Monster Integration

2792 Three Grimms III


“Bastards!” the Bullman cursed, hearing the scream of the Crockman, who had now become completely blind.

“Were you cursing your friends or me?” I asked. I am truly confused about the target of its cursing and would be grateful if it clears away my confusion.

“Shut up, you wretched human,” shouted the Bullman and launched another attack, but this attack of it did not have the bite as the previous attack because the shield and warning which Crockman had acted had become completely blind, and now, it was on its own.

Rachel had even pointed her bow at it, ready to release the arrow, the moment she sensed the opportunity.

“Two of your friends have already gone blind; you should run away; I promise I will not follow you,” I said as I defended against its attacks.

“I do not need to run from the enemies like you,” It said as it followed with another attack; “Right, you only run away when fighting against the enemies like Lord Sylvian,” I teased, and immediately its eyes flashed in rage.

I have a big file about it and knew whom he had fought against and from whom he had run away.

“Well, then it seemed like I will have to bury you with your friends here,” I said with a sweet smile but did not move. It is not time yet, but I will have to do it soon, or its plan will work.

As time passed, the tiredness kept piling inside me, and when it reached high enough, it would slow me down. So, I must finish it before that, and thankfully, I am ready to start on my offensive.


I ducked the sweep of its sword, and instead of moving left as I usually do, I leaped toward its legs; as I did, an alarm flashed in its eyes.

Not because of me, but due to the arrow coming toward it at a very fast speed; I could see the struggle in its eyes before it moved its sword up, while I got a clear way, which I did not waste and leaped at its right thigh, with all the power the shoes could give me.

I did not think it would be able to react with nearly its focus on the arrow that was coming toward us, but I saw it moving its thighs moving toward each other.

Seeing that, I couldn’t help but smile; my speed was too fast. It would not be able to crush me with its thighs like it was planning to, but it still did it, and I know why; it was to hide the real attack of the weapon it hadn’t used in the fight till now.


Its sword had reached its head a fraction of seconds before the arrow and thus able to defend against the arrow, but there was no smile on its face as another arrow was coming.


My sword had sliced through my left thigh, though a vein, which, unlike the most veins I had cut on the Grimms, did not release a shower of blood. It did release some, but its momentum stopped by the hairs around the wound that barely trickled drops landed on me.

It is a happy occasion as I don’t particularly enjoy myself being bathed in Grimms blood, but I am not in a happy mood and instead looking at the sharp end of the red stone tail coming toward me.

Clang Clang!

I did not have any intentions of dodging it and brought down my sword against the sharp stone end of the tail; at the same time, it defended against the arrow Rachael.


It had come at me with so much power that it shook my internal organs that blood came out of my lips as I was thrown back; I had used the full power of the band, but still, they were not able to absorb it all, and now, I am flying back, which is bad now considering the Grimm bring down its sword fast, with a power it not shown in battle.

I could see the blood seeping out of its injuries, but it did not seem to care; it was not even caring about the arrow that was coming from its eye, willing to sacrifice it to kill me.

Such decisiveness is rare among the younger Grimms; they would not do that, but this one had no hesitation as it brought down its sword toward me, and I moved my sword up to defend.

Clang Puch!

My sword clashed against it, and the bands absorbed as much force they could while sending the rest to me. The force is less than what the tail had given me, but it is enough for me to vomit another mouthful of blood while sending me crashing down hard.

As I crashed down fast, I fought a battle against time, trying to move my feet down so that they could absorb the force, because if not, then even with crashing against the sand, nearly every bone on my body would break, and that will be the end of me.


I crashed on the sand hard, but most of the force absorbed by my shoes, what remained was enough to break some bones of my leg and gave me sharp pain, which nearly made me unconscious.

“Now, it is time for you to die, Zaar!” It shouted as it moved its sword up to defend against any arrows; as for killing me, its leg was more than enough.


It lifted its few centimeters when it suddenly stopped as the sharp pain clouded its eyes, and they went wide. It had fallen unconscious for a moment due to the pain because it was intense, hundreds of times greater than what I had felt a moment ago.

The nerve I hit was nothing special in normal times; even if you cut, it will not affect the Bullman much. As its waist, there is the main nerve from this connection, but that had been damaged with its battle with sandworm and all the loads fallen into this nerve.

Now that I cut it and tried to make a heavy movement, it had sent a heavy signal into the brain in the form of intense pain, making it unconscious for a moment.


It came to itself, and its eyes went wide immediately as an arrow appeared in front of it and pierced into its second eye, making it immediately blind.


It screamed; the scream was not of the pain but the frustration because, in a matter of seconds, it had gotten completely blind and got an injury that would give it a harrowing amount of pain with the slightest movement of its leg.

To put it simply, it is fucked; it should have run away when I had been given a chance because, at that time, I would have been satisfied with two Grimms left and didn’t want to take too much risk to continue fighting it, but it did not listen.

With all three Grimms blind, no one needs to think about the result; yes, all three dead, but it was not easy; it could be said to be very hard, especially when Gnan the Bullman asked its friends to run away as fast as they could and should for help; not at them helped them much.

Still, it was worth it; not only I got fertilizers for my garden, but the reward we got from killing Grimms and their own reward of killing sand worms had upgraded our artifacts enough that we would be able to fight against the three Grimms when they were at their peak.

The seals are amazing; that day, we upgraded nearly all the artifacts we had on us.

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