Monster Integration

Chapter 2434 Solved

Chapter 2434 Solved  CLANG!

My sword clashed against it, and this time, it was not a greatsword that is clashed against it but a rapier.

I am not as skilled in rapier as I am in the greatsword, but I am sufficiently skilled enough to fight against this enemy who is attacking my weaknesses with the extreme precious.

I am very curious about its fighting codex; if I am ever able to uncover the secrets of the grey discs, then it would be one of the few things I would look at. My combat style would benefit tremendously if I were ever able to get a clear look at it.

The moment my rapier clashed against it, it had disappeared again and appeared directly above me and brought down its needle sword at my head.

It seemed to have made my head the biggest target; all three attacks were targeted at it. Even though it could target my other weakness and might even get the same result as striking my head if it can strike them.

I will not admonish it for placing itself in such restriction; a sane fighter will never make such a mistake. 

A weakness is a weakness no matter what it is, whether it is a crouch or the head. I will strike it without holding back if it gives me results. It is the same for nearly everyone, as on the battlefield, the most important thing is killing your enemy, no matter the method or the way.


Around a minute had passed when it had forced me to activate the ‘Third Boost.’ Its battle style had also taken a shift; it had been targetting all my weaknesses, and thank god, I had been prepared for it.

The attack to my back was so sudden; if I had been a fraction of a moment later. It would have blasted my spine and made me immobile; that would have been the death of me.


Another minute had passed, and the battle had reached a near end, and it was all my fault; I had drawn out more and more power rapidly, and it was responding by harnessing more and more strength from the necrotic core.

My strings had reached inside it, and I was seeing everything that was happening inside it, which again made me marvel at this amazing, efficient creation.

Whoever created this flesh golem is a pure genius; it is extremly efficient in using power. So, efficient that even the human body is failed in comparison to its artificial creation.

The maker used the artifacts to make up for the weakness of the fleshy body; they had even changed its veins and heart and replaced the being’s Inheritance core with the necrotic core, which provides a pure power.

The most amazing thing about it is that it is not at its peak; if it had, a simple wave from it would have been more than enough to raze me in an instant.

Now, I am going to kill it, which is quite regretful, as I would have loved to fight it more, but unfortunately, I did not have time.


After taking a sigh, I pulled my strings, and it froze on its spot; while its whole body lighted up, it prepared to detonate all of its artifacts.


It exploded, and the shockwaves rattled my shields; this is the explosion without the necrotic core. With it, it would have been even more powerful, and my shields wouldn’t have just rattled by it.

I looked at the four things floating in front of me; aside from the grey disc, necrotic core, and soul core, there was also the needle sword.

An hour and a half ago, Nero fought against a Flesh Golem and had made a surprising discovery. Unlike the artifact inside the golem, their weapons did not have self-destructive properties; they exploded because those artifacts sent the chaotic energies to the weapon’s core.

When one thinks about it, it is not surprising; the artifacts inside the golem are related to the secrete of the golem’s creator. It obviously didn’t want anyone to know about it, but the weapon was different.

A weapon is only a tool; the only specialty it has can channel the necrotic energy, which is not a big thing considering we could use the Grimm weapons without any problem.

I sealed the grey disc, weapon, and necrotic in the safe box before storing them in the storage whole, only keeping the soul core in my core. It is the only one I am sure is safe; the others possess considerable risk, especially that grey disk.

After storing the goods, I did not waste even a second before continuing on my journey.

I have to reach the bronze graveyard as soon as possible; I am sure that bastard Foxman is making progress, and my avatar is too; I just hope that bastard won’t be able to solve it before I reach there.

While Nero was keeping an eye on them, I asked Ashlyn to look around. I want the place completely mapped up in the case I will have to run away, which I will definitely have to if I come across the Bullman.

I am no match; at my current strength, I might be able to defend against a few moves of it, but that is all. I will need to increse my strength further if I want to successfully defend against it.

Twenty-one hours passed, and when finally, I was able to solve the aleigari puzzle of thousand variations, and I couldn’t help but feel proud about it. It had only taken me nearly three days time, which is a record; I never have been able to thousand variations aleigari puzzle before three days.

My happiness was short-lived as less than an hour later, the old Foxman bastard looked up the calibrator-like device with a toothy smile and began to arrange the runes on the door without wasting a second.

A minute later, a key of formation had formed, which was inserted inside the keyhole that appeared. A second later, the shining gemmed door began to open.

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