Monster Integration

Chapter 2478 Degradation

Chapter 2478 Degradation  The constitution is doing what it had done to Grandmaster Sethi; it had turned on the Marina, and its intensity is far greater than what had happened during the Grandmaster Sethi, and the worse thing is, I can not stop it.

I could stop it, but the consequences of it would be far direr than the let it continue, as this is not a natural constitution I am dealing with but something artificial which has an amalgamation of very powerful energy.

This is why even letting it continue would have a danger, but that danger would be far less than continuing than stopping it.


I did not wait any longer but took out the formation and the resources, which were packed in tens of tiny little bottles. It looked like a bottle containing a crystalline liquid of different colors, which is just an extremly concentrated herbal essence.

I knew there was a chance of something like this happening and prepared for it; those bottles contain the essence of Master class resources. 

Soon, the mist of essence enveloped Marina that I could only see the silhouette of her, but that did not impede me from what was happening inside her, and it was just like what had happened with Grandmaster Sethi.


For the next four minutes, nothing different had happened; it behaved as it had behaved in Grandmaster Sethi, just kept accumulating power when something different began to happen.

It began to change, and seeing what was happening, my eyes couldn’t help but widen up in a shock. 

Earlier, before it had turned on itself for energies, the pearl had perfectly merged with the constitution, and the only thing it had to do was create the first base, but it seemed like I had been a little wrong about the perfect merge.

The earlier merge was not perfect; what is happening right now is perfect.

The power of pearl is taking the energy and now merging itself even more perfectly with the constitution. I could the changes it is bringing with its merge, and it couldn’t help but surprise me, as it is not only merging but also increasing teachers’ strength.

If the power of the constitution increased, then the strength of the host would also increase. They are one to each other.

A few minutes passed, and the resources I had placed in the formation were coming to an end, but the constitution was still sucking up the energies. I thought for a while before, bringing out a few bottles of concentrated essences, and this time, these essences are of the Grandmaster class resources.

Seven bottles appeared around Marina, and a few seconds later, the energies began to move inside her before getting consumed by the constitution.

The Grandmaster’s essence changed things for the better; it is not just the pearl that merged with the constitution even more perfectly; even the constitution itself with the host, which had been changed by the attribute of Leonard, had merged with the host at a much deeper level.

What is happening is shocking as I had not throught as something like this might happen, but that is my mistake; it seemed like I had underestimated cosmic elemental energy too much, which now seemed to be running the show.

I have added some cosmic elemental energy into the pearl; this energy is part of the quintessence of the universe and has a mind of its own.

From what I am seeing, everything that is happening is doing, and it has made me immensely curious about what will happen in the next minute.

Marina’s strength has increased tremendously, and thanks to all this precious energy and an immense amount of rule-bending power, her limit has stretched so much that now, with the power of a leader, she will be able to fight against the Masters.

The limit could not be stretched forever with all the precious in the world, and it had its own limitations, and now it is reaching those limitations.

The teacher is a leader of class Tyrants, and if her constitution wants to continue providing her power, then she will have to level up, and she is not ready. She hadn’t fulfilled all the criteria of her extremly strict Inheritance.

I just thought that when suddenly, a small stream of energy moved toward the Inheritance center right above it.


It touched it before I could stop it, and to my shock, it directly went inside, opening up the Inheritance to my eyes. 

I thought the power of the constitution would be repelled; Inheritances are very protective of their sacred spaces; anything that went for them gets repelled, and if that thing is forceful, then they self-destruct, but now the energy had seeped inside.

It is not surprising; seeing the Inheritance is part of Marina, and a big part of Marina is able to imprint it because she had a suitable constitution. Though the constitution may have changed, it possesses its olden qualities and thus was able to enter inside.

The inside of the Inheritance is vast; it is very clear that her excellency has put quite a lot of effort into creating this Inheritance. By our world standard, it is a league apart from any Inheritance that is crafted in our world.

The energy spreads into the Inheritance and begins to cover each and every rune while I begin to search for something specific. 

Even though the Inheritance is vast, it is neat and orderly, and those with enough knowledge and familiarity with the creator’s style can find what they are looking for with some effort. 


It took me a few minutes, and when I looked at it, I couldn’t help but get shocked. I had expected this scenario, but what I saw couldn’t help but shock me, especially when I studied the parameters, which made me feel ashamed of how much I had underestimated Marina.

I am looking at the command of the Inheritance, where the logic gates are; this is the place where the parameters of each breakthrough are laid, and they are in degradation.

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