Monster Integration

2776 Desert Battle I

“Are you going to dodge? It seemed like without your strings, you are nothing, Zaar,” taunted Cakza as it launched another attack at me.

“At least, I am succeeding in that, unlike you, who did not land a single attack on me in the past five minutes,” I said back, which made it glare at me fiercely and came at me with another attack.

What it had said is true, and it is time for me to attack. In the past five minutes, I have recorded its limit and know how fast it could go and how much strength it uses on its moves, and I know it is using all its strength and speed without holding anything back.

My clone had also made studied all its moves and now could predict them with far more precision than before. I also need to do it because I could not afford to waste any more time, as that woman I need to rescue may be dying right now.

So, it is time that I take the offensive.

I dodged another of its attacks before bursting toward its legs with all the power I have, and it surprised it as I had expected it to. Since the beginning, I have conserved some of my power, not much, but about 20%, which now will make a great difference in my offensive against it.

It drew back its ax, but I was already a precious few seconds away, and it knew that too; as the looked uncertainness appeared on its became, its expressions became clear, and it lifted its leg and moved to crush me.

Seeing that, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face; I wished for it to happen but wasn’t completely sure about it, considering it is a risky move, but it took it, and I jumped when it reached sufficiently high and finally took out the halberd, which had been at my back since the start of a battle.

The Werewolf seemed surprised by it, thinking I would attack from the ground, where it is much safer, and I have more space to move around in the air; it is pretty much fixed with my energies sealed and me unable to call any worldly energy.

A slick smile appeared on its face as it changed the direction of its food, and now, it was coming directly at me.

The foot is coming at a slightly awkward angle and is not fast enough, but it does not need; I am moving fast enough that when I crash into it, I will break a couple of my bones and will be pushed back and ax from behind will finish up the job.

“You have miscalculated, Zaar,” It shouted where there was barely a two-meter distance between its giant foot and me.

“Really?” I asked, and the next moment, a look of shock appeared on its face as I spun in the air defying the physics or using to its peak.

It had been a long while since I had used such a risky maneuver, and my clone had to try it to see whether it was possible, and it was, and I did that using the perfect body control I had.

I spin not only to avoid its giant foot but also to gain the maximum power for my attack; while the blade of the weapon could slice through anything like butter, I still wanted something more.

It tried to move its foot toward me, but it could not do that as the already awkward angel would become even more awkward.

With the ax coming from behind, it will lose its balance, and the only way to avoid that would be to stop the ax, but that would not help it; I would be done with my attack by that time.


As I came face to face with its foot, I slashed my halberd on the vein of its ankle, which is hidden in thick fur. The blade reached the vein and began to slash it, and there was no resistance; the blade slashed through it before coming out with the shower of thick dark red blood and the scream of Grimm.


The Werewolf screamed loudly, and a moment later, the thick red blood hit me, and it was scalding. Literally scalding, my skin began to scald as it touched me, and there was nothing I could do other than scream, and I wished that I had moved away from the shower spurt as quickly as possible.

A second later, I moved away from the ring of blood shower and landed on hot sand, which stuck on the blood, making things more painful and uncomfortable.

“You will pay for it, Zaar,” said the Werewolf as it turned toward me while the blood spurted from its vein.

“Die!” It screamed and swung its ax at me in rage, not caring that its careless movement was spurting even more blood from its wound, unconsciously thinking it might heal on its own like it do in the battles outside.

I jumped back, easily avoiding the slash, but the inherent rage appeared in its eyes, and now, it only wanted to murder me. It took a step toward me and slashed its ax again, which I had avoided making it even angrier.

“You have lost; you should have run away while you have a chance,” I teased as I avoided another attack of it. “Shut up!” It roared and attacked me even more furiously.

Unfortunately, its fury couldn’t help it transform into greater strength as it usually happens. It is losing an immense amount of blood every second, and it is weakening it. It shouldn’t have lost its calm and focused on the injury I have given, but it did not, and that will be the end of it.

I am very knowledgeable about the physiology of the Grimms; I don’t think there is anyone in humans who knows about the Grimm’s physiology as much as I do.

The werewolves are the most common Grimms, and all the subtypes share the same physiology and ankle vein I had cut; it is a major blood vein and also gives quite a lot of pain when cut. It is a reason why I had targeted it specifically despite the danger, and it is very well worth it.

Though there are some things that caught me off guard, like the temperature of the blood. I truly did not think about it; as usual, this thing never affected me. I could avoid it with the layer of energy, doing that since the first time I began fighting the Grimms.

This hot blood is not a thing of all the Grimms, but special cases with power powerful fire elemental power like the golden fire were a werewolf.

This miscalculation had cost me a lot; my skin is now scalded, and this will complete this test downright torturous.

That I really hope my better-than-normal healing power will heal it quickly, but as a healer myself; I know it will be hard because it is not just heated that I will deal with but also the nature of the Grimm’s blood, which contains some very nasty elements that will make my life a living hell.

But before that happen, I will kill this bastard who did that to me.

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