Monster Integration

3168 Danger From The Sky


It had not been half an hour since the call for the final battle rang out and things have gone bat-shit crazy.

Everyone became crazy, Grimms, and natives, and started to fight with no reservation. They stopped holding back on their strength and control and now just want to kill.

I have been stuck against such Grimm for the last five minutes. The Viperman is powerful, the most powerful Grimms I had faced till now and it wants to carve a bloody art across my body.


“Why don’t you just die human!” demanded Green Viperman and attacked again, which avoided my sword and gave me another cut on my shoulder.

Not a normal cut, but the one with a powerful poison. 

Since the Lizardman, my containment methods have become better, but I continued to get carved by the Grimm. 

Even those methods wouldn’t be able to stop all the poison crashing into my body.

Like all the Grimms, it had also gone crazy and attacked me with every drop of its power and the worse thing is, it was slowly getting stronger.

The intense emotions cause it to harness more power from its bloodline. It is pulling by a little with every attack, while it might not seem much when one calculates it all, it is immense.

I am already hanging by a threat against it and now the increased power is making things even more difficult.

I love the bloodlines, but at a time like this, I hate them, and couldn’t help but wish to have a bloodline. A source of unlimited power, restricted only by one’s will to harness.

Others may have gone crazy, but I am not. I am fighting calmly, despite injuries piling on me.

I don’t have any choice. Unlike them, I couldn’t afford to go crazy. As nearly everyone seemed stronger than me and I need to be calm and cautious to deal with everything they threw at me.


The crazy attacks continued, with cuts on my body reaching over forty, and they are piling up.

It is already quite a surprise that I am even alive. I think this is making the Viperman most angry.

I am sure. If I fall dead right now; more than half of its anger and craziness will evaporate. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do that.

So, I defended, waiting for the opportunity. I hope it will come sooner, or I will have to take some drastic action, that I really don’t want to take, especially in a place like this.


Another three minutes passed and when the opportunity came, or I might say the death. 

Tens of long blue lances come from above; each one is powerful enough to kill us without hesitation. 

The attack of sovereigns, A Grimm Sovereign.

Such attacks are rare, as those fighting above are careful not to let their attack fall on the lower battlefield. As people from both sides fought down here, but they always could not be careful.

Sometimes, these stray attacks fall, and till now. I have been quite far away from them, but now, they are coming directly for me.

The Viperman, which was in the midst of attacking me, had stopped and begin to retreat.

I couldn’t help but shook my head internally seeing that. There are more than ten lances, and they are coming fast. It won’t be able to move fast enough to do anything against them.

Even if it avoided them; an initial burst of energy will get it.

I had stopped worrying about Grimm and started to think about lances. I already know what I have to do, as four of my clones had calculated everything and I reacted immediately.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

I moved five steps ahead; at the same time, a marble dome came out around me, enveloping me completely.

Such methods are useless when Sovereign targets you, but very useful when it is just an intentional attack, and they will not attack again.

As the dome appeared, I relaxed and spread my soul sense out of it. Normal soul sense couldn’t travel through this marble-like material, but one thick with forbidden power could.

I had just brought out the soul sense. I saw a lance directly above the dome as my clones had calculated.


I did not get even a fraction of a second before the lance crashed directly above the dome. A defeating sound rang out, and the dome shook, but that is all.


Who said that you will need to use your method to defend against everything. No, the most important thing is surviving; it did not matter, the method you used to do it.

This dome is nothing special. It seemed to be part of some artifact I had found in the Grimms’ storage.

It is made of very powerful material and even Sovereign would have a hard time damaging it, and as I had expected. It had defended me.

I wish others had used such a method, but most did not.

Like any murder hobos, their minds did not think above their power. Not many had used the ingenious method I did and ended up losing their lives in a stray attack, with no fault of their own.

I did not immediately go out; the attack is very powerful and meant there are powerful stray energies as lances crashed against the ground and people.

It will take some time for stray energy to become thin enough that I could go out.

I am keeping a sharp eye out with my soul sense, as it is a golden opportunity. I had missed it a couple of times because me being too far away.


Forty-seven seconds later; I had activated the formation I had prepared for such a scenario. As it activated, a thick layer of blue-green energy appeared around my armor.

As it fully appeared, the tiled dome covering me had disappeared and the stray energies attacked me.

Despite the layer, they are attacking me and former injuries on my body made things even worse. 

Still, I bore the pain and moved at my full speed and immediately reached the first Grimm. A Bearman, completely dead; it disappeared immediately in my storage and so is the stone skin beside it.

I collected the bodies without stopping for a moment and soon reached the Viperman I was fighting.

The bastard is alive; it had a special artifact. It protected it from stray energy but lost power in the first ten seconds. The Viperman, who was running in its protection, could not bear the energies and fall.

It is in a very bad state, at the death door. A few seconds more and it will die.

I took inside my core and moved while thinking about how fortunes could change in an instant.

I collected the bodies, dead or alive. It did not matter. I collected every Grimm, also natives, while those were alive. I fed them in my strongest potion. 

These are made by me and will help them bear the effects of energy. Or at least stop them from getting worse with constant exposure. As for whether they survive or not, I don’t know.

I have done everything, I could.

The healer in me wanted to help them more, but I was at my limit. 

The potions are the most I could do, as I am not powerful enough to help them deal with the stray energies of the Sovereigns attack.

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