Monster Integration

Chapter 323 Saving II

"Micheal!" screamed jill as she saw big golden brown fists coming toward me.

Without caring for the fists that are coming toward me, I smiled at her carefreely.

Despite me giving her nonchalant smile, I could see she is coming toward me at full speed with his intention of saving me.

Seeing that a weird smile comes across Andy's face and he attacked once again.

He calculated his attack perfectly and did not launch attack jill instead launched at me as with jill speed she would be able to intercept these blows coming at me but she will be hit by andy's second attack if she were to do that.

Despite seeing she will get hit by andy attack if she were to save me, she did not stop instead increased her speed more to the limit.

Seeing jill coming to save me despite having high chances of getting heavily injured, my heart warmed and also anger appeared in my heart for Andy.

That moment, I infused all power of Sunfire in my speed skill and on to my sword, this is the first time I have been using the full power of Sunfire.

Till now all the battles I've fought, I did not use more than 45% percent of it as It was more than enough to crush my enemies but seeing such despicable action of Andy, my heart is boiled over, wanting to teach a good lesson to andy.

With the power of Sunfire infused with my speed skill, I became a blur as I moved toward the toward big golden brown fists that are coming toward me.

After getting close enough to the big golden brown fists, I swung my sword at it, its speed is so fast that even I am barely able to catch sight of it.

As my sword touched the first big golden brown fist, it suddenly evaporated without even putting the resistance, one moment it was there, the next moment it disappeared completely.

I did not wait for anything and swung my sword at all the big fists that coming toward us, effectively diffusing all the attack that came toward the hill.

As I was I attacking the hill, I sensed small vibration for Rule but it disappeared quickly before I could be completely sure what it was.

The danger isn't over yet, there is still lethal attack coming toward jill, I again turn blur and sped toward the attack that is coming toward jill.

I appeared in front of that attack and swung my sword at the fists, with each swing of my sword multiple fists gets evaporated into nothing.

When I finished with my attack and took a slight look at jill, I found her completely astonished and shocked.

Her cute beautiful face has formed a complete O seeing my power, I would have loved to take a photo of her shocking fact to tease her later but first I will give a small lesson to this Andy.

Turning blur once again, I moved toward any and seeing me coming at him, he seemed to prepare and about to launch an attack at me as both fists are covered in red energy.

I smiled seeing his fist coming toward me and attack at his fists with my sword.

As our weapons about to clash, I toned down the power of my attacks by 30%, if I had used all the Rule power of Sunfire, I am not sure If he able to bear it not and if he got killed by my attack, then I would be really big trouble.

As our weapons got closer and closer, I could see a slight curve of a smile forming on the andy's face.

By his look he seemed quite confident on his attack, if he knew the real power of my attack, he would not be this confident.


His fist and my sword clashed and loud sound of bang could be heard, not only that the shockwave that erupted from our clash had made people close to us take a step back.


For a time of the moment of our weapons clashed we both lay standstill but next moment Andy shot back like a rocket and crashed against the tree, making human size hole on it.

After his crash he kept vomiting blood fog, if not for a member of his organization coming quickly and feeding him potion quickly, he would have been lying there kept vomiting blood.

I heaved a sigh after seeing him like that.

Thank God, I had halved the power of my attack at the last moment. if not for that, he would have been definitely got killed by full power and his organization would have brought endless trouble for me, even getting out of this realm would have been difficult for me.

"My My you have become quite powerful Micheal, I have to work hard otherwise I would be left behind in dirt by you." said in a ladylike voice as she gave me light hug.

"Don't joke with me Jill, you would have been easily able to handle him if you have given your all," I whispered in her ear.

Hearing my whisper, she stiffens for a moment before letting go of the hug, there is a bright smile of his face but inside it is hidden astonishment.

It is not astonishment about seeing my strength but me sensing her real power.

When I was attacking those golden brown fist earlier, I sensed very Minuit Rule fluctuation from her.

If I am not wrong then Jill had comprehended the second Rule, which is stronger than her Rule of Speed, she had likely to use that power of Rule to save me but seeing I am capable to thwart the danger, she quickly took back that power.

Now I am truly intrigued to know if I could beat jill or not, before sensing that Rule fluctuation I am very confident to think I would be able to beat Jill but after sensing that function, I am not quite sure as the power of one Rule isn't inferior to my Rule of Sunfire.

"Well, thank you for trying to save me," I said, which brought her usual bright smile on her face.

"You didn't need my help anyway," she said and about to say something when we see andy and some members of his organization coming toward us.

I felt a hand on the shoulder, only to see jill's brother William behind me, not only he some people of organization signs also beside him.

"Why do you attack me?" said Andy loudly as he came closer to me with swag, "You attacked me, I had to reply," I said, my answer stumped him for a while.

"I did not attack you, you came in between my fight with jill," said Andy while pointing his finger at me.

Seeing his finger pointing at me, I really want to cut and probably sensing that I might attack, he quickly took back his finger.

I was about to reply to his question but before I could do that jill came in front.

"Andy, you attack my friend first and everyone saw it right?" she asked and everyone nodded their heads after asked by a cute beautiful girl.

"See everyone is saying yes if you are still not satisfied I could ask my friend to fight with you again, whoever wins the fight is the right one," he said.

Hearing her say, Andy's face contorted into anger and he left with huff but not before challenging me to the duel after we left this realm.

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