Monster Integration

Chapter 326 The Grimm Batttlefield

Huge crowd!

I saw a huge crowd when reaching near the square where the exit to be opened in the afternoon, I thought I am quite early but near a million people are still earlier than me.

There are all standing neatly in the hundreds of lines and every second new people kept coming and line.

I quickly look around and walk toward the line which seems shorter.

There are millions of people in hundreds of long lines but they are all neat and not many trouble makers could be seen but they were swiftly get dealt with very ruthless methods that very few dares to make trouble.

Still, with such a Huge crowd, trouble makers could be seen now and then, and the most popular ones are the line cutters.

These line cutters are the worst, they did not line like normal people but cut into line with various excuses, some worst ones didn't even bother to make excuses they just cut the line and that made conflicts occur.

It was a good thing there are thousands of drones hovering above us which help in notifying the guards and record everything, so when guards arrive everything dealt quickly and ruthlessly.

As time passed more and more steps into the lines, just an hour after I step into the line, I found there are more than three thousand people behind me.

At every second thousands of people step into the lines and there are hundreds of such lines.

Still, I am still quite early and should be able to exit through the exit a few hours after it opened, unlike me those people behind the line would take more than half a day to go through the exit.

There are more than ten million people here and to get them all out though exit should take in a day.

To keep the exit of realm open for nearly a day would cost very much to organizations, they will get more than enough from the stuff of people they are going to collect taxes.

This time organizations will make big, not only they will have most people who possess rule but they get the things from millions of Adventurers.

Time passed and soon the exit started to flicker in the center of the big square.

It kept flickering for few secs ones before it got stabilized.

Small chaos had erupted after exiting of realm mamaterialisedIt been a month since people had entered the realm and they started to feel the lithe little psychological burden.

Seeing exit appearing which they had been waiting for a few days, their emotions erupted.

'Bam bam bam bam…..'

As if already expecting something like this to happen after exit appears, the guards started dealing with the chaos swiftly.

Whoever broke a rule even little got swiftly dealt with breaking fewer boundaries the lightest punishment while killing is the highest.

Killing those made chose may seem a little harsh but to control near ten million people such measures are necessary.

"The exit had been open! Everyone please follow the rules and don't disrupt the lines, those who will disrupt lines would get swift punishment." I heard the voice through the drones that are flying above our heads.

"Everybody walk nice and slow, don't hurry." said another announcement.

The announcements are becoming more frequent since exit had appeared, it is probably done to manage the crowd.

There are thousands of people passing through the exit every second and my line is also one of them.

With the speed that lines are passing through the exit, it ill take me about one and a half an hour to pass through the exit.

This is such a bitch process, to standing in line for hours and wait for your turn to exit through the entrance.

I don't hate standing the line, what I hate sweaty smelling bodies of people sliding on my body, smelling the smell on their bodies sometimes I feel if they ever bath or not.

Though there are many convinces standing in the lines there are some perks as well like hearing the chatter.

People like to talk when they were idle and free, and places like the long lines like this are the best where they are both idle bored.

I heard many things in the few hours I had been in line but I have not heard the hint of the thing that Jill had told me.

Looks like Jill and important people of organizations like super-elite have right to hear about those things.

Jill had said that since I had comprehended the Rule, I now the ad the qualification to learn about that thing.

To learn full detail about it, I will only have to prove I had comprehended the Rule in Adventurers Paradise and I will become qualified to learn about that thing.

The Grimm Battlefields.

Our world is not as safe as I had initially assumed, it is being constantly attacked by Race of Foreign World.

That world is Grimm World and that race is Grimm Race that is why the battlefield known as Grimm Battlefield.

She said the foreign energy we felt in the previous realm we had entered is related to the Grimm battlefield and making monster crazy and Bipedal are least of its effects, this foreign energy could do many worse things, especially to the humans.

When I asked about the Grimm Race to Jill, she said she didn't know anything except for saying that Grimm race is also humanoid race like us Humans.

Jill had said there are multiple Grimm battlefield across our continent and only Super Elite of Captain stage and above while normal powerhouse of Colonel stage has the right to fight inside that battlefield.

Jill did not know much, all she had heard it from her parents who had fought in the Grimm battlefield.

She said more than 80% of powerhouses willingly go to the Grimm battlefield to fight as it offers unimaginable benefits to one progress.

As one stage reach higher, it became very difficult to level up, only those places like the Grimm battlefield offers the chances level up.

The information about the Grimm battlefields are very tightly controlled, not shred of it leaked outside for hundreds of years.

Those who dare to leak this information end up in conditions worse than death.

I will know more information about it after I registered my Rule power into the Adventurers Paradise and Jill will meet me a few days later after she asked her parent's full details about this Grimm battlefield.

As time passed, my line kept getting shorter and shorter until I was just a few meters away from the Exit.

With us being closer to the line, our pace has increased and we started moving faster and faster toward the line and in just minutes, I reached next to the t.

Finally, I will be returning home, In this one month my life had completely changed and I have gained a strength which I have not thought I would gain when I entered this realm.

With a big smile on my face, I took the step inside the exit and next moment I reached home.

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