Monster Integration

2985 Culling

“It escaped,” said Matron looking at the space it had been. I sighed and made my shields disappear.

“It won’t be able to next time,” I said as I carefully stored what I had collected; next time, this trick will not work, no matter how great the power behind it is.

When it comes to teleporting, delicateness requires, not overwhelming, power. I am sure I will be to do interference with the power I have, but whether I will remain alive till then is a completely different question together.

“It might have escaped, but there are still some that are alive,” said Kevin, and a third of the eyes of the monkey on its shoulder has shone, and the broke space stabilized, which he tore and disappeared.

Others, too, begin to disappear, joining the fight against the four remaining videttes till only Matron and I have remained.

“We need to start preparing,” I said to the old woman, whose eyes had become very serious. “Let them kill these videttes and enjoy some victory, false as it may be,” I replied, and all I could is smile.

“The rest?” I asked, and her eyes became hard in an instant. “We will kill every last one of them; it is the least we could do before it comes to destroy us,” she said, and I nodded.

Next second, she gave the order for the destruction of Grimms.

Not all Grand Lords are fighting against the videttes; only the most powerful humans are capable of that; the rest are staying far away and waiting for the orders.

“I have something that will aid them in it; it will be coming to them soon,” I said, and she arched her brow in question, but in the next seconds, Nero and Ashlyn came out, and me disappeared.

Second, later, they appeared beside the Grand Lords, handling them the boxes.

It took less than a minute for them to hand the boxes to all the Grand Lords, and when they did, the Grand Lords began.

The wanton killing of the Grimms will benefit no one; we will be just killing Grimms without getting anything from them and making them; my method is painful as well as beneficial.

Ashlyn and Nero had not only spread the seeds to Grand Lords but also to High-Grandmasters and Grandmasters that came out of the pyramid.

As such, the culling of vermin has begun, from Grandmasters to Grand Lord begin to spread the seeds, and whenever these seeds go, they will search, hunt, and swallow the Grimms.

Turn them into the essence roses; it took a few minutes for my seeds to spread into central confinement and big islands.

The Grimms begin to run but cannot; even those of the Grandmaster and Grand Lord class are having a problem entering their Supreme Citadel.

Even before the Rhaek escaped, Lord Whitmore had activated a spatial blockade around their supreme citadel that, aside from Grand Lord, nobody could break through.

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Their supreme citadel is fighting back since it is too an artifact of the same level, but not breaking the blockage, as unlike us, who are using full power, that will only last for a couple of hours, the supreme citadel is not.

They are preserving their power, deciding to sacrifice the Grimms outside as most of their core people are present inside the citadel.

The outside had 90% of their population, but it did not matter to them much, as they would be able to regain this population in a couple of centuries.

What matters most is helping preserve all sources of survival, the same strategy they used when Ramona Hawthorn wiped away all the Grimms except those in the citadel.

A couple of centuries later, the bastard came back, clawing more and more territories year by year, till only they began to control more than half of the world again.please visit panda(-)

“So, are you going to give me the storage of the old snake now?” I said to Matron, and the old women’s cheeks became red.

I have found a lot of things in the old Grimm’s storages, especially of Shael, which is filled with a huge amount of things.

First thing I asked my clones to look at is the seed; they are the most important things. I have growth energy right now; when it disappeared, the value of the seed would plummet too.

I need to grow as many resources as possible to prepare for the future. As we may die, but others will continue with the resistance till we wipe away each and every vermin from our world.

“Here, it is very hard to break, though. “We have tried many methods but have been unsuccessful,” she said as she handed me a single storage back, but the moment I touched it, I knew it was no simple artifact.

“It is very dangerous; if you feel it is difficult, let it be till you find the safe way,” she advised as I nodded.

The storage disappeared from my hand and into my core, where it appeared in the storage ring, and immediately, its code-breaking formation surrounded it.

‘It is truly difficult,’ I said to myself as I saw the amount of energy it was taking for the formation; even Shael’s storage had not taken this much, and it had still not been broken.

It took one minute and seven seconds before, finally, the core-breaking formation in the ring turned green.

The storage finally opened; it immediately came out of the ring, and my avatar in the core took it in its hand and looked inside; the moment I did, my eyes couldn’t help but widen in shock.


A loud gasp rang out of me, seeing the sheer number of things contained in the biggest storage I have ever seen in my life.

The old snake’s storage is the neatest I have come across; everything is tagged and marked, and you will not see anything out of place there.

I looked around it, and immediately, I found what I was looking for; the seeds. The old snake had a huge collection that was hundreds of times bigger than mine, containing all sorts of seeds.

Even his collection of unknown seeds is bigger than my collection of seeds.

I immediately called clone one to me, and it began to help me choose the important seeds that we need to plan, which we both will send to clone two, who is planting and harvesting.

The growth energy is still coming out, and it will for a few more minutes; the videttes have produced huge growth energies, and they were not the only source.

There was a couple of peak Grand Lords’ bloodline, who, too, produced quite a lot of growth energy.


A couple of minutes passed when suddenly, I opened my eyes as a very injured Blood Vidette appeared in front of me, covered in the formation densely and looking at me with all the hate in the world.

I did not say anything to it and waved my hand, and it disappeared inside my core.

“A lot of Grand Lords are angry at you for taking their kills,” said Matron slowly. “I am doing this for their benefit,” I replied and closed my eyes.

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