Monster Integration

3004 Harvest

I begin, and like before, I focus on storing the old snake while my clones are planting and harvesting.

I would have very much liked it if the close two would handle the storage of the Rhaek, which I had not touched, but it is busy with clone one.

Growth energy is very powerful; it is growing the resources at such a fast speed that despite all control my clone has over this core, they are barely managing to keep up with this speed.

The seed collection of the old snake is huge, and I am looking at thousands through the minute. Sending those important to my clone while placing the unimportant into a different place.

Now and then, I would look through some unknown seeds which are on an important shelf.

The old snake might not be able to identify what kind of seeds they were, but it was clever enough to identify important ones through their aura and quality.

I would barely identify five in a hundred, but my investigative abilities are much more than the old snake.


So, even though I did not know many seeds, I could tell what kind of thing they might produce, which made me choose to plant them.

Though the success is not that great, only 20% of the unidentified would live.

Every seed requires a different climate and different materials, such as soil and other things.

Growth energy is powerful, but I do not grow the seed on its power alone, which is too wasteful.

So, when I saw the seed is only growing on the power of growth energy alone, I would pull it out.

Time passed as we planted and harvested a huge number of resources every second. The boxes grow till they have formed a small mountain, and this is just the beginning

We are just using the growth energy of the three Grimms, and there are four more from which the growth energy has yet to come down.

The process is slow due to the difference in level, and it became even slower with pressure, which is fine by me; I would have very much loved it if it had been even slower.

Or even able to hold back the growth energy in the mysterious tree, but that will not happen; I tried, but it doesn’t work.

So, I am working with what things are, not daring to waste even a second of time.

Dhub Dhub Dhub

Around twenty minutes passed when finally, all four Grimms had turned into dust, but there was no change in the growing energy.

The mysterious tree is already releasing as much as it can; it cannot increase the flow anymore.

I did not look at it, as I could feel how much growth energy the mysterious tree has and how long it would take to unload it, and I am confident that I will be able to harvest a huge number of resources by the time growth energy is spent.


I said with a big smile when I found out the seed in the unknown; Osme flower seeds.

This flower is very good; alone, it is not much, but when I mix it with life-force liquid from the necrotic tree, it will show its power.

It will help me and everyone a lot in recovering our life force faster.

I would find such gems now and then, which I would plan immediately.

Forty more minutes have passed when I had to refill the essence under the metal essence tree and pluck out the fruits.please visit panda(-)

The metal essence tree is one of the things that is taking a huge amount of growth energy.

It had grown with this above-the-limit energy and still taking while absorbing an immense amount of metallic energies from the half-bronze tree floating above it; it is literally showing it.

After I plucked the fruits and changed the essence, the essence began to drain, and flowers began to appear on the essence tree.

It won’t be long before those flowers turn into fruit and mature, and I will again come back and pluck them.

I have harvested a lot of metal essence fruit already and used nearly finished; all the metal essence that old snake has above limit the grade.

Soon, I will have to turn to the metal-essence of Grand Lord grade or look into another source. Storage of Rhaek and other Grand Lords, the old ones, which I did not have a chance to open.

I will also be finished with the seeds in the old snake’s storage and move to Rhaeks.

I have been working very fast and am quite proud of myself for looking through such a number of seeds in such a short time.

If I had time, I would have looked more closely at those unidentified seeds, but I did not.

I did not even have a second for each seed. I will after I finish with this and have free time.

Many seeds had interested me but weren’t able to grow; I want to research them further.

A few more minutes passed, and I was finished with the seeds, but I did not immediately get out. No, I began to look through a huge number of resources, and some of the resources could be planted.

I am planting only those I need, so after selecting two hundred-something resources to plant from the thousands, I finally took out my soul sense from the storage of the old snake and burrowed into the storage of Rhaek.


A gasp of shock came out of my mouth as I looked inside; I had expected it to be big and beyond my imagination, but it went over that.

It is huge and filled with stuff, so much so that my eyes went wide.

It is less organized than the old snake, where everything is precise, but still, it was not chaotic, and I was able to find out what I needed soon enough.

The first thing I touched was metallic essence, there were a large number of them, and many of them were above the limit, so I took them all out and first used those that would immediately help me and my friends.

There is still enough growth energy to pluck out a couple of badges of essential fruits.

After the essence, I moved toward the seeds; Rhaek also had them, and its collection was huge, nearly as huge as an old snake.

Which surprised me, but I shouldn’t be, considering it was the leader of Grimms. Even if it did not need those things, it understood their importance and collected them.

As I looked at the seeds, my eyes lit up with joy that I wanted to plant all of them, but I controlled myself and began to plant only those I needed.

There are many of those I need; they will help my friends and me tremendously in the coming days.

I only wish they had been better-tagged.

The old snake had taken great pain in tagging everything, not only with their name but also with their details. It helped me tremendously in planting them.

Rhaek had not taken such care; naming them was already enough for it.

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