Monster Integration

2772 Supreme Commander


“Horror pods; the Grimm bastards are using those damned things,” said Lord Whitmore with a grimacing face as the Grimms brought out one of their most dangerous weapons, which they have been using for thousands of years in nearly every war.

On the thirty-four battlefields, a grey-blue-colored mist exploded the battlefield, and immediately screams of humans began to ring out as the mist drilled inside them, and horrific pores began to materialize over their bodies; some humans had just exploded into the blood and gore, infecting even more.

With the appearance of that thing, the final phase of the war had begun, and both sides began to fight no back hold battle, using everything they had, bringing out the weapons they had kept secret for such long.

“Ask healers of these thirty-four battlefields to prepare the pools of solution we are sending,” said Grand Commander to her aid before turning back to the screens.

“Since the Grimms have started to use the horror pods, it wouldn’t look good if we hold back,” she said and pressed the button in front of her, instantly connecting to the commanders of the battles.

“Release the roses,” she ordered, and for a few seconds, nothing happened before a terror appeared on the battlefield. It had been quite a while since they had used it on the battlefield, and Grimms seemed to have been nearly forgetting about them before that beautiful horror appeared and began to chase them.

The huge vines appeared on the battlefield and began to capture the Grimms in their thorns before sucking their blood and growing at a speed that even Grimms could not stop.

Some idiots tried to attack it with it, but they were barely able to put any scratch on them before the vines enveloped them, and the thorns began to suck their essences and grow.

The vines, which had only appeared in the few spots on the battlefield, soon appeared across the whole battlefield as they grew at a horrifying speed, chasing away the running Grimms; even the Grimm’s commanders are helpless against them as they themselves are struggling against vines.

“I have nearly forgotten how dangerous these things created by the Grandmaster are,” muttered Lord Whitmore as he saw the destruction these vines were bringing.

“They are like a bloodhound, chasing away every Grimm that they could smell,” said Lord Hern, seeing how vines split into hundreds of parts every second and killed thousand of Grimms, which powered them further and made them grow faster.

In a matter of few minutes, the battlefield has completely changed; now, it is not only the humans that are screaming but also the Grimms. The Grimms are now screaming so loud, that they have completely drowned the sound of humans.

Ten more minutes passed, and now the bloody battlefields have turned completely green with vines, which have to begin to shine as the essence roses begin to spurt on them.

Though nobody is focused on it, as the power of the pods and the vines have disappeared, the humans and Grimms begin to fight hard again.

If it had been a battle before, they would retreat into their forts, but now there are no such options. The humans have drunk the potions, which slowed down the effect of horror pods entering inside them, and now fighting, cutting down every Grimms they have come across or being cut down by the Grimm.

The battles are now a hundred times more horrifying than before; the casualties are piling into thousands, but there is no stopping.

It would not stop till one side is completely defeated or begin to retreat, where they will chase the retreating side, bringing out the weapons and powerhouses to break the forts.

The wars are horrifying, and this one is going to be the most horrifying of all, as both races are hell-bent on making this the last war they have ever fought.

“Lord Whitmore, how many of our forces have returned by now?” she asked, and he immediately provided the figures. “Sent them to fort san…” she began to give the order to move them to the different forts across the human territory.

As the last phase begins, the battlefields have begun shifting back to the mainland from the ruin; both races have given the order to bring out all their people from the runes to the mainland for the final battle.

“The number is not enough; we need more people,” said Grand Commander, “The realm gates are already running at the full capacity,” Lord Whitmore informed, and hearing that the hands of the Grand Commander couldn’t help but curl up in the fist.

“Ask all the organization to activate their realm-breaking gates; we will provide them coordinates to bring our forces down from the ruins,” said Grand Commander, surprising Lord Whitmore greatly.

“This decision will need the highest authority,” he said and looked at Grand Commander, “I have it,” she said and produced a badge, which surprised all the people. All of them immediately stood up and bowed, seeing the badge in her hand; she had gotten something that very few have gotten across the history of humans race.

“It shall be done, supreme commander,” said Lord Whitmore; she had become a supreme commander, and with this designation, she had the authority to order even Grand Lords, and they will listen.

Very few across history were able to gain this designation because not only it trust but also power. One might not believe it, but power is easier to gain but the trust.

To gain the designation require the approval of each and every Grand Lord; not even a single objection is allowed for it. This is hard extremly hard to gain because, with this designation, she had complete authority over every human and resource control.

She drains a supreme of its people and resources and sends Grand Lord on a suicidal mission, and they wouldn’t be able to do much anything.

Not many people know it, but the supremes are connected to the pyramid, their offensive measure is connected to the pyramid, and so are their vaults, and the authority of the supreme commander also gives her complete authority over the pyramid.

She is the fifth person to gain this authority in ten over ten thousand years of the history of the human race. The last person who gained authority was Ramona Hawthorn; she had gained that through fear.

She had demanded it and beaten every Grand Lord of humans in a single battle that they had no choice but to give her what she had wanted.

“All the organization affirmed the order; I have begun sending the coordinates to them, and soon hundred and fifty-seven new channels would be open for our forces to come back,” Lord Whitmore informed.

“Send the Grandmasters for the protection with Grand Commanders as overseers in every region,” she ordered; he couldn’t help but be surprised to hear that but followed the order a second later.

It is not a time to keep the forces hidden, especially now that Grimms would try their all to defeat them in three weeks before, after three weeks, the people begin to come back, and they would want to defeat the humans before that or at least deal enough damage, that new powerhouses that came out will be completely useless.

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