Monster Integration

2686 Lake Samson

Thud Thud Thud!

I deactivated the shuttle and landed on the ground; the group of Grandmaster and Masters landed behind me, with some masters little wobbly on their feet.

We have come very fast; forget the Masters; even Grandmasters aren’t able to see anything than the blur. Since we had left the castle, I have not reduced our speed, even increased slightly, which helped me reach this place in record two hours and fifty-four minutes.

Gasp Gasp Gasp

Couples of gasps rang out as people walked around; the scenery was very beautiful, and the lake had glimmering water; it looked like it was made of the world’s purest crystals.

“Attention, everyone,” I said, and immediately, the Grandmasters and the Masters around me gathered in front of me in a neat line.

“It would go without saying that is a dangerous area, especially close to the lake, which Masters are forbidden to go in five hundred meters range,” I said; there is a very dangerous monster in the lake, even the weakest one would eat the Masters for lunch, the strongest one would make even me take out my shields.

Though I do not worry about that, Ashlyn had fought with it last night; still, there are two other High-Grandmaster monsters in the lake, which I have to be careful of.

“This is the map; I have assigned each of you the area where you will harvest the resources,” I said and transferred them a detailed map of lake Samson. Ashlyn provided me clear visuals, and from it, it was not hard to create the map.

“Does anyone have any questions?” I asked, “No, my lord,” they replied in unison. “Go, we have to completely harvest this area by night,” I said, and all of them left, and within a few seconds, I was in my place.

Considering what we are doing, it might not seem like a war, but it really is, and these resources are fueling it.

We have harvested a huge amount of resources from the ruins, and its effects are shown in the battles on the mainland. The number of battles is lessened by half, but they have become far more intense, and the people participating in them are advancing in never seen speed.

The speed is shocking; the people had progressed at such speed even in the last epoch of war, which we have clear records.

The war had shifted to ruins, but it will not remain here forever; we are calling it a harvest phase, and it will last till we have harvested every resource we could from ruins and the realms, and when that happens, the war will shift back to the mainland.

Even pyramid is having a hard time predicting the scales the battles would reach when that happens, but it is being said that its scales would be above all the wars we have ever fought against the Grimms.

There will be so many powerhouses that the battles would be everywhere, from the tiny islands to the center of the central continent. That is a bad thing, but something that will definitely happen unless we produce a powerhouse that could finish it off in an instant.

Which, of course, will not happen, at least not as early as we want. Though there are whispers that Grimm might be able to achieve it, we could not let that happen; it will be the end of us.

I shook my head of those thoughts and began to gently float at the edge of the lake while hundreds of strings came out of me and began to harvest the resources around the lake and even inside the lake.

While there were powerful monsters in the lake, I did not fear them; I would not move from my spot, even if they came to fight. One of the two could be difficult to kill, but it would not be able to kill me either.

Though, I do not think they will come, especially after what happened last night, as right now, they might be in their lairs, nursing their wounds.


A few minutes passed by when my vision changed, and I saw a group of five Grimm Masters moving toward the human area sneakily.

I did not hide myself when I came here; I am sure the Grimm nearby had sensed me and sent a party to gouge the strength. The quick action had little surprised me; I thought they would wait till our storage got filled with the resources, so they would not only get humans but also the resources.

It seemed like the commander was a little idiot; its info said it is a hothead, but its strength is extremly powerful that even with all the powerups, I have no confidence against it.

Still, I would very much like to fight against it; only fighting such strong enemies would give me the inspiration I needed to make progress in my Inheritance. Which is my main objective in coming to this ruin, and I would not forget that in the lure of these wonderful luminescent resources.

‘Star 37, Star 22 moved toward star 31 to against the party of five Grimms,’ I ordered them through my seeds.

I could see they immediately stopped doing what they were doing and moved toward the Grimms.

A few minutes passed, and when the faint sounds of battles began to ring out, it instantly attracted the attention of surrounding monsters and also humans.

‘Everybody, stay at your place; it is just a little battle,’ which surprised many of them, but they decided to follow the orders.

Usually, when a Grimms attack, the whole force comes, especially in the ruines where traditional communication did not work. Though there is some soul threat method that forms the web of connection, the range of these methods is not big.

This will surely surprise the big group of Grimms that just standing at a distance from the fight. If the other humans had joined the battle, the leading Grandmasters would have ordered other Masters to move as well.

The big battle is a great thing, but we also need to collect the resources; it is the reason why we have brought these precious Masters here. It is a kind of a waste of their great power, but we could not make the golems do such things.

It needs intelligent beings.

A few minutes passed when another battle broke out; it was the Grimms that attacked, but Monster and it is quite powerful. Seeing the data, it did not seem like the humans would be able to deal with the Monster, but I did not interfere.

Data is not everything; it tends to get wrong when it comes to the actual battle, where raw power is one of the things that require to win the battle.

I did not stop as the battles began; I continued to float around the lake while harvesting the resources. There is no need for me to do that, my strings are everywhere, and they would take action if the need arose for it.

Though, I would only interfere when they are about to die; if they had their limbs cut by the enemies, I would not take any action save them.

This is a war, and they need to be self-sufficient.

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