Monster Integration

Chapter 2639: Boiled II

Chapter 2639: Boiled II

“You can begin, Micheal,” Jim’s clear voice rang out in the boiling cauldron.

It had been a few seconds since the water in the cauldron had started to boil, and it had already become unbearable, and it was not even the hottest temperature the more ware will reach. I really wanted to unseal my power and activate my defenses, but I could not do that.

I have sealed all my powers except for my internal energy, which is required to create this solution.

“Ok,” I replied, sending my voice out through the internal energy before I began.

‘It is going to be very painful,’ I said to myself and took in the energy from the water, and I was right. It instantly made me grit my teeth, as I felt like I had taken the burning lava inside me. It is extremly hot, and these energies are also dangerous.

If I had been a common high Grandmaster with regular mana veins, I would have found myself in real trouble. This energy would have really damaged my veins.

I took the energy and mixed it with my internal energy as the recipe of the solution had said and begin to circulate it. The method did not mention any path of energy circulation; I could circulate it through any path. The only requirement it had was the merging of the internal energy and the energy of the solution, which is a challenge itself.

So, I begin to circulate the energies through the path of supreme combat exercise, not only because it will help me score some seals but also because it will automatically merge the two energies.

I will not have to put any effort into merging the energies; the exercise will do it on its own as long as I circulate them together. The supreme combat exercise is mysterious in ways.

I begin to circulate, and as usual, the circulation is difficult; I have reached quite further in the supreme combat exercise. I have already created the six seals, and the seventh seal is not far, which is making the circulation extremly difficult.

Still, I pushed, and in just a minute, I saw my internal energy had completely merged with the energy taken from the solutions.

I should have been releasing this energy, but I did not. Instead, I took more of the energy from the solution and added my internal energy to it, and began circulating in the path of supreme combat exercise. I did not stop taking the energy; I continued taking it and mixing it with my internal energy before circulating.

What I am doing is very risky, not only for me but also for the solution; I would need to continue releasing the energy into the solution; if I did not do that few minutes, the solution would go to waste. Only be used as the fuel for my art.

I am taking the risk because I want to make myself feel the pressure; only in this way I would be able to complete the circulation and create the seal.

So, I pushed myself further and further, taking more and more energy from the solution; after some time, I felt like a balloon, which had been filled to its limit, and any further, it might explode, but despite that, I kept taking more and more energies as I keep circulating.

“Micheal, the solution had reached the critical stage. If you do not release the energies within half a minute, the solution would be spoiled,” Jim said.


I did not reply to him and instead pushed myself harder to complete the circulation. I have already reached the edge, and now I just have to break the wall that is stopping me from creating the seal, which is the biggest challenge in creating the seals of supreme combat exercise.

Five seconds, ten seconds, and twenty seconds passed, and I kept assaulting the wall, but it did not seem to break; but I kept pushing and pushing while taking more and more energy inside me, till even my veins began to protest.

Jim is calling me over and over, informing me about the state of the solution while I am trying to destroy the wall.


“Twenty-five passed, Mich”

Jim’s voice stopped midway as I broke the wall, and I began to release the energy, which had not only merged perfectly but also purified.

Though I did not release all the energy at once, I began to release it in a slow stream and would absorb as much energy as I would release.

The recipe’s first requirement about the energy is to be merged perfectly with the internal energy, and the second is optional but very important to the efficacy. It needs to be concentrated and pure, which will directly increase the power of the solution.

I did not stop after creating the seal and continued to press even harder as creating the new seal was going to be even harder.

Time passed, and I created another seal while Jim silently worked on the solution, adding more things inside, shifting the energies in a complicated fashion that was beyond my skills.

I had seen Jim working before and knew his skills, but it was the first time I saw the scale of it, and I have to say, it was shocking. It seemed like his skills were above what I was giving him credit for, and there was so much I could learn that I had asked my clone to stop sorting the resources and focus on observing Jim.

An hour passed, and now the solution had reached its peak boiling point; it had become so hot that my skin began to cook, and if it was not for its natural healing abilities, I would have been completely dead by now.

While I am surviving barely, it is a fortune nonetheless; the energies inside are giving me pain like nothing else, and it is the only reason I am continuing to create a seal.

I am really a sadist and wretched bastard who needs pain as motivation, but it is how I work, and I am not apologetic about it. There are not many at my level capable of doing what I am doing, and I am capable of doing it due to the motivation this nature of mine provides me.

Time passed as I became completely focused on circulating the energy; I forgot everything, the solution and even the pain that was motivating me and had been completely focused on circulating the energy with every ounce of my focus.

I could hear Jim trying to say something to me, but I did not care for it; the only thing my mind had was circulating and nothing else.


I don’t know how long had passed when I came to myself as there was no energy remaining in the cauldron for me to circulate. I have processed it all that not even an ounce of it had remained.

The solution is still boiling, but I know the solution is nearly finished. Jim had to do some last stage work before cooling the solution, and till then, I will have to remain here, which is quite a bummer considering the solution is boiling me alive.

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