Monster Integration

Chapter 2658: Destination

Chapter 2658: Destination

I had reached the destination, and it turned out to be a huge faded spherical marble ball with a rusted door that was big enough that even Grimms could easily walk through it.

It is the first structure I have seen in this ruin; there was no structure, not even collapsed and aged other than this one. This is the first ruin where I have not come across any collapsed structure, which made me even more curious.


I cautiously looked around before walking toward the door, and my expression changed.

"There are really traces of Grimms here," I said softly. The Grimm energies are extremly faint, but I could sense it; there are two types of them belonging to the two Grimms.

I looked around for a while before appearing next to the huge rusted door, which was giving off faint energy.

I have never sensed this energy and could not say anything about it, but if I were to guess, it felt similar to cosmic energy, but not cosmic energy; it is very different than cosmic energy. Though, it is at the same level as it.

I could be wrong, as the level of cosmic energy and this energy is too high, and my senses could not measure its full gravity of it.


I looked at the door with all my abilities and soon came to a startling conclusion that I did not dare to believe, but seeing the proof in front of me, I gently placed my hands on the huge rusted doors and pushed.


The door began to push open as I applied considerable energy to it; as seen by my abilities, I did not need to break the formation to push open the door. It is not like there is not a formation on it; it is just deactivated.

The huge door pushed open, and I stared inside before walking through the doors and seeing it in a pristine state. There is barely any damage that could be seen inside; the sign of time affecting it is the slightly faded colors and the visible formations.

There is barely any psychedelic energy in here; even a common Tyrant will be able to bear it for a few hours before starting to experience the hallucinations.

It truly shocked me as I had been expecting this place to be filled with thick psychedelic energy and had increased the output of soul-washing energy and even asked my clone to turn it into the full power and activate that tablet if I began to experience the hallucinations.

'Well, it seemed like I had been worried for nothing,' I said to myself and looked around.

"House Of Churning,"

I read the faded texts protected under the formation; the text did not hit or give too much hint that I could not tell what it did exactly. Churning refer to many things, but mostly to the churning of the universe's ocean to bring out the nectar of immortality.

The name had spread my thoughts in the direction I did not want them to go; I forcefully calmed my thoughts and turned toward the seven pillars.

There are huge seven rainbow color pillars that seem to hold the whole structure, and each of these pillars has huge doors. Unlike the front door, these doors have formation on them; they are powerful, but I could break them.

I walked around the lobby carefully, looking for any other thing or the way, but found nothing. If anything had been here, it had been swiped clean by those who had come before me.

There was no other way than the seven doors, and all the seven have the formation visible to them. The texts above the doors are also indersernable that I could not see where these doors lead to, and the bastard Grimms had been too careful; they have left their auras on all the doors.

I could not tell which door had then gone too.

I looked around for a minute before looking at the second white door. There was no specific reason other than that while felt pleasant. It was the only thing I could follow, as despite looking, I saw nothing that could tell me about the door.

I had to open the doors the old fashion way; it would have been wonderful if I had the key for once, but it seemed like I did not have such luck.

"Guard me," I said to Ashlyn and Nero before sitting down and closing my eyes as I began breaking the formation in my core with my clone.

As I had said, the formations on the door are difficult, but I have the confidence I could solve them. I could do it faster when I and the clone do it together.

"Finished," I said about two and half hours later. It was a tough formation, and despite working together with my clone, I needed about two and half hours to solve it, but I finally did, and it was time to walk into the gate.

I am feeling quite excited about it but also scared as I have a feeling that this ruin wouldn't be like any other ruin, and I will have to be very cautious inside it.`

I got up and appeared in front of the while door before waving my hand; as I did, the formation appeared and moved toward the door before sticking to the door.


The runes buzzed as the formations activated, and a couple of seconds later, the formation on the door had disappeared.


I pushed open the door and saw nothing; there was a film of energy that was blocking my vision. I would have to enter inside to look inside, which is kind of risky as anything could be there, but it is the risk I have to take.


It was the first word that came out of my mouth as I looked and walked to the other side, with expressions of awe and horror appearing on my face.

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