Monster Integration

Chapter 2509 Covered

Chapter 2509 Covered  ”Grandmaster, I am ready.” Said Leonard; I am not surprised to hear that; he has been ready for months, but I was not. 

I have wanted him to be completely sure of his choice as what we are going to do is extremly dangerous. He could die or, worse, be a cripple, or something else entirely happen; it is completely uncharted territory for me.

”Are you really sure? A failure will ruin you forever,” I asked. I have already explained the dangers of it clearly, as the chances of failure are greater than I like them to be.

”I am sure,” He said firmly.

”Since you are, let’s begin,” I said and waved my hand; a small formation appeared on the floor with the resources neatly plated on it. If anyone sees these resources, their eyes will go wide, and even Leonard is a little surprised to see them.

He quickly got over his surprise and took off most of his clothes before sitting in the center of the formation with a calm look, but I could see the hidden nervousness in his eyes.

”We will first purify your body; it will give us a greater chance of success,” I said and took out a small crystal box. Inside the box is a single blood-red lotus petal.

”Eat this,” I said and handed him the petal of stainless blood soul lotus. 


He ate the petal without question, and I activated the formation; unlike the elites, Leonard did not need my help in purification.

With Leonard going through the purification, I began to look through the preparation which I had spent months on, and everything looked perfect. 

I have done everything I could; whether we succeed or not will depend on my preparations, his resilience, and a little bit of luck. 


I was double-checking, triple-checking the preparations, triple-checking them when I heard steps behind me. I did not have to look behind to see who it was; only one person beside Leonard and I knew what I was doing and had access to come here.

”How are the preparations?” asked Marina softly. “I have done everything I could,” I replied, to which she nodded and sat beside me, weaving her hand into mine.


Half an hour passed, and the formation died down; like I did with elites in the morning, I summoned the kindle of silver fire and burned all the impurities piled up on Leonard’s body, revealing the Leonard who had gone through the purification. 

The changes in him are very noticeable; his buffed-up body has become considerably thin, and now, he looks like a normal person and not a mini giant.

There is also radiance to him, which couldn’t help but people look at him. If he walked in the streets, people would turn to look at him.

The important changes have happened inside him, unlike what happened with elites. Here most of the energy of petals had gone for the purification, as unlike them, Leonard’s strength was already consolidated, and he had already reached the limit, so there was not much increse there.

The result is better than I had expected, with such a pure body; the chances of success would increse a little.

”You are now ready to begin,” I said and motioned toward the huge formation, which had covered the whole hall. With a huge amount of resources placed on it, they are not just for the process but also for the breakthrough that will come later.

If we succeed, then Leonard will definitely make a breakthrough into the Grandmaster class and would need these resources.

Leonard walked into the center of the huge formation and sat down and looked pink- at the blue triangle in front of him. The triangle is the most important part, and it is an amalgamation of all the hard work I had put into realizing this ambitious project of mine.

”You can still back down, Leonard; it is not late,” I said, giving him one last chance to back down from this dangerous endeavor.

”I have made my mind, mentor,” He replied, and hearing his tone, I did not question him further.

”Activate the formation then,” I said with excitement and nervousness burning in my eyes.


He activated the formation, and half of it had lit up like a burning.

A second later, the pink-blue triangle began to float in the air slowly and stopped a few moments later when it reached the level of Leonard’s chest and moved toward it.

It took a few seconds for it to reach his heart before it began to seep inside him; there was no resistance from Leonard while it happened, only excitement for it.

Soon, it reached inside his heart, near his inheritance point and fusion point of his art and constitution. The Pyramid had already lost its shape as it had seeped inside Leonard’s heart; now, it is just a blob of pink-blue which is now moving toward the inheritance point.

I watched with the bated breaths as it had touched the inheritance point, and there was no reaction from it. Usually, the Inheritance points are very sensitive; they would react to anything that touched them, much less threaten their existence, which is what I am trying to achieve.

I am going to destroy this Inheritance and replace it with the one I had crafted for Leonard. If it works, then it will transform leanard.

The Inheritance is crafted for Leonards, taking his strength and weakness in mind. With it, he will be able to display the immense power his fusion of art and constitution provide, even though I don’t know the kind of strength he will have.

This is a very dangerous thing I am doing, and if it had been Inheritance outside of the world, I would not have even thought about doing something like it, but this Inheritance is created by someone in our world, a Grandmaster.

This Inheritance has stunted Leonard’s growth; if he had an apex Inheritance in its place or one of the good Inheritance, he would have been Grandmaster, even without my help.

In just a few seconds, it had completely covered the Inheritance point, and now it is seeping inside it, covering every ruin that exists inside it and the runes of Inheritance that spread throughout Leonards’s body.

I have a huge meta-scan of Leonard in front of me, so Marina can see what is happening. Now, she sees hundreds of runes becoming visible every second throughout Leonard’s body as the pink-blue substance covers them.

”It is really amazing,” Marina said, and before I could say anything, I found Marina’s lips on mine in a passionate kiss that lit up fire across my body but ended up too soon.

I really wanted to press her up against the wall and have my way with her, but I was doing a very important thing and couldn’t afford to be distracted, and she knew it as she looked at me with a dare in her twinkling eyes.

’You will pay the price for it,’ I said in my mind as I took a deep break before focusing back on Leonards’s metaphysical scan, which had now littered with runes, and hundreds were still appearing every second.

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