Monster Integration

Chapter 2473 Great Bounty

Chapter 2473 Great Bounty  ’Fuck, will it ever be satiated!’ I thought as I brought out another huge load of Master class resources. 

I had begun with the common tyrant class resources and continued increasing level as the hunger of her constitution increased. It had been less than ten minutes, but it had already eaten enough resources that would be enough for ten common Tyranst to reach the Master class.

Thankfully, I had done my research on her constitution and had only been feeding degraded resources. The failed product of my experiments and the ones I had brought from the alchemist, I have loads of them on every level.

It had been only a few seconds since I had added the load of the Master class resources, but already it had consumed half, and it wouldn’t take it more than a few seconds to consume the rest.

Four seconds have passed, and that huge load of resources has nearly disappeared. It had taken barely ten seconds to consume the resources that a Master would have needed more than an hour to consume during their breakthrough.


Seeing that, I brought out another load of the resources, but these resources were not of the Master class but of the Grandmaster class. 

I could have continued with Master class resources, but I did not. I wanted to see how great its hunger is and what kind of resources it could consume, and most importantly, what it will do after it consumes the resources to its limit.

My seed is recording everything, and the data I am getting is truly amazing. I had never been able to get such data on the constitution before, and now I did, and the true image of her constitution began to form in my mind.

”Just what is her constitution? It is consuming everything,” asked Lady May; she had appeared beside me not long ago; not only she, but others also have appeared. What is happening in front of them is too interesting to look at from the viewing screen.

Fifty seconds later, the constitution consumed the resources, and I added another load without wasting a second. This load is of an even higher grade than the previous but still took about the same time for the constitution to consume.

It is getting powerful after each consumption of resources.

When I have done my experiment on it, it does not behave in such a way. Normally, this did not get stronger with just resources, though they are the most important part of it. The method, chances, and a few other things are also required for it.

So, what the constitution is doing is quite extreme but not surprising, considering its survival is on the line.

Most of the constitutions get destroyed by the Bloodline, while some got melded to its needs if they were suitable for the Bloodline. Both options are not agreeable with this constitution, so it is accumulating power, even with the cost of damaging its future.

Time passed, and I have added twenty-one loads of Grandmaster class resources; each load of resources was of a higher grade than the previous one, but it had still taken less than a minute to consume it.


I added the twenty-second load of Grandmaster class resources, and it began to consume it even more ravenously.

The Bloodline has made huge progress; from what I could tell, it had finished nearly 70% of assimilation, which is very fast but not surprising. The Bloodline had noted the growth of the constitution and forced itself to assimilate with Grandmaster Sethi at its greatest speed.

With this level of assimilation, it won’t be long before it turns its eyes on the constitution; the assimilation process will only be complete when it has destroyed or melded the constitution to its need.


A few seconds passed when a sudden change had occurred; the constitution had stopped consuming the resource; it did not slow down but stopped.

As it did, a great change occurred; the dark grey representing it turned into a deep black color and began to release an aura that even scared a peak Grandmaster. 

I instantly covered everyone with my aura, and they were shocked; aside from Lady May and Marina, nobody knew I had leveled up to peak Grandmaster class, and now they know.


People did not have time to remain shocked as the constitution attacked the Bloodline, wanting to tear it apart, but the Bloodline seemed to be prepared, even waiting for it as it had directly moved to envelop it.

Unlike the assault of the constitution, which was fast and hard and even injured the host body. The attack from Bloodline, on the other hand, was very soft; within a second, it had enveloped the constitution from all sides before beginning to send its vines inside.

As the vines pierced through it, its assault slowed down till it stopped; it had become meat under the butcher blade.

’The constitution had no chance from the beginning,’ I said with a sigh seeing how the Bloodline had subdued it. It had even let it grow stronger for some reason, which I am sure, I will know soon enough. 

Crack Crack Crack 

A minute later, I understood everything. The Bloodline is breaking the constitution into pieces before consuming it.

My eyes couldn’t help but flash up seeing that; this was a great opportunity for me. It would be completely worthwhile to use that humongous amount of resources that I fed to the constitution.

I did not waste any time as I saw what the Bloodline was trying to do.

My huge blob of hidden seed appeared above the broken constitution and released tens of tentacles, and these tentacles began to grab the pieces of the constitution and take them into the blob.

These tentacles did not target big pieces as I did not want to attract the attention of Bloodline. Even though my seed is hidden, it could be still detected, seeing it is the soul type of Bloodline I am dealing with.

They have very powerful senses, and it would be very regrettable if I got caught before I was able to get my fair share of this great bounty.

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