Monster Integration

2832 Poison II

We reached it, thanks to Silas slowing down the speed of Bullman, and began to attack. I did not take big risks and fought almost casually.

It got me a pointed look from Lady Veronica and Bishop, but I smiled through my broken mask.

Still, the Grimm does not make things easy; with three of us reaching it, it had stopped running and now fighting in the earnest or defending it.

It is very good, despite the three of us fighting it together; it is defending most of our moves, and whenever we were able to land a hit, it would be on the no-lethal part of its body. Not to mention, most of these injuries would be closed within a minute.

The Grimms have powerful healing powers here, but the healing power of this bastard seemed to be the strongest among all the Grimms I had fought here.

It did not matter, it would be dead soon, and it will be quite an accomplishment considering the power this bastard had.

Even outside with all my abilities, I will need to fight it for a considerable time and need some luck to defeat it.

It is one of the strongest Grimms, and it will die today.

I was just thinking that when the poison had finally irrupted, its body shook and froze on its spot while rapidly beginning to turn purple.

I could see its body fighting, and the way it was fighting couldn’t help but make me feel surprised. ‘The bastard might just fight it out with its vitality given enough time,’ I said.

Though we are not going to give a time for that.

Still, the power of vitality surprised me; the poison is not easy to deal with. Once it had revealed itself, it began to consume the vitality, but seeing what is happening, it is clear its vitality has been fighting hard against it.


A huge splattering sound rang out as its body fell down on the mud, covering three of us thickly, but in a few seconds, we got cleaned off by the torrential rain.

“What happened?” asked Lady Veronica, looking at the faint purple color body of the Grimm. “Poison,” answered Silas Bishop before I could reply and turn to me.

“It seemed it is your doing,” he said, with a faintly cautious voice, “Yes,” I affirmed as I walked toward the paralyzed Bullman and touched it. The next second, pink energy came out of my hand and covered the Grimm, and the Grimm disappeared.

The scene shocked them so much that both of them took a couple of steps back in cautiousness.

“Who are you?” asked Lady Veronica, “I thought you have recognized me by now, Lady Veronica,” I said in my original voice and removed the broken mask from my face.

“Grandmaster!” “Zaar!”  said both of them in shock, but soon they controlled their emotions, and the cautiousness left their stance. Even Silas, who hates me and knows hate me, had loosened up; even he knows I will not attack him, despite all the hate I have against him.

“Since we are finished with the Grimms, I will go,” I said and walked away; there was no need to stay further; we had killed the Grimm it was time to go our separate ways.

They did not say anything as I walked out; there was no need to say anything. They understood it well as I do, that one will obtain the greatest benefits when completing the challenge alone.

While we have teamed up, it is out of necessity; we broke up as soon as we finished dealing with the Grimm. The battle was truly great; not only had we killed one of the most powerful Grimm, but I have also received a huge bounty from it.

There are a few hours before the challenge is closed, and I hope I will find a few more Grimms. Not for a bounty, just for killing.

Those Grimms who have reached this stage are all important; killing them brings down future trouble, especially for someone like Bearman; if I am able to kill the enemy like that, it would be huge merit to the war.


I was thinking that when suddenly I had turned and slashed my sword down, cutting the insect monster size of a cat into two.


The harvest began, and despite seeing it a couple of times, I still get shocked at the level of purified bloodline essence these bloodlines with the core have. It is something different, out of the ordinary, and the benefits they provide me wish I hadn’t had reached the complete limit.

My garden once again would reap huge benefits from it, and I couldn’t help but feel jealous of it.

Though, also grateful.

These couple of harvests with Grimms with the core have helped me a lot, especially in maturing the resources I need. Now, I have not only had enough resources for myself, I could spare a few for others too.

These resources are not normal; despite their lower level, even Grand Lords will desire them. I have already given some to people I know, and now more will be produced.

The extra resources are always welcome; one might not know where one might need them.


Finally, the harvest is finished, and now the mysterious tree has released the energy; immediately, the plants begin to grow rapidly, with a speed that will shock anyone who will see it.


I was watching the growth while still remaining cautious of my surroundings when I sensed something. A few seconds later, the expression on my face changed abruptly.

“Fuck!” I couldn’t help but cursed loudly, and a moment later, they attacked.

Wolves black as night came at me bearing sharp fangs and cruel gaze; I readied myself to deal with the most dangerous, irritating monsters.

I knew the last few hours wouldn’t be easy, but I still did not expect to be attacked by wolves; it was the worst thing that could happen to me.

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