Monster Integration

3332 Burst

The Minkman disappeared and I turned to the Ragas fighting Red Deerman.

“Need any help?” I asked, to which he. “Yes, kill it,” he said and immediately, I harnessed more power from my burst and moved toward the Deerman.

It surprised seeing me coming at it, but reacted reservedly. Shifting to defensive from the offensive.

This one is cautious, and I would have needed some effort to kill it, but looking at Ragas’s expressions. I don’t think I would.

The Grimm is smart enough to be cautious. It would have been more cautious and run away. You shouldn’t fight against the host of the empire of mist, where they had a partner.

It is where their art becomes most dangerous.

Soon, I reached it and attacked. The attack is going directly for its chest, with a lot of holes in my offensive, which it could take advantage of, and it’s moved its saber to take advantage of them.

Our weapons reached each other, till there was only an inch of difference between them, when suddenly, chains of mist appeared.

Crack Crack 

It alarmed the Grimms, but Deerman is no slouch. It is a Peak Sovereign Grimm and despite the chains binding it; it moved while cracking them.

I am not worried as the chains already doing the job. They had slowed it down.

Our weapons were about to clash, when a powerful aura burst out of me, and my sword moved past the saber of the Grimm.

Horror appeared on its face as it realized what was happening and it started to retreat, but it was no use. He had sealed its fate when it dint retreat, the moment it had seen me coming at it.


“Still struggling,” I said as I reappeared on my spot, with it being frozen due to the big dose of energy.

“Do you want it?” I asked, “You can keep it,” Ragas replied.

“Thanks,” I said, and the Grimm disappeared.

“You have survived the pool and even seemed to have gained a massive increase in strength,” he said, and I smiled.

If I have not suffered in a cave and had a normal breakthrough, I wouldn’t have had this strength. The energy of the brown pool had forcefully merged with my cells and soul particles.

Expanded them and cracked them as it filled them when they couldn’t merge with it further.

It was bad, but it also brought tremendous benefits. My strength had increased tremendously and also the limit. Now, I will have to kill more Grimms to reach the limit, than I would have if the breakthrough had been at the normal circumstances.

Though, not everything is positive. 

I have to be careful from now. If I suffered a catastrophe like this, my body and soul would simply collapse.

My body needs rest to turn to normal again.I think you should take a look at

“Do we help them?” I asked, and I really want to help them. There are juicy bloodline Grimms, which I want to harness so badly.

“No. They can handle them on their own,” he replied and cursed in my heart, but didn’t make any move and simply waited beside him, watching the battle.

“So, have you truly healed?” he asked after a few seconds of silence. “Yes, completely,” I replied.

“What about the mutation? Have you sealed it?” he asked. To that, I laughed but didn’t answer. He still understood it as a surprise appeared in his eyes before they turned serious.

“Just when I thought, I have solved the puzzle you are you have become even more mysterious,” he said, and I smile.

A few more seconds passed, and I turned to Ragas.

“Why is she wasting so much time? When she could just pop them and be done with it,” I asked Ragas and his eyes went wide.

“You have sensed that?” he asked. “Yours is not only Grand Art, I know intimately,” I said. 

The woman also had a grand art. Something I am quite familiar with it. She was hiding it very well and I wouldn’t have known it, but here, she had used it on me, and I sensed it immediately.

He looked at me for an answer, but I didn’t provide. 

“She liked to try to kill the enemies with her strength, before using her art,” he replied and sighed. 

A second later, her brother killed the first Grimm he was fighting. The one with the bloodline, before started fighting against the second one, and it is clear, it won’t take him long to kill the other one too.

The Grimms also seemed to understand that as it begins to retreat, but as it was retreating, it revealed its weakness, and he took advantage of that immediately.

Second and a half later, the Grimm is dead.

“Leela, we have not come here to play around.” shouted her brother and disappointment appeared on the woman’s face as she turned to the Grimms.


“I guess we won’t be fighting any longer,” she said to them, and before the Grimms could even respond, both of them burst like bubbles in a beautiful display of blood and core.

“You know, nobody could explode the enemy as good as them,” I said, and Ragas nodded.

The woman collected the artifact with the sweep of her hand and came toward us with her brother.

“You have healed,” she said as she appeared in front of me. “Yes, I did. Thank you for bringing me here,” I said to her.

I am genuinely grateful. If not for her, I would have to spend hours or even days looking for it.

“Good, now take us toward our destination,” she said. “Gladly,” I replied and moved.

This place is on the way to the magenta place. If we moved at the same speed, we had come here, it shouldn’t take more than four and a half hours to reach it.

Once we reach there, I am going to take my payment, the locations of the exit.

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