Monster Integration

2829 Three Vs Three II


I slashed down on its other leg, opening up another vein; now, the shower of blood was spurting out of both of its legs while giving it immense pain.

“You bastard!”

It shouted and brought down its huge ax toward me with all its fury, which I avoided easily before moving toward its legs.

This time, it did not make a mistake as before; it did not move its feet up to crush me and instead took steps back in retreat while bringing down its ax at me again.

If I had been fighting against it in a sand realm with our powers completely sealed, it would have been a game over for it without a healing potion, but here our powers are suppressed only to the Knight stage, and that makes it quite troublesome to deal with the Grimms.

As here, the immense vitality of Grimms shows its magic.

The blood is still coming out of them, but not as much as I like it to be, and in a minute, the wound will completely close up.

The Grimms really do have an unfair advantage; even here, all they had to do to kill us was to land a strike across our body or just capture us with a huge hand or stomp us with their huge legs, and it would be game over for us, while we have to land tens of precise injuries on them to do anything.

Not to mention, there is a healing potion that will undo all the damages we have done in a matter of seconds.

The difference in advantage really frustrates me, but there is nothing I can do about it.


Its ax landed on the ground beside me and moved up to strike again like so many times; this time, something different had happened; I jumped on its hand, and it reacted immediately, releasing its grip on it to capture, but before they could, I jumped up with all my strength.

An alarm flashed in its eyes, and it tried to move its head away, but its speed was too slow; even its hands that were coming to capture me wouldn’t be able to capture me on time.

Its head had still moved enough that I needed to take the spin to move a little before I appeared in front of my target, the second eye of the Grimm.

“You wretch”

The Tigerman cursed as it arched its feet to jump, but it had reacted too slow; I had already reached my target and moving for the attack.


My sword pierced through the second eye of the Grimm, effectively turning it blind, but I did not have time to celebrate my victory as the huge hands of Tigerman came at me. They were able to capture me; then it was game over.

I used the sword at the leverage and flew up with the force of my hands, taking the sword with me; it would have been much easier if I had left the sword, but as I had said, it is the only weapon I have; I could not leave it.


I had just reached above its head when the edge of its hand crashed against me and sent me flying hard.

I am not surprised; a second ago, I saw its hands moving up and knew the way it was moving and the speed it had; it will crash against me and thus prepared to lessen the blow and even took other measures.

I was sent flying toward the huge tree, against which I am going to crash hard, which would injure me even further, more than I had injured the Grimms, and might even take me to the death’s door; before that happens, I have to do something.

Thankfully, I took action the moment I realized its hand was going to crash against me.


The tree is getting closer and closer to me, and so is my hand; as I cover half a distance toward the tree, my good hand with the potion bottle in it reaches me, and I take the gulp.


The liquid flew down my throat and turned into energy when I crashed against the tree hard, breaking nearly all bones of my body, including those in my neck.

If a normal person had been in my place, they would have died instantly; even though I did not die, my condition is not much better. I would die in less than a minute if I did not receive immediate medical attention.

The moment I had thought that the healing energy that spread around my body began to do its magic. I saw my skin and bones reconnecting, and the blood stopped leaking; I am healing fast, but still not faster enough.

I stayed on my spot for a few seconds before I straightened my mangled body and gripped my sword hard, which, surprisingly, I didn’t let go.

In less than ten seconds of crashing, I jumped from the tree and moved toward the Grimm at my full speed. I am not the only one who drank the potion; the Tigerman also did, and if I did not want to waste the opportunity I had created with such risk, then I would have to finish the Grimm before it recovered its eyes.

The huge bodies of Grimms give them many advantages, but there are a few disadvantages as well.

From what I have observed, the potions work a little slower on them, and according to my calculation, I have around a minute before it recovers its eyes.

Which is rather fast, considering I have damaged one of the most delicate and complex organs; they usually take a little longer to heal than the other body parts.

I reached it and went for its legs.

The bastard is smart; instead of standing still on the spot, it is moving and moving irregularly, making it hard to predict its movements.

People would hesitate to take action when giants like Grimms move in such a way as you could be squished without knowing how.

I have already taken a big risk to kill it as soon as possible; if I wanted to, I could have taken my time to kill it, that approach would have been much safer, but I did not want to wait when there were two Grimms around.

So, now I will take a risk again, and this time, I will succeed.

Slice Slice

I took one more glance at the other two Grimms fighting not far away before attacking, cutting across its leg before moving to another and doing the same.

The injuries started to heal the moment I had caused them, but that is to be expected with the power of potion in its system.

I had chosen to attack legs not because I wanted to injure, but for a completely different reason, and seeing what action it takes, I know it is worth it.


The Tigerman shouted and brought down its ax toward me.


This time, I did not have to dodge its ax, as its aim was far off, but I used the opportunity to jump on its huge hands and ran across it before jumping as it tried to shake me off.


The Grimm cursed as it released what I was about to do and moved its hands toward its eyes again, but unfortunately for it, it was not the eyes I was targeting, but something else.

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