Monster Integration

Chapter 2463 Escape I

Chapter 2463 Escape I  The golden fiery Werewolf head is huge, more than ten times bigger than me, and it is emitting such power that it would vaporize anyone below the High Grandmaster.

It is now coming at me bearing its full might as the Golden Fire Werewolf watched with a casual but cautious smile that emits confidence. I wish I had such confidence in fighting against it, but I did not; I don’t know whether my shields would be able to stand against such an enemy or not.


It roared deafeningly as it reached halfway and attacked have, revealed its true aura; the Grimm had hidden a lot more power into the attack than I had expected; I hoped my shields would be enough to deal against the attack.

The golden fire head of the Werewolf didn’t take even a second to reach my invisible shields before crashing into them.


The fiery head clashed against my shields and instantly made them visible and lighted up. The shields begin to absorb the power of the golden fire, which’s power is really something else.

The golden fire is famed for its power, and it is the fire that gave the Golden Fire Werewolves their names and power. 

Its power is leagues above the other fire of the Grimm Monsters, and if its not for that, then the Golden Fire Werewolves wouldn’t the only tribe which also has a member in the coven since they attacked our world and also the tribe that produced the most leaders of the coven.

”Micheal Zaar,” It said with clear surprise in its eyes as my shields became visible. My shields have become quite famous; there won’t be any high-leveled Grimm Monster who wouldn’t be able to recognize me from my shields.

”Nice attack,” I said as I took a step toward the door but stopped immediately when it moved ahead of me. It is very clear that if I want to reach the door, then I will have to go through it, and it would not be easy.

”It was, but it seemed like it was not enough to kill you,” It replied and did not seem much stressed, seeing me defending against its attacks.

”You should try something better then,” I taunted, and it did not get angry at taunt at all. Instead, there was a bright smile on its face as the aura around it became denser, and twelve streams of golden fires released from its body, forming twelve werewolves’ heads.

These twelve Werewolf heads are smaller; each one of them is around five meters long, but the power they are emitting is much higher than the big Werewolf head of before.

”Die human,” It said simply and sent twelve fiery werewolf heads at me. They really looked scary, and if I did not have my shields on me, I would have definitely run back into the door.


The heads roared loudly as they came at me, and less than a second later, they appeared right in front of my shields.


One after another, the roaring golden werewolf heads crashed on my shields, making them resplendently bright and also sending a huge amount of fiery energy at me, which made my body look like a cooked shrimp.

Thankfully, I have the most wonderful runes; otherwise, I would have been fully cooked and dead right now.

The Grimm would need to add some salt and spices to me, and I would be ready to eat, and I am sure I would taste wonderful.

It took a couple of seconds, and finally, all the energy cleared, and the Golden Fire Werewolf got a clear look at me. This time, the Werewolf is not able to keep itself calm; seeing me completely fine that would have decimated any other peak Grandmaster, it had lost it.

Faint anger has appeared in its eyes, and its aura rumbled; its aura was really powerful that I had to consciously force myself not to take a step back that I desperately wanted to take.

”Try something better otherwise, you would not be able to me from getting out of that door,” I said while motioning toward the big door behind it.

I know antagonizing would not be a wise move, and I would not do that normally unless I am sure of killing the enemy; I did not use the taunt, but this time, I had to. I need to be sure of its power, as only that way I will be confident of using that move.

If I find out its power is beyond what I could handle, then I would go back inside the door and search for another exit or wait till the Grimm Monsters disappeared. As it would be the only way I will have unless I want to march it to my death, I have no intentions to do that.

”You know, I hate the people with a sharp tongue the most; I have even made a collection of their tongues, and I am going to add yours to it,” It said while smiling fiendishly as its hands moved.

”Golden Mayhem!” It shouted, and erratic swirls of golden fire appeared around it. These fiery swirls are small and bit, moving left and right, up and down, one could not guess their direction, but one thing is clear, they are extremely powerful.

So, much that I begin having second thoughts about my plan.

”Rot in hell, Zaar!” It said as it laughed crazily and sent the swirls toward me.

Za Za Za

A weird sound came from the swirls as they came toward me, and I redied my shields as I poured every bit of energy I had.


The swirls were much faster than I had expected them to be, and they appeared beside my shields in an instant before crashing into them. 

The moment they crashed, I felt as if the sledgehammer had hit me before sending me to a pit of lava. Each of these swirls held a crazy power, and the fire energy inside them was extremely concentrated than I felt like I was bathing in the lave.

For a second, I wanted to leave, but I held on.

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