Monster Integration

2887 Death of Grand Lords

“Your little strings may be powerful before, but in Grand Lord class, they are nothing; every Grimm fighting here possesses the power to destroy your little strings,” mocked the old snake.

“It is not the only move I have,” I said with a hint of defensiveness; “Yes, but it was the strongest move you had, didn’t you?” It asked me with a smile.

“No, I had many other moves which are much stronger than the strings,” I rejected it with a much clear note of defensiveness in my voice, which had lit the smile on the old snake’s face even more brightly.

“I will not lower myself to argue with you further; with your strongest move down, you are already a dead man,” It said with eyes burning up with confidence.

“You are acting as if you have already won,” I mocked, but instead of getting angry, it laughed loudly. “But I am; I have cursed you in my first attack; I was just playing around to see the power of your strings, but those too burned to ashes by my curse, and soon you shall too,” it declared.

“That’s impossible! I have defended against each of your curse attacks perfectly,” I said, but one could sense a faint hesitation in my voice as I scanned inside and outside my body.

Others heard the conversation and tried to move toward me to rescue me, but they were immediately stopped by the Grimms they were fighting.

“It is the truth; my sanguine devil curse had affected you; I could sense it in your body,” said the old snake laughingly. “Stop joking, old snake; I have designed my defenses in a way that no curse of this world could affect me,” I declared, gaining some of the confidence back as I said it.

“Well, it will make things easier to explain then,” said the old snake, trying to control the smile on its but failing to do it. “It is a curse that is out of this world; it is the curse that is beyond the level of Grand Lord,” the old snake declared mightily, like a maestro end of a concert.

“No!” I shouted out loud in horror, “Hahahaha…Zaar, you will now see the power of the mighty sanguine devil that no human could survive!” It said loudly as I watched in horror.

A second passed, and a faint frown appeared on its face before it eased up, but a couple of seconds later, it appeared again; this time, the old snake gritted its teeth and closed its eyes as if to concentrate.

“Are you looking for this old bastard,” I said with a voice full of mirth, completely opposite from the one a few seconds ago.

The old snake’s red flew open and immediately focused on the tiny transparent sphere that looked like it the made of glass, and inside it was thousands of sandy sanguine granules; seeing it, its eyes grew wide as saucers.

“How? I was clearly sensing it inside you.” It asked before it could stop itself. “Tricks, you are not intelligent enough to see through them,” I said back while the old snake looked at me with seething anger; it was so angry that it could not let out a single word it wanted.

“You have shown me your most powerful move, and you failed; now let me show you mine, and I promise you, there will not be any failure,” I said, smiling confidently as I raised my hand toward the old snake, who first time show the fire.

“Rose Redemption,” I said, ‘Ashlyn, ashes!’ I said, and she, who was playing with Grimms, appeared directly in front of the frogman, to its horror, and breathed out the silver fire; at the same time, the rose redemption appeared; In front of the world.

To the shock of everyone, it is not the old snake got the redemption, but Lightning Hyenaman named Jasft, a new Grand Lord; it was part of three Grimms who were fighting against Rai and the Grand Commander.

A beautiful blue rose materialized across its body, enveloping it fully, before disappearing and appearing by my side a moment later, with a face filled with sheer horror, the complete opposite of joy it was feeling when it was fighting against Rai and Grand Commander.

“You bastard, release him.!” shouted the Old Snake, and it came at me with a speed that I could not even follow, but no matter how great its speed was, it would not matter, as all I needed was an intention to send me to my core, and I sent it, without wasting even a moment of time.

“No! You wretched human!” roared old Snake, and a horrifying aura released from its body, sensing I felt kind of scared. This is its real power; it had not used it all on me; if it had, it might have been able to save the Hyneman.


I was looking at the horrifying aura of the old snake when a deafening boom rang out, and the golden fire exploded in the sky, revealing the old Golden Fire Werewolf. It is the oldest Grimm; I have ever seen, and sensing its aura, which ripples the space around it, I begin to shake from head to toe in fear.

The golden leader Rhaek, the strongest powerhouse in the world. I had expected; the death of the Grand Lord would cause a huge reaction, but I still did not expect the leader of the Grimms would come to kill me; it had horrified me, became even with all my abilities

It was supposed to be fighting against the matron.

“It is the greatest mistake of my life not killing you, Zaar!” It said with elegance and might, as the golden sun appeared in its hand before transforming into a huge spear.

“Now die!” It said and threw the spear while I watched in horror; this was no normal attack, but an attack that was filled with the power of art and the power of bloodline; either one could make it strongest among the Grimms, and it had both, and it merged them better than any powerhouse among human and Grimm.

The spear appeared in front of me instant; one moment, it was in its hand; next, it was right in front of me; if it struck me, I would not be able to survive.


It was about to strike me when suddenly a ball of black fire appeared in front of me; this black fire was different, there was no aura from it, but one would shudder when they looked at it; this fire possesses the power to burn even the art.

There was no sound as the two clashed, nor any shockwaves; both fires attacked each other, swallowing till nothing remained.

“Your enemy is me, Rhaek,” said Matron, but the very next second, her expression changed, and so did the expression of Rhaek and every other Grand Lord, not mine; I know this would happen.

Ashlyn had killed the Frogman; her fire turned into ashes; even I couldn’t do that, but she did. Killing the first Grand Lord on the mainland in centuries.

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