Monster Integration

2759 List

“Since the Grandmaster, Zaar had appeared, let’s begin,” said the Grand Commander, and immediately hundreds of screens materialized, each representing an organization, with nine big ones belonging to the supremes.

I even saw one belonging to the academy; it had an old woman, Marla, sitting in it. I had been thinking about her not too long ago.

I could feel the eyes of tens of people on me, as aside from the Grand Lords, I am only a non-council person sitting at the table with the council. Though no one was surprised to see that, it had already become common knowledge that I was the leader of the project, the one responsible for churning out powerhouses at factory speed.

“Grand Commander is it true; had it finally appeared?” asked the leader of Martell, “It had started coming out, and in three days, it will be completely out,” she replied, and I could see the change appearing on the faces on every screen.

It is one thing to be notified by the mail, but another thing to be confirmed by the leader of the Pyramid itself.

“How many people are pyramid going to send?” asked an old woman from the organization called the amethyst island.

This question had everybody silent; this is the most important question; because that thing represents the greatest opportunity, and not many people were willing to let it, including the members of the council; we had a riot because of more than once. So, this is the subject that Pyramid will have to treat carefully.

“We will send 50% of our Masters, four hundred Grandmasters, and around 50 High-Grandmasters,” replied the Grand Commander, and the visible shock spread across the screens.

“We have numbers; it is like sending all our forces there, especially with fifty High-Grandmasters, that is the number of High-Grandmasters we have, including those of your of the council,” said the old women from mistson,

“Council should not forget what happened two millennia ago,” she added sternly, referring to a very bad incident that had brought heavy losses to us and nearly wiped out all our powerhouses; we are able to hold them for long enough till our powerhouses begin to return from the thing.

“The incident of two thousand years ago will not repeat itself; we will have enough powerhouses back to defend ourselves, even if the Grimms attacked with all the force they have left behind,” she said with confidence; it is not just her eyes that have that confidence, but also other council members and the Grand Lord.

A second after she said the words, I found hundreds of eyes turning to me, looking at me like they wanted a piece of me.

“Just how many Grandmaster and High-Grandmasters that you have produced, nephew? ” asked the old woman, and my expression became a little serious hearing the world nephew; technically, I am her nephew, consider my great grandmother and this woman was cousins, but I don’t like it.

“We have enough, Lady Remina,” I replied curtly.

The screens became silent for a second before the barrage of questions began again; they asked all sorts of questions, while most of them were directed at the council, some of them were targeted at me; many of them were related to a number of powerhouses we have, which of course the top secrete.

Aside from the council and the Grand Lords, nobody knows even me, but I could guess the number with a good range.

“Does the whole council plan to go inside?” asked Lord Marin of Silverstone academy; “No, Lord Marin. Lord Whitmore, Lord Hern, Lord Sylvian, and I will be staying back,” she replied, and the wave of shock again spread into faces of people.

Usually, when this thing opened, it was the council that was first in line to enter that place. These people were the ones with the highest potential and greatest chances to reach the Grand Lord class. So, when hearing the third of them is not going, it couldn’t help but shock them.

I am; I have known about it for more than a month, and they have already made a plan about whose going and who is not.

There is no need for Grand Commander to go; if she wished, she could become a Grand Lord within a day. Lord Sylvian is planning to make a breakthrough into Grand Lord class on his own; he had come to me a month ago for his final treatment.

He is ready is make a breakthrough, and from deep scanning and studying his data, I could tell he had a chance of success.

Going inside will increase the chances of a breakthrough even greater, but I did not plan to do that. It is due to the feelings he had for lady Vivian, which are no secret; he wants to prove he could also make a breakthrough on his own.

I don’t know the reason behind lord Hern’s refusal, the Grand Lords and council seemed to know the reason behind it, but they did not share it with me.

Of all council members, this fat man is the most mysterious; he never so much revealed his aura; I once tried but failed to sense even a speck, which is quite strange because such tight sealing of power is really, really hard.

The last one is lord Whitmore; his choice of not going confused me the most; he is a powerful man with great potential, but he still decided to remain out. The council also seemed confused and even asked about it, but I have got no answer from him, other than him being not interested in going.

They might not have any interest in going, but I very much have. That place has one thing that I very much need; it is even more important than my advancement into the grand lord class.

The meeting had lasted for another hour before the screens began to disappear one after another till only the council and the Grand Lords remained.

“Grandmaster, you will begin the breakthroughs in the evening; by tomorrow morning, I will need the updated list of how many Master, Grandmasters, and High-Grandmasters the project have produced,” said the Grand Commander.

“You will have it,” I said; there is still more than a week to the mass breakthrough day, but we have to do it in the evening with those who are ready.

We have already made a plan for it; the moment that thing begins to come, we will make those eligible for breakthroughs; it does not matter whether it is the day after the mass breakthrough.

Thankfully, it decided to appear at the near end of the month, and we have quite a lot of people ready who are going to make a breakthrough today.

I stayed in command for a few more minutes before walking out with hope and fear filling my eyes. That place we are going to is dangerous, extremely and many people going to lose their lives, the people going knows that, but they also understand it is the opportunity of a lifetime.

That place is a thing that gives everyone something; the only thing one has to do is survive.

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