Monster Integration

Chapter 2654: Domain In Jungle

Chapter 2654: Domain In Jungle

Four days had passed since I came to this ruin, and now, I am less than a day away from reaching my destination, and the thing is, I still have not sensed the residue of the signal, despite trying hundreds of times to apply different methods.

I have also not seen any Grimms either, which is nothing surprising considering how big the ruin is. There might be a chance that they have not sensed it or died, which I very much doubt. The Grimms are strong and have a plethora of artifacts; I am sure some of them would help them sense the source of the signal.

I had also brought some artifacts from Pyramid, but they had failed to sense anything.

Half a day passed, and I fought a few more monsters before I stopped with grave expressions on my face. “Are you guys really sure?” I asked them.

“Yes, father, the signal is coming from the high-psychedelic zone,” Nero replied, making me take a huge sigh. “Fine, both of you, be careful,” I said and flew down while activating my stealth abilities.


I landed on the ground and moved toward the destination while the invisible strings moved around me, collecting the resources at the speed of a blink.

I will not take the risk of flying above the high-psychedelic zone, even with my stealth abilities. I am very confident in my stealth abilities, but I don’t want to take any big risks before I reach the place which produced the signal.

I chose the ground for safety, and since I am walking on it, I might as well harvest the resources. This place is littered with it; I see hundreds of them with a glance, filled with powerful herbal energies, and while most psychedelic in nature, some were of a different element.

The ones that interested me the most are the anti-psychedelic plants; they are the most precious. I am collecting them, even if they are right beside the monster, which too would die and enter my core.

Two and half hours passed, and I reached the entrance of the high-psychedelic region; just looking at me made me feel jitters, and to be honest, I did not want to enter inside, but since my destination inside, I would have to go inside it, whether I wanted or not.


Taking a deep breath, I walked inside, and immediately I got surprised. Not because of the sudden increase in the density of the psychedelic energy, which is expected; it is in the name of this place. The thing that surprised me was the spatial reinforcements.

This ruin is spatially locked, there is a window of one and half hours every four days, but there is no restriction on leaving the ruin. That is how two people we have sent have survived.

The spatial reinforcement means getting out will be difficult; the realm-breaking formation would have a hard time creating a tunnel to pull us throught. 95% of the time, one will fail, which means we will need a powerful spatial artifact to escape, or one will need to get out of this region to get out of this ruin.

This region is extremly dangerous, without a doubt. The Grandmasters wouldn’t be able to stay in this place even for a moment; even High-Grandmasters will have to circulate the soul cleansing method to survive this place.

This energy is already very strong; I wonder how strong the monsters here would be.


I had just throught that when I heard the rustle and saw a graceful grey feline with speckled golden eyes. It is walking lazily with the grace of a killer, and it is the High Grandmaster monster.

Despite being just a few hundred meters away from me, I had not sensed its presence, and seeing how lazily it was walking, it had not sensed my presence at well, which is quite unbelievable. Considering how powerful High-Grandmasters’ senses are, they would instantly know whenever someone had entered a mile of distance from them.

I have not able to crack the melding in four days, but I have improved my stealth ability for this ruin after taking tips from Ashlyn and Nero along with my own observation and seeing how such a powerful monster didn’t sense me despite being so close, it is clear my stealth method working better than I had imagined.

Still, I would have to work harder on my sensory abilities; it is a great failure on my part to be unable to sense the monster so close.

I have already started making the tweaks in my soul sense, and I hope it will help me in sensing the monsters better.

I had to wait for twenty minutes before I could move again before stopping half an hour later when I sensed another High-Grandmaster monster.

It seemed like this area was filled with the High-Grandmaster monsters; I am sure it has more High-Grandmaster monsters than the whole humans and Grimm race would. Which made me think how amazing it would be if I could tame a few, but that is near impossible.

They may be monsters, but their minds are quite strong; it is not easy to tame them, especially when they reach so close to the limit.

It had been tried many times and resulted in failure, except for one time when we have got someone with tamer type Inheritance. That person had a natural talent with beasts and would have been an exceptional asset to humans if he had not been killed.

It was not a Grimms that killed him, but humans, a high-level member of supremes. He was the elder brother of Ramona Hawthorn, and in revenge, she had destroyed that supreme. She and her excellency, only two people, together had destroyed one of the oldest supreme, with the three grand lords at its helm.

Another hour had passed, and I passed through three more High-Grandmasters, and luckily, I was able to avoid them all.

‘My god!’

I nearly shouted when I saw the piece of ore, densely packed with psychedelic energy, lying buried in the ground. This ore would be perfect to cast the totem artifact of the soul domain, especially that goes toward the psychedelic, but those with illusion abilities will also be able to use it.

This region is dangerous, without a doubt, but also jam-packed with resources. It is virgin land, has never been touched by the Grimms or humans before, and is jammed-packed with resources. I have already harvested thousands of them and still doing now.

Hundreds of invisible strings are spread around me, harvesting resources skillfully without making the slightest sound.

Two hours passed, and I couldn’t believe myself. I have not been sensed by any monster; such thing had never happened before ever since I have come to this ruin. Though, it is also true that I am moving hundreds of times slower and using a powerful stealth method.

The monsters here have their strange abilities, and I have mine.

Chew Chew

Suddenly, Ashlyn chirped in my mind, and the scenery in front of me changed. An eagle eyes view appeared, and I saw a domain hidden in the ground. A very well-constructed powerful domain, and just one look and I knew who it belonged to and what kind of abilities it had.

Its appearance here is not surprising given its abilities, though I did get surprised seeing it get caught with the monsters. This Grimm has one of the best stealth abilities among the High-Grandmaster, and we had wanted to kill it for a long while; it had assassinated quite a lot of our people.

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