Monster Integration

2798 The Last Hurdle II


I gulped down the water from the bottle and immediately felt the potions mixed inside it, turning to energy and spreading inside my body, healing the strained muscles and replenishing my stamina.

It had been little more than an hour had passed since I jumped down from the pole, and I had already killed four times more sandworms than I had in nearly seven days, and I had only crossed half of the distance; the other half remained to be crossed, and the things are getting dangerous by the minute.

I have already lost myself in the challenge completely, with the only goal in my mind being to reach the beacon, and for it, no matter how many sand worms I have to kill, I will kill them.

Minutes passed as I covered more and more distance, dodging and killing sandworms that got in the way; getting closer and closer beacon, I could see the land above which it was floating, and it was real land and not some sandy place that I had got fucking tired off.

For the past week, I have seen only sand; there is not a single nice flat place, not even in safe zones. It is irritating to live in this much sand; it gets into the places where it had no places of getting.

Seeing the sweet, beautiful land with some greenery, some fire seemed to have lit up inside me; I had become even faster.


Before I knew it, another fifty minutes had passed, and now that sweet land and wonderful trees on it are barely a few hundred meters away when a strange thing happened.

My feet had touched the sand, but no sandworm came out, and that is not the strangest thing. The strangest thing is that the sandworm that has been chasing me as crazy has just stopped following like they have all lost interest in me.

Bang Bang Bang

I had just questioned that when suddenly the sand began to explode in front of me, and sandworms began to come out, and seeing them, my eyes couldn’t help but go wide.

“You got to be kidding me!” I cursed loudly as I looked at the giant sandworms appearing in front of me one after another as huge, really fucking huge, even bigger than the one faced by Grimms; that black chitin covering them and unnaturally sharp spikes on their bodies that look very dangerous.

These bastards are so huge that even if I stretched the blade of my sword to my limit, I wouldn’t be able to decapitate them.

Which is going to make things quite difficult.


Nine huge sandworms came out of sand one another before roaring at me with their huge mouths and coming at me with a speed that made my heart skip a beat.

I begin to move, and my speed is fast as I can go; while things are going to be dangerous, I have no choice but to move forward.


Soon, the huge sandworm appeared in front of me, and it was gigantic; at a distance, I was failed to see how giant it was, but now, I was only meters away from me, I could see it in its full majesty, which made me realize how easily it could crush me.

It will kill me even if it simply falls down on me; I don’t think my artifacts would be able to protect me from its massive weight.

I reached quite close to it, every part of me was screaming for me to jump, but I kept running toward it because I knew it needed to be perfect or I will die.


So, I kept moving against my instinct, and when finally, there were only twelve meters of distance between us, I had jumped.

I had jumped with full power, and this time, I had not only used the full power of my shoes but also of my cloak, which had a seal that could reduce my weight up to half, which immediately increased my speed and shot up like a rocket.


The sandworm screamed and came at me at its full speed; I could see it coming closer and closer to me and feared it might reach me before I reached sufficient height.

Thankfully, my clone had eased my doubts, telling me I would reach the sufficient height of seconds before it reached me.


Finally, I had reached the highest point, and it was only a few inches above it that I landed on its spike as I began to fall down.


Just as my feet touched one of the thousand spikes on its body, I felt something that put horror on my face, which made me leap out as fast as I could.


I jumped out when I saw a spike, I was standing on shooting out, and it shot out at a such speed that I don’t think even my shoes would have been able to stop it before it pierced through them and destroyed my leg.

‘Fuck, now I have to be careful of the spikes I stepped on,’ I cursed inside me as I flew through the air while four giant sandworms came at me from all four directions.


I will be able to dodge the one coming at me from left and right, but one that is coming at me straight is going to be a challenge.

‘I truly hope it worked,’ I said, and in one smooth motion, I took out the spear from my back and threw it forward with the power of all eight seals in my glove and band in my right hand.


The spear shot a lightning speed while I watched with bated breath as I flew toward the sandworm.

I have no idea whether the spear would do anything or not, considering it is smaller than a toothpick, but it is the only option I have, or I hope it worked in some way because, if it did not; I will get swallowed by that giant mouth to never came back.


The tiny spear had reached the sandworm before passing in between through its giant teeth; for a second, there was no reaction; I continued moving it, reaching quite close, when suddenly the sandworm stilled, and I activated the boost, going even higher.


It screamed loudly, and by that time, I was already jumping on the spikes of its body, targeting the sandworms coming toward me.

My clone had calculated I could safely walk through these spikes as long as I moved fast enough, and with them, I could also target the sandworms coming toward me; for that, I only had to jump on the spikes present at the right angles.

It requires a constant calculation, and I have a clone to do that.


The sandworm is not liking me using it to attack its mates and even tried to roll on the ground, but I easily avoided that with my jumps.

Unfortunately, good things do not last, and now, I have reached its end; I jumped toward the last sandworm, which is standing between me and the wonderful land.

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