Monster Integration

2744 Merge I

“Thank you, lady Angela,” I said and took control of the formation covering the body of the Grand Commander.

As I did, the formations began to seep inside the body of the Grand Commander, leaving only a single link out, which is connected to the triangular formation, which is now being controlled by Lady Angela and will play an important part while I handle the things inside.

The runes seeped inside the grand commander and started connecting to the sealing formation which was already in her body. It is a beautiful process and what made it even more beautiful was the adverse environment in the grand commander’s body; the lunar frost there wanted to destroy everything foreign.

Within a few minutes, the sealing formation connected to the new formation. At that moment, all its damage began to heal and within a matter of seconds, the runes had become good as new that not the slightest damage could be seen on them.

‘It is time to start the second phase,’ I said and powered up the sealing runes to the highest power in synch with the triangular formation that Lady Angela is controlling.

As I powered the runes, they began to suck the frost on her body as fast as possible, like a vacuum drainer, every bit of lunar cold present in body is getting absorbed by the amazing speed and so is the coming out of her core.

Before I begin on her core, I want her body to have as less as lunar energies as possible or it will create a backlash, and I could not let that happen. So, I will take such every bit of the lunar frost energy she has in her body.

A massive amount of lunar frost energy is getting sucked out of the body of the grand commander by runes which would sent it to the triangular formation, which has already begin to change its color from black to the icy silver.

It took seven minutes for me to absorb the lunar frost energies from her body; there are still a lot of them present in her body, but they have merged with her very cells and the formation could not absorb them. Still, the amount they had absorb should be enough to stop the backlash.

The only part of her body still has lunar frost is the source itself, the core; it is still sending out a large amount of it outside, but it is getting absorbed and sent out by the formation outside of the core.

‘Now that the cleaning is done, let’s move to the next phase,’ I said and this phase is important.

The formations in the body of the Grand Lord begin to move toward her core; there is already a dense formation covering, but these formations coming behind are forming layers of it, one after another till, forming thirteen layers.

The thirteen layers trapped the beautiful silver-white crescent shape core; from the first time, I saw it, the big changes have occurred into it, mainly there are more cracks.

It looked quite delicate with these cracks and it is, the slightest misake and the core would split apart into many parts, and I could not let that happen because it will be the end and my own life could be danger with it.

The power the core would produce after the core, would be so much that I fear even the protection of Pyramid might not able to stop it.

Thankfully, it will not happen with the formation I have designed.

The formation looked amazing and it is powerful; I have used very rare and powerful resources to used create them. If I destruct it, it will create a force powerful enough to vaporize even a Grand Lord, and now, I am using its power to forcefully merge the broken elemental core of grand commander with a sand of azraeth.

With that though, a small opening was created into the first later of formation and cloud of sand travelled through it.

A layer after layer of formations opened and the cloud of sand traveled inside till it passed through the last layer and now, only there is only borken core in front of it.

The sand did not stop and moved toward it; the core sensed its presence and immediately amount of lunar frost increse three-fold and continued incresing, but the sand of azraeth is an incarnation of great hunger, the laws of swallowing are imprinted into their very being.

No matter how much the cold energy the broken lunar frost would release, it would absorb it all without any problem as it moved toward it.

When I designing the healing method, this phase had stumped me the most; the power of lunar frost core is so much that, even if other thing is resource of origin, it would be able to stop it, but with sand of the azraeth, I do not need to be worried about it.

Within a few second, a cloud of sand reached the crescent lunar frost core and enveloped it, and it seemed to have made it very angry as core had released frightening amount of lunar frost, but this frightning amount being easily swallowed by the sand.

Seeing sand is fine, even with such massive amount frost energy, I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. There was slight fear in my heart that lunar frost might overwhelm it, but seeing what is happening, I do not need to be worried about that.

Now, it is time to start the most important part the merge, which I have never done before, even with the twins and there is high chance that it might not work at all, but it is the only choice I have to heal the Grand Commander and I will try it.

“Begin!” I said loudly and immediately; the drop of nine colored matter, which had been silent in the cloud of sand, burst out with the tens of thousands of runes of dark blue and red color.

The formation is extremly complex and one of my proudest works, as it appeared, it immediately enveloped the sand cloud and the crescent core inside it, while the one hundred and twenty two runic chains shot out and connected to varius formations of thirteen layer globe.

“Activate the merge!” I said loudly and both of the formations burned into radiant light, they are bright that their light seeped out of Grand Commander’s chest.


As I activated the formation, a loud scream burst of the mouth of the Grand Commander. It is loud and sharp, filled with so much pain that one could not bear to hear it.

It is my first time hearing Grand Commander scream, and she did not scream; I have done very painful things to her, the last seal I have done on her was akin to burning her soul in fire, and even then, she had not let out a single sound, much open her mouth, but now she is screaming with her mouth wide open.

One could imagine how much pain she would be feeling.

“Hera!” shouted Lady Vivian seeing her sister screaming in pain, and I heard Patriarch Bradford say something to her, but I did not listen to it, as all my focus was on the merging process that had just begun.

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