Monster Integration

2712 Workroom

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The bone lizard spewed out the bone ball, and the clicking sound rang out from the door as the puzzle was solved. Lady Yui appeared in front of me and pushed open the door with an expectant look in her eyes.

“Finally, we have found something good,” said Rhea as she looked at the huge hall in front of us. It is slightly bigger than the second hall, and I could see a couple of pieces, but unlike the second hall, it is not a showroom, but a workroom, which we have been hoping to find.

“Don’t touch anything; I am getting a very high feeling of danger here,” I warned her as we slowly entered the workroom.

Saying this place is a mess would be an understatement; half of the things have already turned to dust here, and thankfully we did not make any large movements, or we would have disturbed the dust, which would have made it slightly difficult.

Nobody is surprised to see the state of its workroom; we have traveled to many ruins and seen many things in the state.

It had been thousands of years since anyone had come to this place, and such a scenario was expected. The things outside are only fine due to them being protected by the formations, and the power of law slows down the age of degradation very slowly.

Still, we are happy, even ecstatic, as we can see the things through the pile of dust, and if we are lucky, we might even be able to find some good things from this trash and might even get a thing that is making these two bloodlines react fast.

After looking at the hall for a few seconds, we floated inside slowly.

We flew instead of walking because we did not want to touch the dust and also because who knows what kind of formation was hidden in the dust? We do not want to accidentally trigger it.

I am getting dangerous vibes here, far more than what I have felt in the three places we have passed through, and it might not seem much, but those three places were dangerous; Lady Yui had nearly died at the second hall.

“A bone,” said Lady Yui as she stopped as she saw the bone buried in the dust. There is nothing special about the bones; it is about my palm size and cracked and fallen into ten different places, but it is pure white in color, and there is a faint fluctuation of law being emitted from it.

“Faded water law fluctuation,” she whispered and crouched down; I was about to call her caution but saw I did not need to as she took out a beautiful jeweled glove and wore it on her left hand before cautiously picking up the bone; some pieces of it fell down, but those were not important, as they did not contain the law.

She cleaned up the bone with a jeweled finger and placed it inside a delicate wooden box which is carved up with the runes.

The law, even if it had faded and nearly lost its power, is something that is too dangerous for us; even Grand Lords wouldn’t be able to handle its power. One needs to be careful handling them, or one might find themselves in the underworlds before one can understand what is happening.

The bone that Lady Yui had picked up is a water elemental law bone; while not a single one of us has comprehended the water rule, it would be extremely useful to those back in the home.

The project is in dire need of such things as one needed to have a certain level of comprehension of the ruling power to level up to the Tyrant class, and it also requires the Grandmaster class; even the Grand Lord class had rule requirements, but I am too far discuss those.

What I want to say is that bone is a great treasure, and the more we find, the better it would be for us.

“The hall is too big; I think we should separate to cover more area quickly,” I said; everyone here is experienced enough to handle the danger, especially after what had happened in the second hall; as long we are cautious, we should be able to handle things on our own.

“It is too dangerous, and besides, Grandmaster Zaar, I am your bodyguard; I should not be leaving your side in such a dangerous place,” said Lady Yui; it is clear she is objecting.

“I am more than capable of protecting myself,” I said with a smile, and my shields appeared around me. My words seemed slightly rude, but I didn’t know what other words to use.

We could not afford to waste too much time in this place, there was a huge war being fought outside, and Lord Yazdi was alone in the castle, along with Grandmasters and hundreds of Masters; if Grimms attacked in huge force, then even Lord Yazdi wouldn’t be able to save his own life, much less protect those under him.

“You are right, Grandmaster; separated, we will be able to cover more area quickly,” she said, and a few seconds later, we chose each direction and moved.

Rhea took a left, and Lady Yui took a right while I took the center.


It was not even a minute since we separated when I had stopped, and a feather fan appeared on my hand, which I waved. The fan is an artifact, but I am using it as the common fan to fly the dust away, and it did, revealing a metallic blue bone emitting the fluctuation of the faded metallic law.

Seeing it, a smile couldn’t help but appear on my face before I picked it with my strings with a rule-bending power covering it.

I admired the long bone, which is quite ugly with all the holes and cracks on it, which make it difficult to guess what type of being it belongs to, but it did not matter; knowing species is not related to how we will use it.

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