Monster Integration

3027 Fighting on the Edge II


Its spear clashed against my sword, shaking from top to down, nearly sending me into the broken formation.

I survived after throwing a mouthful of blood, but it did not end.

It had caught me, and now it was going to use every bit of the strength it had to push me into the formation, and there was nothing I could do to get away, as I did not have the strength to do it.

What I have now is barely enough to defend against it, and this coming attack is more powerful than the last, forcing me to continue burning my essence at ever greater length.


The spear came at me again, and I had defended, but once again, it shook me so much that I nearly fell in the formation.

That was just the starting as its attack came, one after another, and they were extremely powerful that I was hanging on the edge.

I wanted to use my shields, but I could not due to their size; even if I reduced them to the side, it wouldn’t be enough to form a sphere without clashing with the boundaries of the broken formations.

Using fewer shields will be useless; given the power of the attack, it will break through them unless I use the full sphere.

It is another thing for me to think about.

Seconds passed, and it continued its intense assault, continuedly forcing me to burn my essence to its max.

I have to give it to whoever designed the code of this bastard; it is really good. Capable of thinking on its own to kill the enemy most efficiently.

Not only that, but it is also learning very fast; it is studying me and making use of what it has learned.

It had raised all the hair on my body and made me cautious of its every attack, as it was extremely close to killing me. The only thing it had to is continuedly to increase its power and evade my sword.

Succeeding even once will end me.

One minute and Forty-four seconds passed when a smile appeared on my sweaty face; it was hard considering the powerful investigating formation around, which made it very hind to bind it, but I did.

“Slow!” I said as it once again moved its spear to attack me.

As my command, my strings appeared, covering every part of its body with a very complicated weave which is being reinforced with the formation and powered by my burning essence.

Despite that, it was not enough to stop it; it only slowed it down; I knew it, which is why I used ‘slow’ instead of stop.

As the strings appeared around it, they showed it down, but to my surprise, not as much as I liked, but enough, I finally dared to move away from the broken formation as I moved my sword to defend.


I defended, and for the first time since I had started fighting it, I did not shake from top to down.

Still, I did not dare to let my guard down; this was a dangerous enemy, and underestimating will be my end.

I had just thought that when it attacked again using more than double the power than the last attack, at the same time, its faded brownish body began to turn blue, and seeing that; I became even more careful and activated a few more formations.

Soon, its whole body turned blue, emanating such heat that would meld any metal.please visit panda(-)

Even with fire and strong elemental defenses, I am feeling very hot inside my armor, like I am being cooked.

It is nothing compared to what my strings are feeling; they are nearly edge of splitting before they started to absorb the energy and use it to strengthen as I begin to make the second weave around the first.


I defended much more easily, but another of its attack came; even with the dire straits, it was not willing to stop, not only in attack but also defending itself as the heat continued to get stronger.

Thankfully, I have devised a mechanism that my strings could absorb and refine all kinds of energy to make themselves stronger.

Another minute passed as three weaves of strings covered the golem, with the formation of each reinforcing the other and sharing the burden, and even with it, it was not enough to stop it.

It is constantly increasing its power, and even now, it is powerful enough that it would be able to finish me off easily without the power of my burning essence.

I have more weaves, and I begin to make them over it, wanting to slow it down further before stopping it.

As only them, I could start thinking about turning it off; I had also asked my clone to find a way to turn it off, it had found some, but those could not be used in the current state.

The way of the sword wouldn’t work; the material the clone is made of it is very powerful.

My strings tried, but they could not pierce the material, and according to the tests I have done, even if I used the full power of my enchantment and swung the sword will all my strength at its weakest part, I wouldn’t be much other than faint scratch.

Three minutes passed, and I had finished with the seventh weave, and it only slowed it down by 20%, which is not enough, but I will continue.

A few more seconds passed when my clone picked up another book.


‘This might work,’ I said to myself as I saw what the book had.

My clone began to flip the pages, reading them rapidly and reading everything they contained, and soon, a formation came.

I looked at the formation, and the strings began to move, form themselves into the runes, and soon, an extremely complicated formation appeared across its body.


The formation activated, and to my utter shock, a second later, the golem had slowed down.

I had not thought it would work; there are nearly thirty formations to fry its control system in the book, and I have only used the first, and it was enough to slow it down.

Seeing that, I poured more energy into the formation and even added a lot of rule-bending power, which seemed to do the trick in bypassing its defense and turning it off.

It began to fall down at a sudden stop as it was mid-attack, but I waved my hand, and it went to a standing position while I just wanted to crouch down and turn off the burning of my essence and start the recovery.

But now, I first have to dispose of it; I could leave it here. It is a powerful tool, if I got control over it, it would help a lot, but first, I have to store it, and thankfully, the old snake has just a thing about it.


A huge metallic rectangular box appeared; it was big enough to store it and powerful enough that even the golem wouldn’t be able to do anything.

Even if it blasts itself to pieces, it won’t do much other than dent it into a few places.

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