Monster Integration

2697 Pools

‘Father, I have found it!’ said Nero; it took him sixteen minutes for Nero to find the luminescent pool, and I wish I could say I was surprised.

The moment, a few seconds later, after harvesting the resources I was harvesting, I moved and soon reached the place where he had found the luminescent pool, and Nero was kind enough to move the earth around, giving the simple access to the pool.

“Good job, Nero,” I said and petted him before turning to the luminescent pool. It is the Master grade luminescent pool like yesterday, but bigger. It would be enough for five people.

‘Hartford, Gavai, come to me,’ I called the two people who were not able to enter the pool yesterday. ‘I have found a luminescent pool; those who are interested in entering could come,’ I said, and a few seconds later, a clear surprise couldn’t help but appear on my face.

People are coming, lots of them; yesterday only five people had, and now there are twenty-seven are coming, some even had appeared beside me.

The increase in number is not surprising; I was sure those three of sat in the pool would discuss the benefits they have got with their peers. If they know they are going to receive the concrete benefits, they would be willing to bear even a torturous pain.

A minute later, thirty people gathered around the pool; three more decided to come at the last minute. The one that surprised me most by their presence is Irvin; he is the one who had found the luminescent pool yesterday but did not enter inside when I gave him to opportunity.

“Hartford, Gavai, James, Cai, and Rena, step forward,” I said, and five people stepped forward and deactivated their armors with me asking.

As they appeared, small red balls appeared in my hand and flew toward them before touching their forehead. The moment they, the melted and red liquid spread began to spread over their bodies, and within forty seconds, it had covered them whole.

The moment the solution covered them fully, a blue formation materialized over it.

This is something I created yesterday after I got data from the three subjects; these are much cheaper and more efficient than the bark solution I used yesterday.

“Four of you, enter inside,” I said before turning to red who were watching. “All of you, go back to your area; we have a lot of resources to harvest, and don’t worry when I find another luminescent pool, I will call you,” I said, and with my order, they left, albeit unwillingly.

I did not stay there much longer either; I watched them for a couple of seconds before I walked away. There is no need for me to stay with them, the formation is automatic, and if some problem does appear, I will be able to deal with it with my seed.

I resumed the harvested and continued for twelve minutes before Nero found another luminescent pool, a much smaller one with only a capacity of two.

That was just beginning, as the next hour, he found four more, making six within little more than an hour. All the pools were Master class and have a capacity of two to nine people; now, half of the Masters are sitting in a luminescent pool.

The speed at which Nero finds the luminescent pool is shocking; if he continued finding them at such speed, then in less than two hours, all the Masters would be in the luminescent pool.

The luminescent pools are not easy to find, but Nero is finding them at an amazing speed; each one of them is tens of miles away from the other, but despite that, he is not having a problem finding them and even enjoying the process immensely.

Still, all the pools he had found were Master grade; there was not a single Grandmaster luminescent pool in them.

They are extremly rare, so rare that we have only found one so far, and that is in region seven; the same region, we have a High-Grandmaster class luminescent pool.

Those regions are extremly dangerous, filled with dense luminescent energy. Grandmaster Yazdi had informed me that in regions six and seven, one is constantly being attacked by High-Grandmaster burst every few seconds, and the monsters there are extremly powerful, that he is barely able to survive when he went to explore there.

Still, he sent Rhea there, and it is not like he is cruel, but it is a requirement, and she has all the abilities to comparable to survive there; those diamond abilities of hers are not just for defense; they are capable of much more.

What I want to say is that it will be quite hard to find the Grandmaster class luminescent poll here. From what I am able to observe, to form the luminescent pool, a flux of dense energies require, and that should form over a special type of plant, which helps it ferment over the period of years.

If I am not wrong, then at least a decade is required to form a Master class luminescent pool, and as for the time required for Grandmaster and High-Grandmaster classes, I have no idea, but it should be more, a lot more.

Two hours passed, and now all forty-two Masters have either taken the benefits of the luminescent pools or taken it currently.

Even those who were horrified by that flesh-melting video of the luminescent pool decided to step into it and get the benefits. It is a good thing; I have prepared those balls in the excess that now every Master is able to enjoy the amazing benefits of a luminescent pool.

Soon, its evening, and now all the Masters who have gained the benefits of the luminescent pool are harvesting the resources in earnest.

I have even let them practice their strength by allowing a few Master class monsters to come in and fight with them. Today too, there are no High-Grandmaster monsters for me to fight, as Ashlyn had dealt with them.

And now, I am jealously watching my enemy fighting against the Monster, from Ashlyn’s eyes, who is flying over the Grimm undetected.

This Grimm Monster is someone who is not in our database; it had never appeared before but is extremly strong as Bloodfire Hyenaman, whom I had fought yesterday, possessing many unique abilities, most importantly having a powerful bloodline.

If I am able to swallow its bloodline, I will gain a huge boost, but it will not be easy; this bastard is strong and just as tricky to deal with as Hyenaman.

Still, I want to fight it, and I will just as I finish harvesting and seein it has already formed the camp, it will not be leaving. So, I could take my sweet time in harvesting the resources before I go fight against it.

I only watched the battle for a few minutes before handing it to my clone, and I focused on harvesting the resources.

My string moved fast as if wanting to finish this job as possible before moving for the real target for which they had been created, and I couldn’t agree more with that.

Still, despite my working hard, it took me near midnight to finish the harvest, and now, it is time to have a battle that I very much deserve.

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