Monster Integration

Chapter 2600: Twelve Teams

Chapter 2600: Twelve Teams

One by one, people kept coming, all of them High Grandmasters. Entry of each one would surprise people, as more than half of them were considered dead or disappeared in some ruins; two of the High Grandmasters that came were the commanders of important forts.

They were the of the people who were most vocal about the attack, and now they have got the chance; for the time of the attack, they have been replaced with other High Grandmasters, who will take their place as commanders of their forts.

We did not want to move the leaders, as the places they are commanding are very important, but we had no choice.

These two are extremly powerful, at the absolute limit of High-Grandmaster class, and possess abilities that require for the mission, so we had no choice.

Every high Grandmaster arrived, except for one; I had been waiting for her; it had been quite a while since I had spoken to her.


I was just thinking about that when the formation lit up, and she appeared. Her appearance silenced the room instantly, everybody was looking at her, but she seemed to be used to that as she looked around with an expressionless face before her eyes fell on me and a small smile appeared on her face.

She disappeared from her place and appeared beside me, “It has been long,” she said in her soft voice, “Yes, a long while,” I replied and gave my cute friend a hug.

She is jill, and it had been a very long time since I had seen her. “How are you?” I asked.

Ever since her Inheritance was revealed, everything had changed. Instantly, she had received the weight of a mountain of responsibilities and expectations on her delicate shoulders. I would have broken down if I had been in her place.

“I am good,” she replied with a tight smile, and I knew it was not the truth, but I did not further.

The war and responsibilities had taken all the happiness from her. Though she looked much better than before, the slight hollowness that I had seen in her eyes had disappeared.

“You seemed good. Did you find a boyfriend or something?” I asked, and it instantly reddened her cheeks before she controlled her expressions and glared at me. “No, I had just gotten a lot stronger, and now very things bother me,” she replied, and hearing that smile on my face dimmed, I sighed.

“Don’t shut yourself from the world; we are still young and should enjoy life, despite its woes,” I said as I took her hand into mine and gripped it reassuringly.

“You are talking like my brother; it seemed like you to have gotten a new girlfriend,” she said and looked at me with the glittering eyes, “Of course, and you should too get yourself a one,” I replied, and once again her cheeks reddened for a moment.

I stopped teasing her, and we caught up on things, what we had done and what we were doing, of course leaving the super-secret stuff that we know.

We were talking among ourselves when a couple of teleportation formations appeared in front of us, and a moment later, the whole council appeared, all twelve of them nine present with nine in their physical self.

“Council,” said everyone in unison. “Good, everyone has arrived, and I am sure I won’t have to tell you why you have all been summoned here?” Grand Commander asked, drawing out a laugh from all the powerhouses.

“Will this be an assault of High Grandmasters only, Grand Commander?” asked Lady Redhorn, the one who had been pushing for this attack for months, and she seemed a little disappointed; she did not fear to voice out her opinion.

She had been talking out how the assault would not create an effect if it only the High Grandmasters to launch it. She said we needed the wider scale that only a large number of Grandmasters would be able to provide, and she is absolutely right.

“No, commander, it will not be the assault of High-Grandmasters only,” said the Grand Commander with a smile, and the next moment, the teleportation formations lit up across the hall, and next second, two hundred Grandmasters appeared in the hall.

Each and every one of the Grandmasters is wearing a black cloak and white ceramic mast; one could not see what is behind with their soul sense, but they could feel the rumbling aura of Grandmasters through the bodies of each and every one of them.

Seeing them, a shock couldn’t help but appear on the faces of everyone, especially the two commanders.

They expected a large number of Grandmasters when Grand Commander said it, but that number was close to a hundred.

It was the most viable number, they thought, and pulling such a number would have been hard for the pyramid; they definitely needed to call a large number of Grandmasters from the field.

Now they are seeing two hundred Grandmasters in front of them, and for such numbers, the Grand Commander would have needed to pull out more than half of the Grandmasters from the active field, and she did not do that.

They would have known if she had pulled such numbers from the active field, as it had not been an hour since they left their post from their fort.

“H…how?” asked Grandmaster Redhorn in shock and, seeing that a bigger smile than required, couldn’t help but appear on her face. This is the woman who had been stressing her for a month, and now seeing such expressions on her face, she couldn’t help but feel satisfied.

“Grimms are the not the only ones who could churn the Grandmasters; we have the ability too,” she said to the shock of everyone.

“We wanted to wait for a few more months and gather even more forces before assaulting the Grimms, but the death of the lord of glass had forced our hand,” she said, and fire of burning revenge blazed in her eyes.


“The Grimms have done something they shouldn’t have, and for it, they will pay the price,” she declared and tapped her foot on the ground.

“This is the battle plan; we will move according to it,” she said as she produced a battle plan.

In the battle plan, there are twelve teams; seven would be led by seven council members and would attack the seven most important forts of Grimms, while five teams, two of which led by the Grandmasters, would move to attack ruins and realms held by Grimms.

All five of these ruins and realms are extremly important to Grimms; all of them are rich resource sites, greater in value than even navar ruin. Successfully capturing even a single ruin or realm will deal a huge blow to Grimms.

It is either capture or destroy; the Grimms have done that to us since the war begin. They have pillaged, captured, and destroyed, and now we will do the same to them.

“The attack will commence in one minute,” she said, and everybody began moving toward their group, including the Grand Commander; this time, she would not sit on the sideline but participate in the attack, attacking the most dangerous target with the biggest group.

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