Monster Integration

Chapter 2441 The Bronze Door

Chapter 2441 The Bronze Door  Hun!

A few hours later, the Grimms stopped, and their action surprised me before I looked at the face of the old Foxman, and everything became clear.

As I had expected, the Bullman had ordered the rest.

It had been six days since we had entered the ruin, and the old Foxman had constantly been solving the formations for five days at the least, and it had taken a toll on it that it could not function at its peak without taking the rest.

Grandmasters could easily remain awake for weeks, but with days, the strain of lack of builds up very fast if one is working on an activity that takes told on one soul, body, or energy.

Solving formation is very straining, and on top of that, the old Foxman is also using the protection artifact against the thick metallic and death energies here, which is also quite straining to its energy; it is already a wonder it continued without losing its edge for so long.

I wonder what will they do if they find out I am also here in this repository; I am sure the resting would become the last thing on their mind.

A few minutes later, I also sat down in the protected formation and took dinner. Ashlyn and I both are feeling quite hungry, and I am also very tired. 

Ever since I had come to this ruin, I had been pushing myself hard. I have grown tired, but seeing Grimms continue to break one room after another, I also kept pushing myself.

I quickly ate the flesh food my avatar had cooked within minutes and closed my eyes to sleep. I had kept Ashlyn guard; she could deal with danger than even I could not. If something came that even she can not deal with, then I am fucked.


I slept for three hours before the loud vibration of my holowatch woke me up; I usually woke before the alarm, and when I did not, it meant I was very tired.

I felt good as I woke up but soon, my eyes became serious when I saw the Grimms also woken and begin breaking into the rooms again. 

A few words with Nero let me know that Grimms have woken up not long ago, but that did not stop me from starting working immediately. With the Grimm and me, I have already found the three things they need, and I have to be faster if I want to find the other two things before them.

The bad news came quickly; just five hours after waking up, the Grimms had found another resource they needed, and it had filled more than half of the room, which have instantly lighted up the eyes of Bullman and old Foxman like the shining crystal.

The room is not even a broken one; it is completely fine and won’t take more than two hours for the old Foxman to break it up.


Seeing that, I could only curse in frustration and moved to solve the formations in the rooms, and this time, I began to open them with much greater zeal than before and also began even stricter in choosing the rooms while focusing more on exploring the repository to find that last resource.

Four days passed as such, and neither the Grimms nor I found the last resource. Though, I have filled my storage with enough resources that I have a hard time becoming too disappointed.

It is the opposite for the Grimm Monsters, especially the Bullman and old Foxman, who are becoming more agitated as time passes. They even snapped at the three peak Grimms, who got excited seeing the room full of resources.

They have also changed their operational style more drastically than I. 

They stopped opening the rooms, or no; they only opened the rooms that were on the way to their exploring this repository.

They continued to become more and more agitated before suddenly, all their agitation had disappeared. Huge smiles have dawned on the face of the Bullman and the old Foxman as they saw the huge bronze door; it seemed to make them even happier than when they found one of the five resources they needed.

The Bronze door is huge, double the side of Grimm Monsters, and has a strange vein-like marking around it. I feel like these veins are the language of some sort, but sadly, I couldn’t understand what it meant.

Old Foxman and Bullman began to discuss things in silence barrier. I could not see what they were talking about, but at the end of the conversation, the old Foxman sighed with the disappointed me before nodding affirmatively at Bullman.

”Gadf with me,” The Bullman said to the Frogman and walked toward the huge bronze door.

’Nero, don’t take a risk,’ I said to Nero when I saw him attaching himself to Frogman from the Werewolf, and like before, he did not listen to me.

Nero’s ability is so good that, that he could attach themselves to Grimms to peak Grandmaster, and they did not even notice. In the past few days, he had attached himself to all the Grimm Monsters except for the Bullman; even the old Foxman, with all its strange ability, did not notice Nero.

When I saw him do that first time a few days ago, I was quite scared, and even though he will get discovered immediately but did not. Even Bullman did not discover him despite Nero being so close to him.

The Bullman appeared beside the bronze door and placed the key in the small keyhole. As it did, the bronze door lit up lightly and began to open.

A few seconds later, the door fully opened, and both Grimm took a step inside; as they did, the shocked look couldn’t help but appear on my face, and Frogman stumbled for the same reason.

The thing that shocked me was the density of energy, the energy so dense there that even peak Grandmaster could not bear it. The Frogman had to power its protective suit to full power before he was even able to stand up.

’You are right, father,’ Said Nero confirming my hypothesis that the source of metal and death energy is below; Nero is even able to sense their source.

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