Monster Integration

2994 Mist


Suddenly, the expression of the Raxth changed as it stopped attacking me mid-way.

A faint mist has appeared on the battlefield all of a sudden, and it is getting denser and denser.

I could see the mist and Grimm clearly, but I am sure it is having a problem doing the same.

“Empire of Mist!” It said as its expression became serious and dense, soul sense had spread from it, not only from it but from every Grimms as the mist began to denser by the second.

I couldn’t help but get shocked seeing the mist or, rather, its immense power, far more than I had imagined.

Joana had told me about the progress of my mother, and she herself was proof; she is a Grandmaster, but with the power of her art, she was able to fight the Grand Lords and had even killed one.

Now my mother had returned, and I could clearly feel her power through her seed; she had become a Grand Lord from the Master she was a few months ago, but it was not her real strength.

Her strength lies in her art, which has reached the limit and has become so powerful that it begins to interfere with the senses of Grimms, who are above the stage of the Grand Lord.

“My child,” said my mother as she appeared in front of me, with her hand massaging my face.

“You shouldn’t have come, mom; it is very dangerous here,” I said, “How can I not? My son is fighting for his life. I will not stay away,”

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“I have already lost some precious ones; I don’t want to lose anyone ever again,” she said gently, and I smiled before my eyes widened in horror as I saw Raxth appear silently behind my mother and swipe its huge claws at it.


I screamed and moved, but it was too late, as the claw of the Grimm had swiped through her, tearing her so cleanly that not even a drop of blood had leaked out.

“This little art is too weak to stop me,” it said with a victorious grin, but the next moment, the grin on its face froze away when it saw its body; it had torn into pieces turning into mist and disappearing.

“Empire of Mist is no common art that you could tear away, Grimm,” said mom as she appeared in front of me.

‘Her art had improved tremendously,’ I thought in shock; the scream earlier was no acting; it was real; for a moment, I had really thought that the bastard had torn apart my mother.

‘You have improved, mom,’ I said, ‘Not as much as I like; I am using the full power of my art, and I could use it for forty-five minutes; we will have to escape somehow before that,’ she replied.

Hearing that, my eyes couldn’t help but light up while the Grimms leaped toward my mother to try to kill her again.

‘Can you really hold on for forty-five minutes?’ I asked to be sure. “Yes,” she said.

‘Good, you help others; I will handle this bastard,’ I said, and I could feel my words had shocked her.

‘Michael, we have to escape; there is no way we could defeat them,’ she said, ‘Give me half an hour. If I was not able to do anything to it, then we will escape with the rest,’ I said.

‘And go help others; I could handle this bastard now that you have enveloped everything in the mist,’ I said, and instead of doing what I had asked her, she appeared in front of me while Grimm chased another one of her phantoms.

‘They are too strong, Michael; we could not defeat them,’ she said once again. ‘Like I said, give me half an hour; if I did not find a way to defeat them by then, we would escape,’ I said.

She looked at me for a second before she signed.

‘Fine, but no more than half an hour. After that, I am taking you away, even if I have to force you,’ she said and disappeared.

Though, she had left behind her phantoms, which are appearing constantly around Grimms, taunting it.

I watched as I resumed with the thing I was doing with even greater fervor and more dedication.please visit panda(-)

It chased against the phantoms for a few seconds, only before it stopped and looked at me.

It stared at me for nearly ten seconds before a powerful aura blasted out of its body, and it moved and, a moment later, attacked me with the most powerful attack it had launched yet!

Its claws tore through me, but soon I turned to the mist.


“Wrong direction,” I said from behind it, and it reacted immediately, appearing in front of me and swiping down its claw at a speed I could not even see.

The claw tore through me, and I turned into the mist.

“Try harder!” I said as I appeared directly in front of it, and it swiped its claws at me, and I once again turned into the mist.

Art is truly power; I am in complete awe of it; like other grand arts, it did not have strong offensive abilities, but there is no other art that is comparable to it in confusing senses.

Even Shaels illusion-type Grand Art is pale in front of it, not became it is not powerful, but because the two Grand Arts focus on two different things.

“You bastard, I will kill you!” It ranged, and an aura exploded out of it that blasted the space apart as the phantom created behind it.

“The Golden Rain!” It shouted, and millions of drops of concentrated fire materialized in the sky.

Each drop with the power to obliterate the Grand Lord into the ashes.

This is its true power; it had finally revealed it.

Seeing such a wide area attack, I couldn’t help but shudder, but I also felt excited to experience an attack at a vast scale.

Sup Sup Sup

“No matter where you are hiding, it will reveal it!” it said, and the drops began to fall down, I summoned the defense method without hesitation, and it moved.

It appeared in front of me and attacked, but its utter shock; it saw me turning into the mist again.

Seeing it, I couldn’t help but smile at its naivety.

It far too much underestimated the power of the Empire of Mist; the art confuses one’s senses; what I mean is if it wants to detect me through its fiery rain as I defend against it, then it is in very big disappointment.

In this art, even if it showers me with the attack, I defend right beside it; it will not detect me.


It screamed frustratingly, and tens of thousands of lances appeared in the sky before they came down, with such a might that they began to crack my shields, but despite that, the Grimm did not discover my position.

It became unstable and started to use attack after attack to discover me, but never able to do it.

Twenty minutes passed by, and it was still unable to do it.

While it had failed to discover me, I have finally succeeded at the twenty-sixth minute.

Though to win, it needs to hold on, and to be honest, I do not have complete confidence that it will.

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