Monster Integration

3062 Silver Grove

“Welcome to the Silverstone Academy, Lord Zaar,” said the familiar man as I appeared in front of grand palatial building.

“Thank you for the invitation, Lord Whitmore, Lord Gatlin,” I said to the two men and nodded at other powerhouses behind them.

“Have you selected the location?” I asked directly. “Yes, please follow us,” said Lord Whitmore and they led me toward the place, while I watched the academy, one of the nine Supremes.

“It is your first time coming to the Silverstone academy, right?” he asked. “Yes, I always wanted to visit it, but never got the chance,” I replied.

The Silverstone academy is really at different level, from the quality of talent to sheer numbers. My academy could not compare to it, but it won’t take much longer for it to became equal to that of Silverstone academy and other Supremes.

It would have already made a huge progress, if I had used the shortcut, like I had in project to rapidly advance our powerhouses.

I am not doing that to the academy.

I want to raise its level comprehensively, so this generation of powerhouses will help to raise the next generation. I will not be here forever and if I did not want to academy collapsed after, I am gone, then the people of the academy will have to work hard.

Raising the level artificially is quite easy for me; with the knowledge I have from experiments and from the library, even producing Grand Lords with enough time, is not a big deal for me.

But these artificially raised Grand Lords will barely have any knowledge and experience of reaching the level, that next generation will need.

So, with Marina, I had developed comprehensive plan; in which, I will help, but only a little, the rest of work will be done by them.

It will take, at least a decade and even more, but it will be worth it; as even when I am gone and current powerhouses crumbled to dust, the academy will stand in its place, with base so strong, that even the Supremes will not be able to shake it.

“How do you like the Silverstone academy?” asked the old man Gatlin, as we walked through it; invisible to most people, only those at Grandmaster and above could see it and they would stop and greet.

I have worked on some of them and talk to few words, as I walked.

“It is really amazing, your heritage shows in everything,” I said and look of the pride couldn’t help but appear on the face of the old man.

“Countless generations for thousands of years worked tirelessly to make the academy reach these heights,” he said, with pride apparent in his voice.

“And today, if succeed in what we are doing today, the academy will take another big leap,” he added with excitement palpable in his voice, which understandable, considering what I have come here to do.

Half an hour passed, and we appeared in front of big stone gates, they looked normal, but they are extremely powerful. Even Grand Lord would need to attack for a thousand of times to break through this door.

“Quite powerful artifact you have,” I said as we stopped in front of the door. “It is one of the things founders had left behind,” informed the Lord Whitmore, pushing the door.

“Very few people who were not part of the Silverstone academy had able to enter the place we are going Lord Zaar,”

“The last non-member who entered through this gate, was none other than your predecessor.” Said the old man.

He is not meaning Marina, but her excellency Roosevelt; from the records, I know that leader of that age and her excellency were quite good friends.

Soon, the door opened, and we walked inside; only six people have entered, while those below the Grand Lord stayed behind, looking at things behind with the great yearning.

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“Welcome to the silver grove, Lord Zaar,” said the old man as we walked inside and a surprise couldn’t help, but appeared on my face.

“It is really true, you guys do have a great garden abode,” I said, to which, all Grand Lords just smiled.

Supremes are Supremes, not because of their power, but also because each have something else, that makes them supreme.

The Wisdom Tower, have the broken library, while the crystal domination has the glass pillar, and the Silverstone academy has silver grove.

I looked at silver earth, one of the most fertile earths I have ever come across; each speck of it contain an immense energy and these energies would be absorbed by thousands of rare trees across the garden.please visit panda(-)

My soul sense quickly spread around the garden, and I couldn’t help, but become even more surprised; it is really huge with trees producing all kinds of resources, which golems would collect and store.

The garden is amazing, but not everyone could enter; the silver earth is harmless to plant, but very harmful to humans, those below Grand Lords, would be ravaged by its energies.

If Lord Whitmore hadn’t broken through the Grand Lord class few days ago, he wouldn’t been standing here.

“This is the greatest treasure of our academy; instrumental in survival of our organization,” said the old man, and I couldn’t help, but nod and also took the inspiration from it, for what I am working on for some time.

“It is really great, I hope, you will provide me, with seeds of some of these trees,” I said, to which the old man nodded.

“For the favor you are doing us, Lord Zaar; it is the least we could do,” said the old man as walked through the harden.

Fifteen minutes later, we have stopped at empty place; it is center of the garden, with large open area.

“There used to be a center tree here before he found the garden, and he tried to plant many trees in the center, but the power is too much for any seed or trees to bear,”

“Any plant or seed would get destroyed by it; even the thousands of plants and seeds, I had planted had been destroyed,” said the old man Gatlin with a sigh.

I nodded and crouched down and sending my soul sense inside and in few minutes, a surprise couldn’t help, but appear on my face.

“It needs a mother tree, a powerful one at that,” I said as I opened my eyes. No wonder all they have planted had been destroyed.

“So, what do you think? Will the seed of the world tree will be able to bear it?” he asked, to which I smiled.

“World tree is the greatest mother tree in the whole universe, there is no better seed to plant as mother tree than its seed,” I said and could see the old man taking a sigh of relief.

“Though, it will come with its own risks, as the seeds you have got are not at the best condition,” I added.

I had already given this warning to old man and repeated again.

“Yes, it is a risk, but if we succeed, then it will be akin to getting a flying fortress that you have, or even better than it,” said the old man and he is right, if the tree grew, the benefits it will provide, better than academy flying in the sky.

The seed of world tree is no simple thing, and here it will be acting as mother tree, which will multiply its effects.

If they are able to grow it, then they will be never be wanting for a high-level resources, and might even be able to produce few that go over the limit.

“Since that is what you want, we will do it,” I said and took out the things and old man, handed me the last seed of the world tree.

I really envy the old man for this seed; for what I am planning for the academy, this seed would have been perfect, but cant everything we want.

With seed in my hand, I started the planting process, using resources, that even made, old man’s eyes go wide.

It did not take long, and in few minutes, the seed is in ground and now we have to wait; wait for months or years.

The seed of world tree could sprout in a day or even take a year; the one we planted in memorial hadn’t sprouted yet, despite getting the constant supply of faith, from the billions of people on the world.

“Thank you, Lord Zaar; the Silverstone academy, will not forget this favor,” said old man.

“It is the least could do, if another invading force of Grimms came then Silverstone academy will be one of the first pillars, that will stand against them,” I said.

“The Silverstone academy had established for that purpose, we will not stop till every Grimm is dead, and if another wave returns, then we will be the first to fight them,” said old man thumping his chest.

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