Monster Integration

Chapter 2469 Soul Soothing Flower Queen Bloodline Fruit

Chapter 2469 Soul Soothing Flower Queen Bloodline Fruit  I closed the scroll and placed it beside the tome; today, I will spare some time out of my already busy schedule to study those two things daily. 

With that done, I turned to the last thing I had brought from the ruin; the storage of Frogman. I did not get a chance to open it as I was more focused on the tree. Now that I have time, I want to see what is inside it.


I unloaded the whole storage, and loads of this appeared in my core. It is more than what I have found in the storage of other peak Grandmasters, which is not surprising considering the Frogman is the most powerful peak Grandmaster that appeared in the ruin.

It is quite unfortunate that it was not able to show off its strength. It had got controlled by Nero and died in a single attack by the cyclops’ golem.

I left the sorting of resources to my avatar and began to write new orders for everyone and arrange meetings. 

I have already chosen the people to make a breakthrough into the Grandmaster class. Though the number is much less than the previous month, it is still going to impress the council and those above them.

I have already arranged a meeting with Grandmaster Sethi to discuss the psychological state of the chosen subjects. She had already given her detailed report, but I still wanted to hear her opinion personally, so not a single mistake could occur during the breakthroughs of subjects; I could not afford it.


A few minutes passed when suddenly, I stopped working, and my eyes went wide in shock. A second ago, my avatar had opened a protected wooden box, and in there, it had found a miracle fruit.

It is not a common miracle fruit; I have several of them in my storage. They require some special solution, this one is of the most precious type. The one that rarely appears in the vaults of the Pyramid as most people who found it ate themselves or gave it to their descendants.

As this fruit could make even talentless talented and its benefits last for a generation, it is a Bloodline type Miracle fruit.

It quickly controlled my emotions and went inside my core and looked at the silvery-white fruit that looked like mango and had distinct wavy patterns.

Those patterns felt familiar that immediately a tome appeared in my hand, and I began to flip the pages till I saw the same pattern on the page. The book I am holding is a book of bloodlines; each Bloodline has a distinct that pattern would appear on the miracle fruit of that Bloodline.

”Soul Soothing Flower Queen Bloodline,” I said and read the whole page again, despite remembering most of the details of the page, which I had read quite a while ago.

The bloodline fruit is of the soul-soothing flower queen bloodline, a soul element Bloodline. It is an average bloodline, but people would consider it close to high grade one due to its soul nature which is extremely rare among the bloodlines.

If I gave the Bloodline Fruit to Pyramid, it would disappear within an hour. I will not give it to them as I already have a candidate in mind.

I carefully inspected the fruit; while consuming the Bloodline, fruit is mostly safe; unfortunate things could happen like what happened with the professor and Rai, and both of them were quite lucky as most people die when problems occur in the bloodline fruit.

The fruit is fully matured and without any problem; seeing that I packed the fruit and got out of my core before informing about the Bloodline fruit to council and the person, I will give it. 

It is policy, and while most people do not follow it, given the preciousness of the Bloodline fruit. I have to; it would be disrespectful if I did not.


I got a reply a minute later; it was from Grand Commander itself. She congratulated me and told me she did not have a problem with the person I had chosen to give the fruit to, which is not surprising considering that if the Pyramid had found the fruit, it would have gone to the same person.

The last time Pyramid had got their hands on Bloodline fruit, they offered it to that person, but they rejected it. Saying they will only accept the bloodline fruit of soul nature of miracle fruit and nothing else.

Knock Knock!

Half an hour passed when I heard the knock on the conference room door. “Come in,” I said, and a second later, petite women walked in.

”Director,” She greeted. This is the new designation I got; the council felt with most people being Grandmasters in my team, I would need a different title to project my authority better, and thus ‘director’ was created.

”Grandmaster Sethi, please take a seat,”  I said as I offered her the seat. “Thank you, director,” she said and took a seat beside me.

”You have cut the two names from the list I have given you, Grandmaster,” I said. A day before I left for the ruins, I had given her the list of people; I wanted to make a breakthrough into Grandmaster and needed her to go ahead on their psych.

”Of the list of nine, seven are ready for the breakthrough, but two are not; they still have trauma through which they haven’t healed completely,” she said.

”Ronal Vargas’s near familiar to break into Grandmaster class had left a deep impression on him, and Joan Cohen still hasn’t gotten over the loss of her son; they need more time and treatment.” She said to which I could only sigh hearing that.

”Use any method you have, Grandmaster; I want them ready in three months,” I said. I could only spare three months. If their psychological condition did not improve by them, I would still make the breakthrough into the Grandmaster class.

”I will try,” She replied.

”What about the other list?” I asked a second later, “I am still not finished with it,” She replied. I did not force her on that; she is already buried in work and at the limit of her abilities.

It would have been great if she had been a Grandmaster or even Master rather than a common Tyrant, a state she was only able to reach due to Pyramid not sparing any resources in her growth despite that constitution of her.

If it were not for that, the number of resources they have spent on her would have been enough to make the several Grandmasters.

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