Monster Integration

Chapter 2646: Promotional

Chapter 2646: Promotional

“Grandmaster, the council wishes you the best of luck with your mission. It is going to be the difficult one,” She said; thankfully, she did not try to dissuade me like she did two days when I told her I wanted to go for this mission.

“Thank you, Grand Commander, council,” I replied before cutting the connection and coming back to the conference room of the project.

I was planning to go on the mission after I finished with this month’s breakthroughs, but something happened the day before yesterday.

The pyramid had sensed the powerful signs from the ruin, and reading the signals, I decided to go to the ruin, but unlike most ruins, one could not go there anytime they wanted to. This ruin had active spatial defenses, which were only open for about an hour and a half every four days.

Today is the day its spatial defenses will open, and I am sure I will not be the only one who will be going to that ruin; the friends from Grimms will also come, I am sure of it.

The signal was so powerful that I am sure the Grimms would have sensed it, and they will send a force, and I hope they do. As the project progressed, the need for special resources also increased, especially the need for the stainless blood soul lotuses.

If I had a sufficient number of stainless blood soul lotuses in my hands, I would have double the number of Masters leveling up to the Grandmaster class, not just Grandmaster, but other stages too.

The resource has become too important, but I do not have enough lotuses. Even when I mature them all to a certain level, it still would not be enough for all.

“Mary, had Grandmaster Charline and Erica finished with the thing?” I asked with a faint guilty smile, “No, they are still working,” she replied and turned to show me the screen, where she was with her real body, present with Grandmaster Charline, Erica, and a man who looked to be in his early forties.

Marie is asking the question as Grandmaster Charline and Erica heals the middle-aged man.

This is part of a promotional event for the project; this man was chosen through the draw, and we are going to heal him. Every we choose the three biggest donors and two lucky draw winners and make their wishes come true; it is either advancement or healing them.

This man chose healing over advancement, which is not surprising considering his problem. It is quite complicated that even Grandmaster healers would find it difficult to heal, but Grandmaster Charline is skilled enough to handle such problems easily.

Marie had asked me to be the face of the campaign, but I declined it, as for this week and chosen to throw Grandmaster Charline under the bus, who is not much more enthusiastic about it than me. I wouldn’t have had a problem; it had been just healing, I could spare some time, but it shooting and answering questions that got me.

There are tens of camera drones are flying around them, and also Mary asking question after question.

“I will not say anything about pr campaign, which is obviously your forte, but I would say, do not reveal too much. Most of the working of the project still needs to remain secret,” I reminded her.

Enemies could derive a lot of things from the smallest details, and they have already begun their sabotage attempts. We have found hundreds of spying artifacts and devices in the donated materials. We have also discovered the terrifying points and curses hidden deeply in many resources.

It is the reason why I have been so adamant about the project remaining a secrete, and if we did not need the resources so desperately, we wouldn’t have started this donation campaign, which has been wildly successful, but also came with its own risks.

“Don’t worry; I will be careful about what I say,” she said seriously.

She might look impulsive in her behavior, but she is quite careful. Still, I reminded her; that the project is very dear to my heart and could be said to be extremly important for the survival of the human race and might even give us the chance to raze these pets from our world.

So, I need the project to be just as it was when I returned from the room.

I finished the work in the conference room a few minutes before going out for the treatments. I have to finish them all by the evening, and there is also a meeting with all core members, after which I will leave for the ruin.

I wish I could have some free time with Marina, but both of us are very busy today. Though, I am not complaining, seeing we barely slept last night.


Before I knew it, it was evening, and I walked back into the conference room, which was already filled. Everyone is present, including Marina. She looked at me, and in her eyes, there were no emotions that said we were romantically involved; we were just normal teachers and students.

“Good, since everybody is here, we can begin,” I said as I sat on my seat.

The meeting lasted for one and half hours and finished a few minutes before I had to leave, which was quite a bummer as I really wanted some good alone time with Marina before I left.

“Best of luck and stay safe,” she said and came closer for the kiss; we kissed gently for a minute before letting go. “I am going to miss you,” I said as I enveloped her in my arms. “Me too. So, you have to come early and in one piece,” she said.

“I will,” I said and kissed her temple gently before walking toward the teleportation formation.

“Bye, love,” I said as the teleportation formation lit up before I disappeared. A moment late, I appeared in the hall with the teleportation gate.

Only the high Grandmasters or people with enough access could enter the teleportation hall directly right now. The council had made the rules around realm-breaking gates stricter, with the change that happened in the war and also one of the traitors that had planned sabotage with the body bomb.

“Lord Zaar, the ruin will be opened in nine minutes and seven seconds,” the technician informed. “Ok,” I said and closed my eyes.

I entered my core and saw my clone, sorting the stuff we had received through an unknown donation. Currently, it is on the methods, reading them one by one before sorting them. All the methods that couldn’t be properly graded are coming to me, along with the resources and the artifacts.

I have found some good methods and recipes that will help the project a lot and also me. There are some methods that held quite a lot of inspiration; my clone had already begun researching them.

There are not many things for me to look at; more than 99% of things get sorted, tagged, and marked in the warehouses before moving to vaults, and very few reached me and others for a look.

The scholars are quite good at their job, and with our three-layer assessment, we have not been able to find a single fault in their work.

I also started to help it; though my speed is not even half compared to my clone, it still counts in reducing the time. The sooner my clone finished it, the sooner it would be able to move to the more important things.

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