Monster Integration

2860 Future Path

I took the formation back into my core and took out the abode before entering inside; I directly went to my room and laid down on the bed.

‘Clone 2 activated the soul formation 17,’ I said to the clone two before closing my eyes, and in a couple of seconds, I was fast asleep.

I need to sleep; I am extremely tired and drained of soul energy, which is harder to recover than regular energy. The formation will aid me in recovering it faster.

I had slept for ten and a half hours, and when I woke up, there was a smile on my face.

“Grandmaster,” I said to myself, still having quite a hard time believing that I had finally reached this stage, but I did.

The world-crushing power flowing in my veins is proof of that. The feeling had been even more amazing had I recovered my soul energy, but with sleep and aid, I was only able to recover 40% of it.

I stayed in bed for a few minutes before I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and shower before walking out of the room.

In the kitchen, I ate the breakfast that clone one so graciously cooked before I went to my core.

“So, what I thought was true?” I asked; I already know the answer, not because I felt it, but because our souls are connected; what they know, I know. I am just making conversation to feel normal, which itself is weird considering I am talking to my clone, with whom I share the soul.

“Yes; our next advancement would be the Grand Lord class,” replied clone two.

Earlier, I had asked them whether I could level up to High-Grandmaster as normal people do, which I had felt would not be possible for me after I had read all the books and tomes in the door of celestial inheritances, which now held true.

My condition, which gave me so many advantages, has now become my disadvantage.

It is a bad thing for me because now the next stage for me would be the Grand Lord class, which will give me the power of the Primary-2 stage.

If I went for that power, I would face life-threatening dangers.

My earlier plan was to reach the Grandmaster class, which would give me the power of the Grand Lord. If I survived the war and lived long enough, then break into the High-Grandmaster class, which would give me power between the Tyrant stage (Primary-III) and the Primary-II stage.

I did not even think further, as I did not have enough to think before that.

Now I have obtained it and understood it, with my condition and power, it would be nearly impossible for me to level up to High-Grandmaster class; I will have to level up to the Grand Lord class directly.

This will be very dangerous for me if I want to exploit my full potential; because of the data I have. I am confident that my core can bear the power of Primary-II stages in Grand Lord class, but the thing is, doing that would be extremely dangerous.

There is a couple of hurdles, first is creating Inheritance; till now, I have not even understood single primary-II stage inheritance, and I am already planning to have the power.

The second is the resources; I will need a massive amount of resources, some of which needs to be primary II. The world does not have such resources nor allow them to exist; it destroys them, the moment it senses them.

This brings out the third problem, the world.

I might be breaking into the Grand Lord class, but I will have the power of primary-II powerhouses, and I don’t know whether the words would let me that kind of power; it might crush me to a pulp the moment it sensed it.

There is a simple, less dangerous way around it; take the less dangerous power, the one I was planning on having after breaking through the High-Grandmaster class.

Gain the power between the Tyrant stage (Primary-III) and Primary II stage.

It solves nearly all problems; it is much easier to create, and I would be able to manage without primary-II resources, most importantly.

If I make enough preparations, the world will not kill me, but the great question is whether my pride will let me do it.

I waited for more than six months when I felt my Inheritance lacking; if I wanted to, I could have easily leveled up and gained the strength of the Grand Lord, but I waited because I did not want to waste even the slightest potential of mine which I have worked so hard to get.

I thought about the subject for a while before shaking my head.

I will have to research it deeply, and now that I have gained the power of the Grand Lord, I will know those secrets of the world that only Grand Lords know; even Grand Commander will get access to them till they have gained the power of the Grand Lord.

It is the condition for those secrets.

I hope those will offer me some other window; I hope they do.

“You guys continue with inheritance,” I said, and they once again disappeared.

Their first task is to study the material I have from the door of celestial inheritance; they will study all the books, scrolls, and tomes and also begin to study the primary-II stages of inheritance. It is imperative they study before they start creating the inheritance.

It is such a massive job that I wish I had the third clone; it would have made things much easier.

I did not immediately walk out of my core; with the clones busy, there were few things I had to do; those things could not wait.

I have to do them before I leave here, but before that, I want to look around.

The size of the core may have changed, but the area inside the core remained the same; it is the same with time dilation, which is quite regretful; I would have loved to have a little more time in the core.

While the area of the core may not have changed, its quality has taken the leap. The quality of the soil has improved, and so is the density of energy; it felt refreshing just breathing.

The plants looked beautiful, and the majority of them were planted with my next breakthrough in mind. I will have to plant a few more and collect some more seeds; after leveling up, I have gotten an even clearer idea of what I need.

I truly pity the Grimms; with that massive choice ahead of me, I will hunt those bastards like crazy, especially the Grand Lords.

It will be an extremely difficult endeavor; I might lose my life because I will now be fighting at the highest stakes, the bastards with centuries of experience and multiple tricks off their sleeves.

I have studied those bastards and made the preparations; I am sure I will be able to surprise some of them with a few of my own tricks; it would be wonderful if I am able to kill them.

I always wanted a garden with Grand Lord class plants; they will fulfill that dream of mine.

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