Monster Integration

2749 Back To Work

“How are you feeling?” asked Lady Vivian to her sister as she appeared in front of her and her hand made of light touched her cheeks gently, “I am feeling good, great,” she replied.

“Are you feeling any problem with the new core?” she asked, and Grand Commander shook her head. “The core is perfect,” she replied, but a tiny frown appeared between her eyebrows,

“The new core had changed things; most of my new core and methods have become useless and disappeared. The new methods and moves have appeared in their places,” she added. She did not seem sad about the fact she would need to learn them all over again; I could even see a hint of excitement about that in her eyes.

“With the fused core, you do not need to fear anyone below the Grand Lord,” said Patriarch Bradford; he understood elemental cores well; his student has one, but there is a huge difference in what twins have and what Grand Commander has.

The elemental bodies of twins are higher level than the body of the Grand Commander, but unlike twins who have the elemental core with inheritance imprinted on it, Grand Commander has a fused core, the merge of elemental core and inheritance core.

Grand Commander held an obvious advantage over the twins despite having a lower level core; her inheritance completly merged with her elemental core, which means now she could use the full power of her elemental core with an inheritance, and that is colossal power.

The inheritance of twins did not even let them use half power of their cosmic elemental cores. At the same level, they would at most fight equally with Grand Commander due to their higher level of core, but defeating her would be very difficult unless they have an inheritance that would help them bring out the full power of their cores.

“Grand Commander, don’t go anywhere for three days.” I said, “While your core looks perfect, I still like to monitor it for a few days,”

“I will not leave the pyramid for three days,” she replied; I nodded and walked out of the hall. I am very tired and hungry and just want to sleep.

A minute later, I was in my room, eating the food my clone had cooked; ten minutes later, I licked the plates clean and laid down on the bed, and in a couple of seconds, I was in a deep sleep.

​ I woke up in the evening feeling refreshed, ready to finish up the work that had been backlogged past two days. With the daily duties, it might take me a week or more to finish up all the backlogged work, but I am not worried.

The work is something I enjoy, and the drawback of it will be me spending a little less time with my family and marina, which is the sacrifice I will have to make.

I quickly freshen up before going back to the project, and my first stop is, of course, the conference hall.

“Marie sent the information of mack mara with grandmaster Jeeves of crystal domination,” I said to marrie, “Who is he?” she asked as she looked up. “He is a Knight class donor of last week,” I informed.

“Is this related to your absence of two days?” she asked, and I nodded. She seemed a little surprised by it but did not ask any questions as she turned back to the screen, “I have sent, ” she said; I nodded and walked out of the conference room.

Mack mara is the person who donated the sand of azraeth to the project, which helped in saving the Grand Commander. Crystal Domination wants to properly thank him for that, as it is due to him their leader is even alive and got powerful enough that no one could match her similar level.

I have also decided to reward him; as it could be said, I have, too, benefitted from him. I have barely used a quarter of the sand I have got from him, not to mention the data and the energies I have got from the Grand Commander, which my clone had been analyzing.

I have already gotten a good result with the data and have started analyzing it. I am sure that by the time I have finished fully analyzing it, my knowledge about the cores will deepen further.

A few minutes later, after walking out of the conference room, I have become treating the subject, hopping from one hall to another without taking even a minute of rest. I did that till the next morning when I had to stop to heal a few patients coming from the ruins.

Their condition was bad, but with the help of Grandmaster Charline, I was able to save most of them. Though a few of them would have to retire, they have suffered huge damage to their foundation that even I could heal in the short term.

It will be a long process for them before they are able to recover to their peak.

In the evening, Grand Commander came for her tests, which was quite a surprise to me; as it was I going to her for the test, but with coming to me, she saved me a few precious, which I couldn’t help but feel grateful.

The Grand Commander had come for three straight days, and in three days, I understood I had far too much underestimated the power of the elemental core, which had been perfectly fused with the inheritance; her power was shocking, and she could barely control it.

So, she is leaving the pyramid for training.

Usually, it is not wise for the leader of a whole race to do that, and if she had been a common High-Grandmaster or even quasi-Grand-Lord, the Grand Lords would have stopped her; while individual power is important, leadership is more important, but her power is too great.

The Grand Lords themselves understood it and asked her to get control over it as soon as possible, and training in a dangerous place was the quickest way to do that.

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