Monster Integration

3320 [Bonus chapter]High Primary III

The formation seeped back into my skin, and I took another sigh of relief. 

The formation worked without any problem; it didn’t harm my very injured body and soul or the process of breakthrough.

I have been worrying about it every second. 

Thankfully, it is finished and now, only the last step remained, the consolidation, which had already begun.

I watched the core as it solidifies; it is happening very fast. In a matter of seconds, a thin solid layer had already formed over it, which usually takes over a minute.

Because of some changes, I have made it to my breakthrough. My consolidation had been fast, but now it is abnormally fast.

It is not good. 

Still, I watched with bated breath, expecting something bad to happen, but the entire minute passed, and a quarter of my solidified, but nothing had happened.

It gave me hope, but that hope hadn’t even a second, when I had received a shock. I had been too hopeful.

Crack Crack Crack!

The cracks begin to appear on my core, and they are spreading fast. Within a few seconds, they have covered my whole core, and now I am fearing it might break away.

As these cracks are not small at one; one is so big that it could divide my entire core into two.

I would die, if that happened.


The core had reached a breaking point, and I thought the core would break apart when it had rapidly started healing. 


I really had thought the core would crack apart.

Crack Crack Crack!

For over forty seconds, the consolidation continued without any problem, before the cracks begin to cover the core again. Like the last time, they are fast and covered the whole core in a matter of seconds.

Once again, those huge cracks begin to appear, but they suddenly stopped, and the core begins to heal again.

Nine seconds later, the core is healed, and consolidation resumed again.

Though not for long, as the cracks came back, nineteen seconds later, and begin to spread around my core. Once again, I watched with bated breath as cracks take me closer and closer to death.

It is clear that my core is having a problem with digesting the energies; it had consumed not long ago.

It had not come to me as a surprise. Those energies are of Earth Sovereign grade. If anyone had been here beside me; they would have died a long ago, but I am surviving.

My core is not simple; it is of a forbidden element and made from world-creation material.

I have even added resources like nine-color material and could tar soil. All these resources and my powerful design made my core extremely strong, and that could even swallow and digest even Earth Sovereign stage energy.

If it had been a common Earth Sovereign energy; I wouldn’t have been as big trouble as I am now, but this energy belongs to this place.

It is made from the energy of the four grand arts, and it had filtered through the cloud tar soil, which made it easy to digest.

In its original form, it would have killed me in less than ten seconds.

I could still remember those tearing energies that entered inside me the moment I dipped a small part of my finger into the pool. It had injured me and made me vomit a couple of times.

The cracks kept coming back, before healing the core from near the breaking point.

Currently, 90% of my core had been solidified and cracks had started to appear on my core again; it is the eighth time.I think you should take a look at

There is nothing I could do about it other than watch, fearing this time, it wouldn’t heal in time and my core would shatter into pieces.

Killing me with it.

This time, the cracks had reached near the breaking point before they started to heal, and the consolidation resumed.

Crack Crack Crack!

The consolidation had finished 99% and I thought; I had got out of the danger when the cracks had come for the last time, and they came with fury.

They had not started with the tiny cracks, but a huge one, which could split the core into two.

Within three seconds, the cracks had spread halfway, and the core had already begun to shake. As if it will crack apart; it scared the like out of me, but what can I do other than watch?


Another second passed, and I thought the core would really break apart into two when suddenly, the cracks stopped.

The healing begins, but this time is slower; I don’t mind it being slow. I only hope the cracks would be filled soon, and my core would be consolidated.

It took nearly a minute for cracks to heal before the consolidation begin and it was slow too.

I felt like the entire process was trying to kill me with worry.

Finally, after more than six minutes, the last percent had consolidation, without intervention of the cracks. 

As it finished, I looked at my core, which had a tremendous change in it. Its size had increased a little further, but most importantly, it had become very lifelike. The changes are much bigger than they happen during the small breakthroughs.


A moment later, the runes came out and spread across my body and I was glad to see, they didn’t harm the cells or soul particles.

They have become stronger, but they are still delicate; they could collapse. If they received a shock, that is powerful enough.


It took less than ten seconds for runes to spread across my body, when the core buzzed again, and energy came out of it.

The energy came out through the runes, and it was thick. Thick as honey, that for a moment, I feared that the energy, that my core had swallowed, had returned, but it didn’t.

The breakthrough energy is different. Though it is powerful, very powerful.

I begin to seep through my body and soul, strengthening it, but also healing it. Seeing that, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face.


A few seconds passed, and I noticed something. My expressions turned serious and the happiness I am feeling had begun to disappear.

I would have been too lucky. If things had returned to normal too quickly; it is not going to happen. 

I have been ravaged by the powerful Earth Sovereign energy, which is created from the power of arts, which is created from the power of primes. Healing the damage by it wouldn’t be easy to heal.

Time passed and as thick energy continued coming from the core; strengthening me, beyond, I had to imagine what this breakthrough would do.

Still, seeing the speed of healing, my face couldn’t help but turn more and more somber.

Finally, the last drop of energy was absorbed by my body, and I reached the High level of the Primary-III stage.

I could feel the strength to crush the world in my veins, but I couldn’t use this strength.

As I am still heavily injured.

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