Monster Integration

3042 Breakthrough II

For more than a minute, there was complete silence that; I feared that my breakthrough was my failure when my core picked the speed, and I felt the energies begin to move around.

In a couple of seconds, a funnel is created above the dome before the energies begin to come inside.

They did not directly come at me, as the disc had absorbed them before releasing them into my breakthrough formation.


So, when the energy had reached me through the runic chains, I couldn’t help but be surprised.

I knew the disc purified the energy according to the capacity of my body, but what it did was even better than I had imagined.

The one thing that impressed me the most is that it did not purify the spatial and temporal energies as I had thought it would and instead just mellowed it like the rest of the energy, which made it easier to absorb.

Not to mention, it had removed the dangerous element which would have threatened to spoil my breakthrough.

Like the resources, my core began to take more and more energy inside me every second as the pull became greater, which made the funnel above the dome even bigger.

At first, there were only monkeys, but within seconds of me absorbing the energy, a group of wolves appeared through the trees.

They looked at the dome and the tunnel cautiously before turning to monkeys, and they began to fight.

The fight only lasted for a few seconds, to my regret, before both of the groups had stopped and separated as other monsters appeared.

The bear monster, a pride of lions, likely the ones I had seen a few weeks ago hunting the Bisons, and some strange monster, which looked like a hybrid between bear and hippo; there were many such monsters in this ruin.

By the time ten minutes had passed, hundreds of monsters gathered around the done; some were alone, some in groups, and strangely, they did not attack each other.

There was some growling and other stuff, but no action.


Suddenly, the expressions of all the monsters have changed, and they felt silent and even separated, leaving open a single line.

It had surprised me, but I soon came to know why it did, as it had appeared. It is a deer monster with crystalline antlers. It looked small and delicate but, without a doubt, a Primary-II monster.

I was just looking at myself when it disappeared from its spot, and I saw it crashing against the shield with powerful force, that sense group of monsters nearly flying, but all it could do against the dome was make a tiny ripple.

That, too, had disappeared instantly.

Which did not seem to affect it as it continued to ram against the dome at a very fast speed that I could not even see. I know it is attacking because of a ripple forming and disappearing across the dome.

I looked at it for a few seconds before looking up, the funnel above the dome becoming bigger and taller.

The higher it reaches, the more powerful the energy brings, which makes me slightly unconformable, but it is just a starting.

The pull from the core is getting stronger by the second, which continues to increase the size of the funnel and bring out the stronger energies, which are all being absorbed by the core.

Absorbing the energies will take time and will be painful at later stages, but not dangerous.

These processes are safe; the dangerous step will be during the consolidation in which my fate will be decided.

If I had not been skipping the level, I wouldn’t have worried about the consolidation. I would have been confident about my ability to make the breakthrough, but the skipping makes things difficult.please visit panda(-)

My core would feel immense pressure during that, which will either sweep through or crack.

I pushed those thoughts away and focused on other things, like the appearance of two new monsters, who are likely Primary II, given how the other monsters separated; some had even run away.

While the deer had stopped attacking, seeing it was futile, these two began while the Deer and the other monsters watched.

Half an hour passed, and a few more Primary-II monsters have appeared, scaring the hell out of me.

My breakthrough not only needed to succeed, but I also needed to gain power; I predicted otherwise, dealing with ever-increasing Primary-II monsters would be quite troublesome.

Another half an hour passed, and it had started to become quite painful; even after such time, my core kept increasing the pull, which was bringing more and more powerful energy.

If this goes on them, then the funnel might touch the swirling cloud above me, and that is very dangerous.

I don’t think I would be able to use it, even with the disk purifying it and mellowing it.

I turned to the monsters; many of them were leaving as more powerful ones were arriving; just a few minutes ago, three wolves arrived, all Primary Class, and they had killed a group of fiery goats.

They massacred the whole group in seconds and devoured it all, leaving barely any proof of their existence.

A little more than an hour passed, and I gritted my teeth harder; the funnel had finally reached the clouds, and the energy came in so pure that I hardly could believe it, but it was not what made me grit my teeth.

It is spatial and temporal energies that, despite being mellow, make me feel like they are tearing my soul apart.


I was feeling immense pain when a surprising thing happened; I saw the moon around my core, shining faintly.

p、A,nd A-n、o、ve,1

As it did, a line separated from the energy coming from the core and went to the moon.

It is about 30% of what my core is absorbing, and it couldn’t surprise me, but it also made me happy. The moon has saved my life, and if it wants to absorb the energy to make itself stronger, there will be no one who will be happier than me.

Twenty-some minutes passed by, and it became even more painful that I am the verge of screaming when I noticed the flow of energy had stabilized.

Seeing that, I couldn’t help but take a sigh of relief; if it had continued increasing, I would scream.

Even I have a limit in bearing the pain.

“Temporal flow is changing,” she said to herself as she looked outside of her tower.

He should have understood that gathering a huge amount of energy would affect the temporal flow of the ruin, but it seemed like he had forgotten such a simple thing.

It will be a lesson for him.

She looked for a few seconds before focusing on the two monsters on the being’s lap; she had seen enough to know they were not monsters.

One was not from the beginning, and the bird looked like a monster but was not. She had seen what the sensors of her tower had shown her, and it couldn’t horrify her.

The bird is like her but far more powerful than she could imagine.

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