normal Earth Sovereign would be able to break in a short time.

This is not what scared me. What scared me is the strange feeling I am getting from it, which raised all the hair on my body.


‘But father, you mi” 

‘No buts, stay there till I told you otherwise,’ I said and came out of my cabin. Only to feel a presence in the sky, looking at the dome, I could even sense some people trying to break it before getting repelled hard.

I took the air and appeared beside the group of three Sovereigns.

“What is happening?” I asked them. “I don’t know. One moment, there was nothing and another moment, the freaking dome appeared above, covering the whole damn city,” said Lion Beastman.

“This dome is giving me a terrible feeling,” said the human woman beside him.

“We should go a little closer,” said the stone-skin man, and they flew. I flew with them, looking around, only to see people appearing in the sky.

Already, many groups had formed in the sky; some having hundreds of people.

A few minutes passed, and we have come close to the city center, where thousands of people have gathered. Including the Earth Sovereign; some of them are attacking the dome.

“Where is the freaking governor? I am not even seeing the members of some families. The organization should have removed her already…”

Various conversations rang around me. I didn’t take part in any of them, just observed things and I didn’t feel good.

I noticed a couple of things. First is that the blue dome is strong enough that even mid-Sovereign couldn’t destroy them; three Mid-Sovereigns trying, but they are being repelled back.

They say they could destroy it, but it would take time, more than an hour.

Another thing is that Governor and her husband are missing. So is the member of three families.

There are seven families aside from Governors, that have the Earth Sovereigns. The Earth Sovereign of three families and Governor seemed to have disappeared, and it didn’t give them a good feeling.

People are panicking; they are fighting, burning and even looting the stores. 

In just a couple of minutes, the whole law and order of the city had gone down the drain.


I was looking around and listening to the conversations, when suddenly. The palace of the Governor lit up in a smoky blue light, catching the eyes of everyone.


People looked at it, and despite warnings some Sovereigns, got close to it. Only to burn painfully, before turning to ashes in seconds.

People didn’t even get a chance to help them.

Thankfully, the death of the two had served as a warning, and those were close to rapidly retreating. I was far from it, but I still went back a few miles; that place isn’t giving me a good feeling. 

The more distance I have from that thing. The better I feel.


I was staring at it when suddenly the whole palace buzzed, and ghostly blue runes began to come out of it and started to spread in all directions.

They even begin to cover the dome.

Seeing that everyone had freaked out, especially the Sovereigns. All of them got together and begin to attack the blue dome wildly, but their efforts didn’t seem to bear any fruit at all.

“It is useless. You all are trapped here, and death will only be your escape,” said a feminine voice that nearly everybody seemed to recognize.

A second later, figures came out from the palace. In the lead of a beautiful woman with two horns, everybody looked at her and the figures behind her were shocked, before shaking in fear.

It is not the number of nine Earth Sovereigns that had shocked them, not the Governor radiating the aura of Peak Sovereign.

What shocked them was the simple black cloaks they were wearing, with a huge symbol of a blue skull covered in thorns.

“Ishban,” said the leading Earth Sovereign, shaking in fear from top to bottom. It is not just him, but others also shook, including me.

Ishban is one of the most powerful organizations in the world and they are a member of the Guild of Nieo.

Both of them are forbidden and there is an active kill-at-sight order on their members. As long as you could prove they are part of these organizations, you could kill them and even receive a huge bounty.

With her wearing the robes, it is clear that the Governor is a member of Ishban and not only her but also her husband and also three Earth Sovereign families.

“Ronna, you are a member of Ishban,” said old Deer Beastman. “Yes,” she replied, before turning to the crowd.

“Rejoice you all, today is the most important day of your worthless life. You all will be sacrificed and become part of something important,” she said, and the blue gem floating between her horns lit up.

“Do you think you will be able to? There are some things that could even stop a Peak Earth Sovereign like you,” asked the old man defiantly, to which she laughed.

She didn’t laugh like the evil that one might think she would. Her laugh is like bells chiming. It is quite pleasant to hear.

“Are you talking about a staff of wald? I had sabotaged that artifact more than a century ago,” 

“You can try attacking me with it if you want to,” she challenged with a mocking glare.

“You are bluffing,” said the old man, and a stone staff appeared in his hand. It is made of a stone stick, with a huge green gem above it; it is nearly a third of the stone stick it is attached to.

“What are you waiting for? Attack me with it,” she taunted.

The old man remained calm, but he pointed his staff toward the Governor, while she waited with a smile.

A moment later, the huge green crystal begins to shine, and this shine had become so intense that it had covered miles. Realizing such an aura, all the people begin to shake, be it Earth Sovereigns or normal Sovereigns.

“Die, you bitch of Ishban!” roared the old man, and the light had become even more intense.


I felt the power concentrated in the crystal, till it couldn’t contain it and was about to be released from it when it suddenly frizzled.

The light covering the whole city disappeared, while the staff begin to turn into the dusk. The whole staff turned into the dust, while the old Beastman watched in shock.

The whole is shocked.

For a couple of seconds, everyone had thought it would work. I had seen fear appear even in the members of ishban, but it didn’t work.

Now, we all will have to bear the horror of Ishban.

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