Monster Integration

3316 Running From Storm

“Second!” I shouted, and we ran into the second tunnel, which will take us forward, while the other one would have taken us backward, where the storm is building in greater intensity.

It had been seven minutes since Ragas sensed the storm, and we were running ever since then.

While running away, I was able to pick a few things up. It turns out, I could sense the storm, without using forbidden power.

Well, with extremely faint forbidden power, which already merged with every part of my body and soul, which also means my soul sense has some part of it.

Through that part of it, I was able to sense it extremely faintly and took a risk, to add a minute amount of it. 

It is my life on the line, I couldn’t commit too hard hiding the forbidden power, seeing if I didn’t, I might not have a life that I couldn’t protect.

If he somehow discovered it, I would deal with the consequences of that, but all of that will come after surviving this storm, which matters the most.

By adding a little soul sense, I was able to gather enough data through the minute fluctuation I am sensing, which my clones are processing.

The processed data provides me with the information needed to make decisions.

I could tell in which direction the storm will be weaker, which is helping us tremendously. As we are moving toward the direction where the storm is going to be weaker.

We have to reach the place where there is no storm at all. 

As even a hint of it would be enough to kill me; Ragas, on the other hand, might survive. I have a feeling he had something that will save his life, but with the zeal he is running, he didn’t seem to be keen on using it.

“How much time do we have?” I asked him. 

“Five to six minutes,” he replied, and I wanted to curse, but I kept running. 

My soul sense is not strong enough to properly sense the power at which the storm is building. 

I will need to pour more forbidden power into my soul sense for that, but I am not willing to do that, since Ragas could tell that with his art.

A minute passed, and we took another turn and this time, I have come across a plant. It is a big one, with flowers; it took me a second to realize what it is, and I nearly stopped.

If the grass was precious, these flowers are even more than that, but even for such a precious thing, I couldn’t stop.

My life matters the most and only being alive will I be able to find this resource and many others better than it.

“Three minutes!” he informed.

“Fuck!” I cursed. We are moving in the right direction, but not at the speed. We need to avoid the storm and that is scaring the shit out of me.

I had already decided. If push come to show, I would reveal everything to survive, but I don’t think, even that wouldn’t be enough.

The storm is too powerful, and everything I have including the forbidden power is not enough to deal with.

A few more seconds passed, and I have come across a green patch over ten meters long and various types of plants. Thirteen types, if what my clones are told is right and all of them are precious.

I barely glanced at them, before we run past them.


I had just done that when I caught something, the intersection of tunnels before it disappeared.I think you should take a look at

“Have you seen that?” I asked. “A monster and we are lucky. That storm is coming, or it would have come at us,” said Ragas and I couldn’t help but nod.

Yes, we are lucky, because that monster is an Earth Sovereign level.

There are monsters here, extremely few that most people wouldn’t even come across them, but those who do and are below Earth Sovereign. Then they could say their life goodbye.

Even Earth Sovereign has been killed by them. 

All the monsters that had been found here had been on the Earth Sovereign level. They are also very powerful and hostile, especially to the Grimm; they would attack them at a glance.

“Two minutes,” he informed me, and I wanted to hit his face.

Every second, horror grows in my heart. The more we run, the more I am realizing how slow we are moving and there is a very high chance that we might not be able to outrun this fucking storm.

But what could we do, other than run away?

There is no place to hide, nor any artifact to protect. Even my spatial abode will get torn to pieces by this storm. 

“Can your abode save us from this storm?” I asked, and a hesitation appeared on his face. “It can, but it will not,” he replied with frustration.

When I heard the first two words, hope had risen in my heart, but a moment later, it got blown away.

“Why?” I asked. I am really desperate right now, so I want to know why the thing that could save us won’t save us. 

Hesitation appeared on his face for a moment before finally opening his mouth.

“It is programmed to only defend against threats of the level I could fight, above that, it will let the danger pass,” it said, and I wanted to curse again.

Just like the first space abode I had got; that lady had also put such restrictions on it.

“One minute!” He said a couple of seconds later, and I wanted to stop and give up, as I know, there is no way in hell we could get out of storms rage in such a short time.

Still, despite that, we kept running.

Even if the chances of surviving are next to none, we keep trying. Giving up is no option and I will not do it till my last breath.

As the seconds passed and my steps become faster and faster, I begin to harness every part of me, while also preparing for the worst.

Which is the only reason why I had not burned my blood yet. It will be the part of the last attempt and I need it full. As I am going to burn with intensity, which I had not done since coming to this world.

While the chances of it working are less than 1%, it is the best option I have, and I will try it in the end.


I turned and was moving toward the tunnel in front of me when suddenly I saw something from the corner of my eye.

I stopped immediately and moved toward it.

“Wha” Ragas suddenly opened his mouth to ask but stopped when he saw what I had seen and followed me, with eyes blazing in excitement.

We have found something that might be able to save us from this fucking storm or kill us painfully.

Though the chances of the latter are much higher. 

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