Monster Integration

2880 The Curse

The Mainland

While Michael’s other powerhouses are pushing themselves hard against the pressure, another group of humans is also pushing themselves against the much more dangerous enemy.

“The old snake; we did not expect it to be this powerful,” said Lord Whitmore in horror as he watched the battle; it was yesterday the old snake had revealed its power, and it is still feeling horror for what it had done.

It had not killed any Grand Lord but had done something much worse; it had infected the Grand Lord with the potent curse, a curse so dangerous that no healer of their ability to do anything against it, and even when healers tried, the curse attacked them, nearly killing one of their best healers.

In just a day, it had infected half of their numbers with this curse, and even with all their abilities, they were not able to save themselves from this curse.

Patriarch Bradford got infected, and so was Supreme Commander; even Lord Rai, who has one of the greatest physical abilities, was affected by this curse, and it is spreading fast as they use their energy.

Even now, they are fighting; in one of the biggest battles of the millennia. Ten Grand Lords are fighting, Six Grimms against the four humans; the Grimms lead by old Snake, while the humans are by Patriarch Bradford; with him is the supreme commander, Lord Rai, and Lord Singh.

All four of them had been affected by the curse of the old snake; there is also Elder Lord who got affected, but he is fighting a different battle.

I wish we had a healer capable of healing the curse, but two who have a chance to do anything against the curse have gone to that things and haven’t returned yet.

He tapped on a few buttons in nervous anticipation, and a screen appeared in front of him.

“Have you been able to find anything yet, a cure or at least a way to stop the curse?” he asked the two women; his eyes unintentionally went to the younger woman and seeing her condition, he couldn’t help but feel guilty.

He doesn’t know how he will face him; he had specifically asked the council to protect his loved ones, and they failed spectacularly.

The woman had changed, and he didn’t know what sort of reaction he would have when he saw her. He will bear the consequences; he just hoped he would return soon.

“No Lord Whitmore, there is no breakthrough. If we find anything, you will be the first one we will call,” said the older energy voice, without looking up from the medical artifact she was staring at.

“I hope you succeed soon,” he said, he wanted to say that the fate of the whole race depended on them finding a cure or a way to stop the curse from spreading like he did so many times, but he did not; they did not need to tell that, they are risking their lives working against the curse, they understood very well, what the cost of the failure would be.

“Lord Hern, we might need to use the power of the night blade sooner than we had planned,” he said, and the man had just nodded.

The dark blade is rarely used, even during wars; it is the only weapon of humans that Grimms truly feared. It is a deciding weapon, the only thing that saved them from losing wars.

He looked at the screen ahead and saw the battles; there was not a single Grand Lord who was not fighting; they were barely getting any rest before they needed to fight.

The Grimms are using their advantage of high numbers too well, tiring their Grand Lords with the constant battles. It is not easy to do that, considering their cores could produce inexhaustible power, and they could easily stay awake for a month, but there is a huge difference between staying awake and fighting for a month.

It had been six days since any of their Grand Lords had slept; they had been fighting constantly, and it was showing, especially those who got cursed by the old snake.

Their figures are blurry on the screens, but one could see the sickly blood-red aura coming out of those who got infected. The more they use their energy, the denser would this becomes, and the more the curse spreads inside them.

They could not stop this blood-red aura, and according to Patriarch Bradford, it is also acting like a beacon, sending their location constantly to the old snake, who is the Master of this curse. Not to mention, the aura was highly infectious; it would be a High-Grandmaster, within minutes.

Which is why the Grand Lords are using quite a lot of their energy, burning this aura as it comes out of there, going deeper into this predicament.

Looking at the battles, one might think humans have no chance of winning; the Grimms have a greater number, and within this curse, the victory of the battle is determined, and humans are stretching the time of their defeat.

It is all true, but they are not lost, and this is not the only powerhouse they have; they still have a chance of winning, they only need to survive longer, and for it, even if they have to sacrifice their lives, they will do it.

The new generation is coming; they have sent the word from inside. Their most talented have the confidence to gain the power of Grand Lords; they only need time; they have asked for one and half months, and eight days had already passed.

He had complete confidence they would succeed, and with the top seven challenges, their chances increased even further.

There is no message from people inside about the beginning of the top seven challenge, but there is no need to; it has been nine eight days since any human or Grimm came out, and that only means one thing, the top seven challenges have begun.

The longest gap only appears during the top seven challenges; it is small as seven days and long as a month and a half.

Time passed as he watched the battles with the bleeding heart; the Grand Lords were fighting, but millions were dying by the day; these were not fighters but innocent people.

Even Grimms didn’t want to destroy the precious livestock they would gain after the victory.

Even after fighting quite high, the scale of battles is so huge that the energies would react to the ground and bring destruction.

We have prepared it with thousands of years of experience, but still, we could not save people; the bunkers and defensive barriers are not enough to defend against the Grand Lords, especially those at the small continents.

I turned my eyes to the biggest battle, the only battle that was being fought between two people, the strongest. There is no one who could compete against them, the fire vs. five, golden vs. abyssal.

The old werewolf is beyond strong that it has started to be pressed against Matron; slowly, her battle strategy is changing from complete offensive to minute defensive.

If things get worse at such speed, then it won’t be long before Matron Mavis, too, begin to fight defensively, like most humans Grand Lords are doing right now.


He was watching the battles when suddenly a screen popped up in front of him.

“Grandmaster Charline were you ab” he was asking the question when he stopped mid-way, seeing the expressions on two women’s faces, the expressions of sheer horror.

“L..Lord Whitmore, this curse…” she informed him, stumbling about the things they were able to find out about the curse; by the time she finished, he slumped powerlessly on his seal with the same horror on his face.

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